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  • Alrighty guys, hello.

  • Welcome to the countryside.

  • I am wearing my boina so that can only mean one thing.

  • We are having a gaucho day or a country day here at an estancia in the outskirts of San Antonio de Areco.

  • This particular estancia is called El Hombu.

  • It is named after a tree that we're going to show you very shortly.

  • And basically we've got all day here.

  • We're having welcome drinks.

  • Then in the morning we have the option of riding a horse or going on a carriage ride.

  • We're going to have a barbecue lunch and then in the afternoon we're going to watch a horse whispering demonstration shall we call it.

  • It is called Doma India.

  • It can also mean like Indian taming of the horse.

  • And there is going to be folklore, there is going to be music.

  • I'm already befriending the dogs here as you can see.

  • Lots of big dogs including a Great Dane.

  • So yeah, it is going to be a really fun day here in the countryside.

  • We're getting started at eleven AM and we're going to be here until six PM.

  • This is something that can easily be booked.

  • It is a super popular day trip from Buenos Aires or you can do it here once you're in San Antonio de Areco independently.

  • And you can also spend the night at this estancia.

  • I couldn't find any availability so we stayed at a different estancia.

  • But yeah, really looking forward to sharing this day with you.

  • We visited after a pretty big rainstorm, so reaching the estancia was an adventure in and of itself.

  • We took a taxi until we reached the end of the paved roads and then we were picked up by a driver that the estancia sent over and then we rode in a pickup truck down the muddy roads.

  • As soon as we arrived we received a brief tour and introduction to the place.

  • And it wasn't long before we were being served a mid-morning snack.

  • Okay, so the food has just arrived.

  • Yes.

  • Check that out.

  • Check it out.

  • So we've got orange juices to start with.

  • We were able to choose our beverage and we also have local empanadas.

  • Apparently these are carne which are filled with meat.

  • Yes.

  • So they look like the fried variety which are some of the best.

  • The best.

  • The best.

  • Let's try a bite.

  • I should also mention we could choose from wine and beer but it just seemed a bit early in the day for that.

  • Yeah.

  • Take a look at this guys.

  • Yum.

  • Oh, it is so juicy and tasty.

  • Delicious.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • Mmm.

  • Oh, that is juicy.

  • Did you see the squirt?

  • Yeah.

  • That is so good.

  • I love it.

  • To give you a bit of history, Estancia El Hombu de Areco is a historic estancia on the outskirts of San Antonio de Areco.

  • The main farmhouse dates back to 1880 and it's been in the hands of the same family since 1934.

  • They opened their doors and started receiving tourists in 1993, and now visitors can either come for the day or spend the night at their 11 room hotel.

  • So if you can hear the mooing it means we are by the cattle.

  • Yes, they're raising black Angus over here.

  • They are.

  • Take a look.

  • Ta da.

  • So this property is huge. 300 hectares.

  • So they're raising the cattle as we see.

  • They also have different crops.

  • We've got dogs running around.

  • We have different buildings.

  • There is so much to explore here that even though we have half a day I don't think it will do it completely justice.

  • Buen dia.

  • Si, esta bien.

  • Doggy, are you licking cow doo doo?

  • That is cow doo doo.

  • Doggies.

  • Alrighty, so we had two options in terms of activities.

  • Yeah, so we could have gone on a longer horse ride or we could go on a shorter carriage ride and enjoy a bit more leisure time around the property.

  • And today we're just feeling like we need to chill a bit and so we decided to go with a carriage ride.

  • It was really nice.

  • The path that we took gave a nice overview of the property.

  • We got to experience the sun.

  • We weren't sure if it was going to be sunny today.

  • We started off the morning with like really overcast skies.

  • It almost looked like it might rain.

  • So yeah, just a nice tranquil way to experience the property.

  • And we're just loving it here today.

  • We're able to relax and man we've needed it.

  • It could be also just like our style of travel is evolving as we get older too.

  • It's also nice to just take it easy and relax a bit.

  • Not race around like a madman.

  • And that is what you're doing right now.

  • That is what I'm doing.

  • It doesn't get any more relaxed than this.

  • You're probably wondering why I have my socks pulled up over my pants.

  • There are quite a few mosquitoes.

  • Still.

  • Yeah, still.

