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Hello everybody!
Welcome back to my YouTube channel.
In today's video, we are going to see the 10 most common mistakes when people speak English.
I am going to put your English skills to the test.
I'll give you some sentences with two choices, and you pick the right one.
Are you ready to see how much English you know?
Let's begin.
Which response is correct?
Do you have the key?
Yes, I have.
Do you have the key?
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do is the right response to, Do you have the key?
And it's because we use helping verbs.
This is a common mistake because a lot of languages don't use helping verbs like do the same way English does.
When people are learning English, they might try to translate directly from their native language, which can lead to this kind of mistake.
Think of it like this.
If the question asks, do you?
The answer should follow with the helping verb, yes, I do.
For example, Hey!
Do you have cash?
Uh, yes, I do.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Oh, it's cold.
Do you have a jacket?
Yes, I do.
Do you know anything about soccer?
Yes, I do.
I've heard of Messi.
Do you know anything about baseball?
No, I don't.
Let's check out the next common mistake.
Which one do you think is correct?
Should it be people is or people are?
People are is the correct one because the word people is plural.
Even though it sounds like it could be singular, the word people always refers to more than one person.
For example, person is singular.
So you'd say the person is, but people is plural.
So you'd say the people are.
This is a simple rule that helps us make sure our sentences sound grammatically correct.
For example, people are walking on the bridge.
I think people here are really nice.
Yes, people here are really friendly.
I heard that you have family in Florida.
Yes, I do.
People there are very nice.
Now for the next example, let's say you couldn't catch the train.
Would you say I lost the train or I missed the train?
The correct one is I missed the train.
I missed the train simply means you weren't able to get on the train on time.
Think of it like this, missing an opportunity.
You were at the station, but the train left before you arrived.
There's no specific reason for not getting on the train.
It just means that you didn't make it.
But if you say I lost the train, it means you don't know where it is anymore.
It's like saying you lost your keys.
You had them, but now you can't find them.
For example, I want to go to the bathroom.
Hurry up.
I don't want to miss the bus.
Let's walk home.
No, how about we ride a scooter?
I don't want to miss the game.
Why are you sad?
I'm sad because I missed the bus.
Small details can make a big difference when you're speaking English.
Like I lost the bus versus I missed the bus.
Those two words completely change the meaning.
That's why it's super important to avoid simple mistakes.
They can change the meaning of a whole sentence or just make it sound a little odd.
And speaking of avoiding mistakes, let me tell you about today's sponsor, Preply.
Preply is an awesome language learning platform with tons of native English tutors ready to help you improve your vocabulary.
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And the best part, they're super encouraging and won't judge you for making mistakes.
Everyone makes them.
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Thanks to Preply for sponsoring this portion of this video.
Now let's continue with the next common mistake in English.
Which one sounds better to you?
I agree or I am agree.
If you said I agree, you're right.
Agree is a verb.
It's an action word that expresses agreement.
If you say I am agree, that's grammatically incorrect.
It tries to use agree as an adjective, which doesn't work in English.
You can say I am happy because happy is an adjective that describes how you feel.
But you cannot say I happy because happy is an adjective, not a verb.
So I agree is a simple way and the correct way to express your agreement.
I agree, I eat, I drink.
These are all verbs, not adjectives.
The food here is great.
I agree.
I think summer is the best season.
I agree.
I think Ronaldo is the best soccer player.
I don't agree.
I think Messi is.
Can you guess the next mistake?
Do you want anything for dessert?
I just eat.
Or do you want anything for dessert?
I just ate.
I just ate is the correct way to say you finished eating recently.
It means you're now full and ready to do something else.
We use just to talk about things that happened recently.
And ate is the past tense of eat.
I just ate a delicious pizza.
You're done eating.
I just saw a great movie.
You're not watching it now.
I just went to the mall.
You're not there anymore.
All of these verbs are in the past tense.
So when you say just and you're talking about something you did a while ago, you use the past tense of the verb.
For example, hey, hi, I just saw my friend Camila.
Camila, are you hungry?
Do you want to eat here?
I'm good.
I just ate.
What did you do today?
I just went to the movies.
How are you doing so far with the first five examples?
Are you ready to tackle the next five?
I bet you can get all of them right.
Now, can you tell me which phrase is correct?
Can you take me a picture or can you take a picture of me?
Can you take a picture of me is correct.
When you ask someone to take a picture, you need to use the word of to show who is in the picture.
You're not just taking a picture.
You're taking a picture of you.
And take me a picture is grammatically incorrect.
The phrase is missing the preposition of and it doesn't make any sense.
So can you take a picture of me is a clear and polite way to ask someone to take your picture.
For example, hey, can you take a picture of me?
Can you take a picture of me and my dog?
Now let's move on to the next common mistake.
Could you please tell me which one is correct?
I am wearing a watch or I am using a watch.
If you said I am wearing a watch, you're correct.
I am wearing a watch just means you have it on your wrist, even if you're not using it to tell time.
It's like saying it's part of your outfit, like a bracelet or a necklace.
For example, I love your outfit.
What are you wearing?
Thank you.
I'm wearing a crop top, jeans.
I'm wearing earrings, a necklace, a ring and bracelet.
And what are you wearing?
I'm wearing earrings.
I'm wearing a watch.
I'm wearing a bracelet.
I'm wearing a white shirt and I'm wearing leather pants.
I love it.
Now imagine you're at a restaurant ready to grab a table.
The host smiles and asks, How many people?
Which of these sounds more natural?
We are three or there are three of us.
There are three is a common way to tell someone how many people are in your group.
We are three is a bit short and direct for a restaurant, but of course the host will still understand you.
But it might make the host think you're talking about your age.
It's like saying I am 23 but for a group.
We are three.
So when checking in at a restaurant, there are three of us is a clear and concise way to let them know how many people are in your party.
How many?
There are three of us.
Talking about restaurants, when you're eating in a restaurant, you might get hungry.
What's the correct way to say that?
I have hungry or I am hungry.
If you said I am hungry, you're correct.
Hungry is a feeling, not a thing.
It's like being happy or sad.
It's how you feel.
So we use the verb to be to connect that feeling to ourselves.
So you will say I am hungry.
I am happy.
I am sad.
And if you are hungry and angry, you might be hangry.
I'm hungry.
I think I might eat something.
This simple rule also applies with our age.
We use the verb to be when talking about our age.
For example, I wouldn't say I have 23 years old.
I would say I am 23 years old.
I am 23 years old.
How old are you?
I'm 28.
And last but not least, what is the correct response to?
Nice to meet you.
You too or nice to meet you.
Me too.
So the correct response is responding with you too.
Saying you too is like saying it's nice to meet you too.
It shows that you feel the same way, making it polite and friendly.
If you respond with me too, it's like saying it's nice to meet me.
It just doesn't sound right.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
Ariana, I want you to meet my friend.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
So when can you respond with me too?
You can respond with me too when you agree with something.
Like if my friend says I love pizza, you can say me too.
I love pizza.
Okay, everybody.
That's all for today.
Let me know how many you got correct.
And if you really liked this video, don't forget to give me a like and subscribe.
And I'll see you guys next week.