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  • Hi everybody. I have a quick question for you.

  • What do think about your spoken English?

  • Do you think your English is bad?

  • A lot of people who want to speak English think this way.

  • Because when they speak, they have trouble coming up with words.

  • They make a lot of mistakes.

  • Their sentence structure is just wrong.

  • They believe that they're just bad at speaking English. And there's nothing they can do about

  • it.

  • Now If you are one of those people--if you think there's no way to improve your English,

  • then I have something to tell you.

  • You're wrong! You are just plain wrong.

  • And In this video, I'm going to tell you why.

  • Now I want you to think about experts and top performers in any field.

  • Think about world class athletes like Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan.

  • Here's my question for you:

  • How good do you think they were in the beginning?

  • Do you think they were excellent right from the start?

  • No, of course not.

  • They were terrible in the beginning.

  • Tiger Woods was bad at golf when he began.

  • Michael Jordan was bad at basketball when he began.

  • The bottle line is this: when you start out something new, you're going to suck...really

  • suck.

  • You're going to make mistakes.

  • You're going to look stupid.

  • And the only way to get better is to keep doing it.

  • And you'll get better over time.

  • This is the truth. And it applies to everybody.

  • But here's the most important question:

  • If everybody sucks in the beginning, then what separates successful people from unsuccessful

  • people?

  • How is it possible that there can be English learners who are similar to each others--I

  • mean they have the same level of intelligence, the have to same resources, but some of them

  • managed to become good at spoken English while others cannot speak English at all?

  • What's the difference?

  • The answer is one word: Action.

  • Successful people suck in the beginning just like anybody else, but they keep taking action.

  • They keep learning. They keep practicing.

  • Because they know that even though they are not good at speaking today, they're going

  • to get better if they keep learning and practicing. So they take massive action.

  • Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, don't take action very much.

  • They try to speak English a little bit. They try to practice a little bit.

  • But they quit very quickly.

  • They start speaking and they start having trouble. They start making mistakes.

  • And then they say "Oh....English is just not for me. It's too difficult. I'm just not good

  • at language."

  • And then they quit. They just give up immediately.

  • So here's my challenge to you: After you watch this video, I want you talk

  • about anything in English.

  • And you just do it by yourself.

  • You don't need to find someone to do it with to you.

  • You can talk about anything you want.

  • You can talk about yourself.

  • You can talk about what happened yesterday.

  • Or maybe you can talk about what you've learned from this video.

  • It doesn't matter what you talk about.

  • What matters is that you take action.

  • And when you do that, I want you to keep two things in mind.

  • Number one: you're going to suck.

  • Just keep in mind that you're going make mistakes.

  • You're going to say something confusing.

  • Maybe you won't be able to speak at all.

  • But be OK with that. That's normal.

  • Everybody has to go through that.

  • I mean this is my first Youtube video and as you can see, my drawing sucks.

  • It's terrible. But I'm OK with that. I accept it.

  • And you should be OK with your speaking as well.

  • The second thing I want you to keep in mind is to keep taking action.

  • Just keep learning--keep practicing.

  • Because it doesn't matter if you suck today.

  • The present does not equal the future.

  • Just because you're bad at speaking now doesn't mean that you will always be bad at speaking.

  • If you keep taking action, I guarantee that you will improve.

  • You will get better.

  • I mean the same is true for my drawing.

  • It sucks today. But if I keep drawing--if I keep practicing, I'm going to get better.

  • OK. So that's my challenge to you.

  • And we've come to the the end of this video.

  • Now one last thing, if you want to receive free training videos on how to improve your

  • spoken English, then click the link in the description below to go to and

  • subscribe to my newsletter.

  • I'll be releasing exclusive training videos on how to improve your spoken English soon.

  • And you don't want to miss that.

  • So go the, subscribe, and I'll see you soon.

Hi everybody. I have a quick question for you.

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對不起,我的英語不好 (Sorry For My Bad English)

  • 4079 440
    稲葉白兎 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary