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  • What's going on vlog?

  • It's like 12.30 at night right now.

  • I woke up to us at a bowling alley.

  • Pretty lit.

  • Alec, Blake, Hunter and the boys.

  • Shoot some hoops.

  • We got our shoes.

  • This has been a proper little randy adventure, hasn't it?

  • It has.

  • And then we put clown shoes on.

  • Blake's bragging about how sick he is at bowling.

  • Blake you ****.

  • Alec got a one.

  • A one?

  • This will dictate the rest of the night for me.

  • This is for England.

  • I'll bet you $5 you'll get a strike the first time.

  • Now this dude's going.

  • No one really cares about what he gets.

  • I'll bet you $5 you'll get a strike the first time.

  • There it is.

  • There it is.

  • It's a strike.

  • Go on Queenie.

  • Go on Hunter.

  • It's not bad.

  • I'm working on it alright.

  • Go for it.

  • Blake's won anyway.

  • Let's just watch him get another strike.

  • That was actually **** for one.

  • Yes. 182 is a high score.

  • You did get a five on that last go.

  • Shut up. 87.

  • I said I'll do a belly slide the whole way down.

  • It hurts a lot mate.

  • Oh no.

  • Belly slide.

  • Go on.

  • Go on.

  • I really want to do it.

  • Do it.

  • Give me a ball.

  • You missed.

  • Hunter with a strike.

  • Guys we have a problem.

  • I don't know if you can see this right now because it's quite dark.

  • Jess is asleep in the car.

  • She's one of those heavy sleepers that doesn't wake up.

  • We're all trying really hard.

  • Come on Jess.

  • Now she has to wake up.

  • Alex got the keys.

  • Yes Alex.

  • We're in.

  • I'm going back to the hotel and I'll meet up with the rest of the boys.

  • It's like 2am.

  • Good night.

  • Andy's bag is broken a little bit so I thought I'd help him with my bag.

  • I've just spilled my tea all over my hand.

  • I've just done it again guys.

  • Do you want some tea?

  • There you go.

  • Why did I do that?

  • I'm in such an awkward position right now.

  • How much tea have you got left after that experience?

  • Not a lot.

  • There's too much there.

  • Refreshing.

  • We're in the meet and greet right now.

  • An amazing roadie just came up to us and gave us a call to sing.

  • So we're in the venue.

  • Just wanted to justify Jack's reasons for turning up today.

  • Looking like this.

  • I'm a mess.

  • I'm just so tired.

  • Go on, do it.

  • I've got the Popeyes.

  • Please don't.

  • He looks like a crazy person.

  • Yeah, let's have a good show.

  • As you know, Rye's a free runner.

  • No, he's an armadillo.

  • Sorry, as you know, Rye's an armadillo.

  • I call this the lying down back with dismount no arms.

  • Stunts.

  • It's a Jack and Mikey going out.

  • It's a duel.

  • Kick to the death.

  • If someone doesn't break a leg, it's not good content.

  • Oh, it's coming off.

  • We could be sound checking, but this is more fun.

  • Yes, Mikey.

  • Go on, have him.

  • Yes.

  • Go on, Jack.

  • Oh no, now they're cuddling.

  • He missed.

  • I couldn't really.

  • Well done, Mikey.

  • Iranian champion.

  • Two of the boys aren't here right now.

  • They're still in the hotel, so we're going to have to sound check for them.

  • It's like triple mic.

  • It's pretty cool.

  • Mikey's trying to call me back.

  • I don't know if you can see him.

  • He's over there.

  • Basically, I'm on a segway right now, going through St.

  • Louis.

  • Just went into a tree, and this is really chill.

  • About 10 minutes until the line meet and greet.

  • I've actually never been on one of these kind of segways before, until today.

  • So, did something new.

  • Something to remember St.

  • Louis by.

  • As well as all you beautiful roadies up on the curb.

  • They're well fast.