  • And um yeah, I just don't feel like getting bitten alive today.

  • So yeah.

  • Alrighty guys, well this is the Ombu tree.

  • The Estancia is named after.

  • Yeah, apparently it is the most famous tree in the Pampas.

  • And it is such a distinct landmark.

  • I mean just look at the way it spreads out.

  • It is fascinating.

  • What is really interesting too is that it is hollow.

  • Yeah, so let's go demonstrate.

  • That is what our guide was telling us or like the welcoming person.

  • So you can tell from the knock on it.

  • Yeah, it kind of sounds hollow.

  • It does have like a hollow sound to it.

  • And then he had picked up a twig.

  • Of course, I can't even identify.

  • Oh, this is a good example.

  • Yeah, so it is like spongy.

  • Completely spongy.

  • Yeah, it is hollow inside.

  • So he was saying it is actually not a tree.

  • I mean.

  • What is it?

  • I don't know what it is.

  • It sure looks like one to me.

  • Um, but like I don't know enough about trees.

  • Yeah.

  • My Dad would.

  • He's a forester.

  • Your Dad would.

  • I don't.

  • Unfortunately.

  • And apparently this one dates back to 1806.

  • Yeah, so it is a true landmark.

  • It is right in the middle of the property.

  • It is a beautiful place to take a photo and admire just how its branches spread out in all directions.

  • And maybe enjoy some shade.

  • Enjoy some shade too.

  • Besos.

  • Besitos.

  • Besitos.

  • Besitos.

  • Oh, besitos.

  • Wow.

  • Es grande.

  • There you go.

  • Wow.

  • Okay.

  • Lunch was served in the covered terrace and I mean just look at this place.

  • The colonial floor tiles, the ivy climbing up the columns and this beautiful table waiting for us.

  • So one of the highlights is that we're getting two different kinds of salads.

  • Check this out.

  • It is like a carrot and corn egg based one.

  • And then this one is more of a green one.

  • It has got lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes.

  • It is so nice.

  • It is so nice to be getting some veggies.

  • And this will go perfect with the asado we're getting.

  • It is going to be a mixed grill.

  • We got to see it being prepared.

  • So I'm so excited for that to arrive at the table.

  • We also have a wine.

  • Malbec 2022.

  • Which the label has been custom for the Estancia.

  • So Estancia El Ompu de Larreco.

  • And the bodega apparently is siete fincas.

  • You can see it from up there.

  • Okay.

  • More food has arrived.

  • So check this out.

  • Over here we have the chorizo and the salchicha of course.

  • So we also had the option of getting the morcilla but we got a lot of meat coming so we decided not to have that.

  • That is the blood sausage of course.

  • It is nice and juicy.

  • Check that out.

  • Mmmmm.

  • And the wine.

  • Oh, it's been a fantastic one so far.

  • We weren't sure if this was potato and mayonnaise or with cheese but it is cheese.

  • It tastes a little bit like Scala potatoes.

  • It's just a really good meal so far and we just got started.

  • We lost track of how many different courses of meat we had but it was a lot.

  • The waiters kept walking by with trays and trays of meat so we had some sausage, beef, chicken, pork and more.

  • This was followed by a classic dessert, flan with dulce de leche and cream.

  • And then the music started.

  • I've got to give it to the staff at the Estancia because they really did a great job.

  • They really planned it well.

  • Get the guests feeling merry with a bottle of Malbec wine and then by the end of the meal, nobody will resist getting up to dance.

  • Not only dance but learn a traditional folklore dance.

  • This definitely brought back childhood memories as these were the same dances we would do at my school when I was growing up in Argentina.

  • Evidently, I didn't retain the steps or the moves but it was a lot of fun to relive that.

  • Stomp.

  • Stomp.

  • One, two, three, four.

  • And you stomp your feet again.

  • And you stomp your feet again.

  • And you stomp your feet again.

  • Then we were led out to the garden to watch a horse whispering demonstration also known as Doma India.

  • The true gaucho's approach to taming a horse is a gentle one built on trust.

  • And that's what we got to witness here.

  • During the demonstration, we watched as the gaucho moved his trusted horse into various positions without any force or struggle.

  • The horse lay down on its side, then on its back, and also put its legs up in the air.

