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  • There's two ways to think about mental health, and I think a lot of people don't realize that they're stuck in the first one.


  • Most people believe that you either have depression or you don't.


  • That if you get diagnosed with depression or anxiety, it's like a permanent trait that you have, and that all you can do is learn to cope with it.


  • Now I don't think about depression or anxiety that way.


  • I think of it on a scale.


  • When your symptoms are severe, they interfere with your life in a big way.


  • And when your symptoms are mild, or when your symptoms go away, it doesn't interfere with your life anymore.


  • Depression and anxiety disorders can actually be resolved when we chip away at them.


  • And thinking about them this way gives us agency.


  • It gives us power to change our own lives.


  • Now research shows that we can absolutely influence our mental health in huge ways.


  • So for example, daily aerobic exercise can decrease depression and anxiety symptoms for over 75% of people.

    是以,舉例來說,每天進行有氧運動可以減少 75% 以上的人的抑鬱和焦慮症狀。

  • Eating a healthier diet can decrease your risk of depression by up to 35%.

    更健康的飲食可將患抑鬱症的風險降低 35%。

  • Changing how you think, like going to therapy, helps 60 to 80% of people.

    改變你的思維方式,就像接受治療一樣,能幫助 60% 到 80% 的人。

  • One study showed that for people with depression, when they treated their insomnia, 87% of them saw their depression symptoms completely resolve.

    一項研究表明,對於抑鬱症患者來說,當他們治療失眠時,87% 的人的抑鬱症狀會完全消失。

  • Using a therapy light or practicing meditation can be more effective than medication at treating depression and anxiety.


  • But the problem is that all of these changes are hard, and they can feel super overwhelming when you're drowning in anxiety or overwhelmed by depression.


  • And then often when we get really motivated to improve our lives, we try some huge change.


  • We make some plan to run a marathon, or we sign up for 5 a.m.

    我們制定一些跑馬拉松的計劃,或者報名參加早上 5 點的比賽。

  • CrossFit sessions at the gym, or we start some new diet.

    在健身房進行 CrossFit 訓練,或者開始一些新的飲食。

  • And while you can willpower yourself to make these changes for a little while, willpower usually just doesn't work as a long-term strategy.


  • Then the bigger changes you want to make, the more exhausting and overwhelming they are, which disincentivizes you from continuing them.


  • It gets harder and harder to do them instead of easier.


  • So while you can willpower your way to doing them for a while, the most likely outcome is that you get exhausted and you quit, and then you're more discouraged than when you start.


  • So making these huge changes rarely works.


  • Sometimes it does, but it just can't be your only strategy.


  • Now I love to give people tons of options to improve their mental health, but I know that this can be overwhelming.


  • So in this video, let's talk about tiny yet powerful strategies that actually reward you for doing them.


  • They make your life easier instead of harder, and then you get feeling better, and you get more energy, and they become easier to do because they're habitual.


  • And then with that extra energy, you can add another on.


  • And instead of feeling more and more tired, you actually feel more and more energetic and resilient.


  • Okay, so in this video, you'll learn about tiny changes that take a few minutes a day to build Okay, small changes are better than big changes.


  • James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, which is a great book by the way, he tells the story of the British cycling team.

    詹姆斯-克利(James Clear)是《原子習慣》(Atomic Habits)一書的作者,順便說一句,這是一本很棒的書,他講述了英國自行車隊的故事。

  • They were one of the worst teams.


  • Despite having lots of resources, they lost miserably.


  • But then they got a new coach, and he didn't change the team by telling them to just try harder, or work harder, or exercise longer.


  • He just looked for tiny incremental changes that they could improve one percent at a time.


  • So they changed tiny little things like painting the inside of their vans so that they could keep their bikes cleaner, and they improved their uniforms so that they were more comfortable, and they tracked sleep so that they could sleep better.


  • And they went from being one of the most underperforming teams to winning the most gold medals at the 2008 Olympics, and then repeatedly winning the Tour de France.

    他們從表現最差的車隊之一,到在 2008 年奧運會上贏得最多金牌,再到屢次贏得環法自行車賽冠軍。

  • Now in Atomic Habits, James Clear teaches how a one percent change every day makes you 37 times better by the end of the year.

    現在,在《原子習慣》一書中,詹姆斯-克利教你如何通過每天百分之一的改變,在年底時讓你的成績提高 37 倍。

  • But most people fail to change because they try to make some gigantic improvement, which lasts for a little while, but then they run out of motivation because the change takes so much energy.


  • So when you want to improve your mental health, I do not want you to make some huge monumental change all at once.


  • I emphatically tell my clients to not do that.


  • You'll be much more likely to create real sustainable change by choosing teeny tiny habits that make your life easier over time instead of harder.


