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  • Hot food from a hot man.

  • Max, a woman in my section wants to know if we do anything gluten-free.

  • What do I tell her?

  • Tell her she's not allergic to gluten.

  • She's just masking an eating disorder. Look alive, people.

  • Club sandwich, burger medium, and a shrimp salad for the gambling man.

  • I asked for salt and pepper.

  • I wanted mayonnaise and mustard.

  • You forgot my diet soda.

  • Oh, I'm sorry.

  • I'll be right back. Oh, what?

  • Never doubt me.

  • Here's my last check, girl.

  • Look here, Max.

  • That lady just slipped me her number.

  • Like I need another menopausal white woman spratting out my window like a cat in heat.

  • God, I love money. I know.

  • I'm so sorry I broke up with you.

  • Look, this week's new iPad just came out.

  • Spread the words.

  • Word.

  • Word.

  • I saw that on the wire. Max, three weeks in a row, you have not yet accepted my request to be a Facebook friend.

  • Max, I am talking to you.

  • Oh, I didn't hear you.

  • I have my earbuds in.

  • What are these? Okay, you had to bust a move and get all the truth on my ass?

  • Fine, let's go there.

  • Han, I'm never gonna be your Facebook friend.

  • Oof, hard to hear.

  • Well, I accepted you, Han.

  • Yes, thank you.

  • You make my heart sing.

  • Oof, heart me still. That was like watching someone club a baby seal.

  • Why wouldn't you just say yes to his friend request?

  • Because I never check Facebook.

  • Why would I?

  • So some girl I worked at a movie theater with in 2005 can tell me it's raining and she's totes bummed?

  • Caroline, better check Facebook page.

  • Maybe someone just post on your water.

  • Han Lee has tagged you in 25 photos?

  • Wanna borrow my seal club yet?

  • Oh, that stings. I've lost like 300 Facebook friends since my father was arrested.

  • Well, your father's probably made that many new friends in prison, so it all evens out. Okay, ready to go?

  • Do we have to?

Hot food from a hot man.

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