  • It was a display of complete trust and very Well guys, here we are passed out on some lounge chairs underneath the shade of a tree.

  • That was so much food I can't even begin to explain to you how much we ate.

  • I think they came by with trays of meat like five or six times at least.

  • We had chorizo like the sausage, blood sausage, we had chinchulines which are the intestines and then they had more normal cuts of meat.

  • Let's say there was chicken, there was pork, various cuts of beef.

  • At the very end they served the sirloin which was amazing.

  • They had ribs and then after all that we listened to some folklore music, we watched some dancing and then they got us up on our feet.

  • We learned to dance some of these dances as well.

  • I had done some of these dances as a kid back in the day and then we watched the horse taming demonstration.

  • Again, cool.

  • Now we are passed out with the Estancia dogs who also ate like pigs.

  • Here is one of them.

  • Samuel.

  • I'm one of those dogs.

  • One of the dogs.

  • I feel like them.

  • That was awesome.

  • Just so much fun.

  • The wine was flowing, the meat was being served, we had dessert, we got to dance.

  • That was awesome.

  • We are the ones lingering.

  • We have some extra time here and apparently we still have merienda.

  • We have more food coming.

  • We need to pass out, sleep, digest and prepare our bellies for more.

  • Exactly.

  • Normally if you come here during the summer months you've got an hour and a half of free time where you can like go use the swimming pool or they have different games and the Estancia.

  • Whatever you feel like doing.

  • We need a nap.

  • We're napping with the dogs and then it'll be merienda which is tea time and then the day will be over.

  • It's a full on day friends.

  • It's been a lot of fun.

  • I would definitely recommend.

  • I've had a great time so far and now I'm going to think we were gluttonous enough pigs.

  • We do have more food to be happy.

  • We do.

  • I think it's less than two hours later.

  • About an hour and a half later.

  • Yeah.

  • But we got a brownie.

  • We did with walnuts.

  • We have a lemon square.

  • Yeah.

  • And we have apple juices.

  • Apple juice.

  • So cheerio.

  • There were lots of options.

  • We could have tea, coffee, juice.

  • We're the only people left here.

  • A big group came and they've already been whisked away on the bus.

  • On the bus.

  • Back to Buenos Aires.

  • Back to Buenos Aires and we're just chilling here enjoying the property.

  • This is amazing.

  • Super siesta time.

  • There is no distractions here.

  • Just the dogs, us and some food.

  • You've got to love it.

  • So as your chilling and our stay in San Antonio de Areco comes to an end.

  • Chilling like a villain.

  • Exactly.

  • Do you have any thoughts, advice, ideas you want to share?

  • Well, I think it is a great place to visit to be honest.

  • The fact that you can get away from Buenos Aires like just two to three hours drive.

  • In fact, it is probably less than two hours if you ignore the traffic that we experienced.

  • You can be in a completely different world.

  • It is a great place to come and experience the Gaucho culture and also lifestyle.

  • Out here in the countryside kind of the Pampas area.

  • It is just beautiful.

  • Totally worth checking out and uh yeah highly recommend it.

  • Beautiful day.

  • I mean what a nice experience being able to come here.

  • Beautiful property.

  • There is so much to offer.

  • I mean it is just so nice that a place like this exists.

  • These estancias here in Argentina are just the best to visit.

  • They're some of my favorite places in the whole country to come and relax.

  • They just know how to do travel and tourism here so well.

  • It is not action-packed.

  • You come, you get to enjoy the space.

  • Plenty of time to walk around.

  • They feed you so well.

  • There is enough fun activities.

  • The horse riding, the dancing and the food and the wine just keeps coming and coming and then you get an extra merienda on top of it.

  • So yeah, I mean if you like to relax, if you like beautiful destinations, if you like peace and quiet, if you like to be fed well I can't think of a better place than this to spend an afternoon.

  • So we're going to say goodbye because we are headed back to Buenos Aires.

  • We are.

  • We're going back to the Basel but if you can come and enjoy this tranquility do so.

  • Tata.

Alrighty guys, hello.

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GAUCHO DAY TRIP to Estancia EL OMBU de Areco | Argentine BBQ, Horse Whispering and Folklore Dancing!

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    A-Chung posted on 2024/10/09
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