  • So when you let these changes add up over time, they snowball.


  • So for example, let's say you start to take vitamins in January, and it helps you have just like one percent more energy each day.


  • And then in February, you can use that energy to add in one small change.


  • Like maybe you set a healthy boundary at work, like not answering your emails after 5 p.m.

    比如,你可能會在工作中設置一個健康的界限,比如下午 5 點後不回覆郵件。

  • And then that helps you feel less overwhelmed.


  • So that gives you one percent more improves your sleep, which makes you a little bit less tired each day, which gives you one percent more change in April.

    這樣一來,你的睡眠品質就提高了 1%,每天的疲憊感就會減少一點,四月份的變化就會增加 1%。

  • Each of these tiny changes helps you have more energy, be a tiny bit healthier, and actually makes your life easier instead of harder.


  • And these positive changes snowball over time and can really help you get out of the rut of depression.


  • So at this point in May, you've got a 5% change, which is 72 minutes more energy than you had in January.

    是以,在五月的這一點上,你已經有了 5%的變化,也就是比一月份多了 72 分鐘的能量。

  • And with those 72 extra minutes of energy, you might be able to make a few more tiny changes.

    有了這額外的 72 分鐘精力,你也許還能做出一些微小的改變。

  • Tiny changes are way more effective than that diet that you dropped by the beginning of February, which just made you feel worse about yourself instead of better.


  • Okay, now I have an entire course about how to use tiny changes to improve your mental health.


  • It's called Change Your Brain 10 Essential Mind Body Skills for Mental Health.

    這本書的名字叫《改變你的大腦 10 項心理健康必備的身心技能》(Change Your Brain 10 Essential Mind Body Skills for Mental Health)。

  • And I go into a lot more detail in that course on how to create changes that are super impactful, but also long lasting.


  • That course is way more in-depth, but in this video, I'll give you about 30 ideas that you could use for your first one percent change.

    該課程更加深入,但在本視頻中,我將為你提供約 30 個想法,你可以用這些想法來實現你的第一個百分之一的改變。

  • But as I make this list, it's really important that we talk about three principles.


  • So first, pick the low-hanging fruit.


  • Start with one change that takes the least amount of effort or is the most enjoyable for you.


  • So if you love to exercise, add that to your routine first.


  • If you hate to exercise, maybe start with light therapy, right?


  • Because it's easier for you.


  • Or if you love people, schedule in some friend time.


  • If being with people is exhausting for you, maybe start with a change to your diet.


  • The principle here is start with the simplest, easiest changes first, because these can give you more energy and motivation to make other changes in the future.


  • And only make one change at a time and work on that change until it becomes easier and easier to do.


  • So I like a month as the initial time period.


  • Okay, number two, create a system to make this new action easier over time instead of harder.


  • So for example, taking your medication every day can help improve mental health.


  • And a system to make this easier is something like buying a pill box so that you know when you've taken it already, or putting that pill box on your breakfast table so that you remember to take it breakfast every day.


  • A system makes it so that you don't have to remember it and think about it each day.


  • Okay, and then third, I say use a habit tracker and set a 30-day goal for a tiny change you want to make.

    好的,第三,我建議使用習慣跟蹤器,為你想要做出的微小改變設定一個 30 天的目標。

  • And just give yourself a check mark for every day that you do this tiny change.


  • Now Jerry Seinfeld had a habit of writing one joke every day, but the way he tracked it was by putting up a big calendar and putting a big red check mark for the days he wrote the joke.

    傑瑞-宋飛(Jerry Seinfeld)有每天寫一個笑話的習慣,但他記錄的方式是掛一個大日曆,在寫笑話的日子打上一個大大的紅色勾。

  • Now use his method.


  • That's awesome.


  • Again, I learned about it from Atomic Habits.

    我還是從 Atomic Habits 瞭解到的。

  • It's a great book too.


  • Read that book.


  • You could also download my free habit builder or I like the app, the free app Habit to track your progress.

    你也可以下載我的免費 "習慣養成器",或者我喜歡的應用程序 "習慣 "來跟蹤你的進步。

  • Okay, so that being said, you know the principles behind this.


  • I'm just going to throw out a bunch of ideas of tiny changes that can improve your mental health.


  • So light therapy, really effective.


  • A lot of research shows it's as effective as antidepressant medication.


  • So you could buy a light box and do 10 minutes a day of light therapy while you do your morning routine.

    是以,你可以買一個燈箱,每天在做晨練時進行 10 分鐘的光療。

  • Or if you can't do that, you could just open your curtains in the morning or sit outside in the sunlight every day for 10 minutes.

    如果做不到這一點,也可以每天早上拉開窗簾,或坐在室外陽光下 10 分鐘。

  • Another one, consider supplementing with a multivitamin or a multimineral.


  • So this supplement is a well-researched option.


  • It's not a sponsor, but there's a lot of research behind it that shows it helps some people, right?


  • You could try to add a fermented food to your diet or consider a probiotic supplement.


  • You can do any kind of movement outside.


  • Add one vegetable to your meal.


  • So for example, buy prepackaged vegetables and put them at your desk every day.


  • Daily gratitude practice.


  • You could make a system of this by asking a friend to do it with you.


  • Or you could use a journal or you could use an app.


  • Express appreciation.


  • Tell your significant other or your child something you appreciate about them every day.


  • It will change how you feel about them and it might even invite them to improve too.


  • Or you could express appreciation to your boss or a cashier or a waitstaff every day.


  • Another small change that can make a difference is to watch less news and use that time instead of watching news to do some good in the world instead.


  • You could also just switch your accounts to follow uplifting accounts like good news or upworthy.

    你也可以直接切換你的賬戶,關注一些令人振奮的賬戶,如 good news 或 upworthy。

  • Like so make your social media a positive place and just unfollow any accounts that bring a lot of negativity to your life.


  • And you know, so setting up your Instagram to follow more uplifting people probably only takes a few minutes every day.

    要知道,在 Instagram 上關注更多令人振奮的人,每天可能只需要幾分鐘。

  • Okay, another thing that can make huge change from a tiny change is improving your sleep.


  • Now this might feel impossible, but there are a lot of tiny things you can do that really add up.


  • You could try to wake up at the same time every morning for one week.


  • You could decrease your caffeine usage.


  • You could use your bed only for sleeping.


  • Or you could set an automatic do not disturb mode on your phone for nighttime.


  • Little things like that can add up over time.


  • Practicing mindfulness.


  • Really beneficial for mental health, but feels overwhelming sometimes.


  • Just try practicing slowing down your breathing when you're in your car and noticing you're breathing in your car.


  • Or when you're driving, you just drive without listening to anything and let your thoughts wander for a little bit.


  • Or you could practice mindfulness in the bathroom, right?


  • So instead of staring at your phone while you're on the toilet, just take a deep breath.


  • Slow things down, right?


  • Another thing you could do that can improve mental health is to set limits on your screen time.


  • Or you could, you know, choose to You could do a one minute meditation each day.


  • Just google it.


  • There are hundreds of one minute meditations.


  • During your break from work, you could try going for a walk or stretching instead of looking at your phone.


  • You could set a daily goal for how many steps you'll get to encourage you to walk a little bit more each day.


  • You could practice a self-regulation technique once per day.


  • So this is things like deep breathing, the yawn, or tapping.


  • And again, these only take a minute or two every day.


  • Okay, nature decreases cortisol.


  • Nature decreases the stress response.


  • So for those of us who live in big cities or can't get out in nature very often, you could do really tiny changes like getting a plant for your home.


  • You could put nature photos on your computer or in your house or on your screensaver or on your TV in the background.


  • Or you could just follow nature photographers on social media.


  • Okay, connection and relationships are one of the biggest indicators of happiness and healthiness.


  • So you could just try to deepen the relationships you already have.


  • These small little actions really do add up over time.


  • So you could send a text message.


  • You could plan a lunch date.


  • You could call someone up to ask how they're doing.


  • You could make a reminder to call someone you care about.


  • So those are a few ways that you could just improve your connections.


  • Okay, there's a few other things you can do.


  • And I call this like setting tiny rules for yourself.


  • And if you set these rules and you work on them just tiny increments for a month, your mental health will improve.


  • So one of them is like setting a rule like I'm not allowed to call myself names.


  • I'm not allowed to use words like always or never.

    我不能用 "永遠 "或 "從不 "這樣的詞。

  • So you replace black and gray thinking.


  • You catch yourself when you're using catastrophizing language and you replace it with a courageous statement or like use a growth mindset.


  • So instead of saying, oh, you know, you replace the word failure with not yet.

    是以,不要說 "哦,你知道的",而是用 "還沒有 "代替 "失敗"。

  • As in, oh, I haven't figured out how to do math yet or I haven't figured out how to be a good listener yet.


  • Right?


  • So I hope like these are a ton of little examples.


  • And again, don't do all of them.


  • Only pick just one that you want to work on.


  • But I hope this list gives you a ton of ideas that you could use to improve your mental health.


  • And again, don't try to do all of these.


  • Just pick the low hanging fruit and start to implement one until it seems easy to do and then pick the next one to work on.


  • I hope you found this video helpful.


  • Let's get better at feeling.


  • Thank you for watching and take care.


There's two ways to think about mental health, and I think a lot of people don't realize that they're stuck in the first one.


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