  • If you're properly lean, they go really fast.

  • Then they break for you.

  • It's really creepy.

  • St.

  • Louis.

  • I've kind of lost the venue.

  • I don't really know where I am, so this is kind of sketchy.

  • So, me and Andy have got segways.

  • Jack doesn't.

  • We're escaping for a Starbucks.

  • No, don't kick me off.

  • What's going on, guys?

  • So, we've just done the Kansas show.

  • Myself, and Harvey are both all in our room.

  • I've decided to open these stale Cheerios, which I didn't finish from earlier.

  • I'm going to annoy Harvey, ultimately, who's just left the room.

  • This is his expensive bag.

  • And I've poured Cheerios into it.

  • Have fun getting those out, buddy.

  • About to go out for food, and we're just moving on from the Cheerio incident.

  • I've now got some Rice Krispies.

  • Harvey's just gone to go get his phone.

  • He's going to come back and knock on the door, and I'm going to throw these all in his face.

  • I'm just going to wait for him to knock.

  • Hello?

  • Yeah.

  • He clocked it.

  • He clocked it, guys.

  • Run, he clocked it.

  • Go, he's mad, he's mad, he's mad.

  • So, there's some cakes on the table.

  • There's an Irish guy on the chair.

  • Here we go.

  • There's some cakes on the washing machine.

  • The air conditioning unit.

  • Yeah.

  • He also called the TV a chair.

  • Yeah, what do you call chairs?

  • What's up, guys?

  • So, listen to my voice.

  • I'm going to try and sing.

  • These girls.

  • I'm on my way.

  • I'm on my way.

  • Another way.

  • Yeah!

  • Basically, voice is dead.

  • It's gone.

  • I didn't get to bed until 7am last night.

  • Don't ask why.

  • And we are in a Denny's in Texas.

  • We've arrived in Dallas.

  • I've never been to Texas before.

  • I wrote a tweet about it today.

  • This is so sick.

  • I've always seen it in movies.

  • Thank you so much.

  • But never actually been here.

  • Me and Mikey have gone all out.

  • This is going to be a sick meal, guys.

  • Dallas, turn it up.

  • Love you, Texas.

  • Cowboys, cowboys, cowboys.

  • Sounds great.

  • I have no voice right now, so I sound like an absolute idiot.

  • I need to cut my nails.

  • Besides the point, we're in the pool area, which is currently closed.

  • Carrying on with the great tradition that we started in this band.

  • We're going to get in the closed pool now.

  • That was funny.

  • That really hurt my ass.

  • Good dive.

  • Little did the world know, but Brook couldn't dive before today.

  • People call me 5 feet of trouble.

  • No way.

  • And that's the finished product, guys.

  • I just realised something pretty cool.

  • Because I've lost my voice quite a lot, I can make really good crying impressions.

  • Young kids are like, Mikey.

  • Mikey.

  • Mikey.

  • Mikey.

  • Mikey.

  • Mikey.

  • Mikey.

  • Mikey.

  • Mikey.

  • I feel like everyone heard that.

  • So Rye's challenged Blake to do a backflip.

  • But he doesn't want to do it.

  • So Rye is about to do a backflip on his bed and we're all going to watch.

  • Hello darkness, my old friend.

  • Jump a little higher.

  • One more, just jump a little higher.

  • There it is.

  • Two.

  • Oh my god, he went for it.

  • He's got so much balls.

  • That was sick.

  • That was so sick.

  • Two.

  • Yes.

  • That's so sick, man.

  • Your brother is a G.

  • Oh baby, let's go.

  • Hump it, hump it.

  • Oh, oh, oh.

  • It's the most random thing ever.

  • You know, I used to be a free runner and we just randomly saw some guys at a garage and they were like, hey, next to your hotel, we've got a free running gym.

  • This is mad, but it's in the middle of Texas.

  • I'm like, it's like I'm in heaven and they opened the gym for us just for tonight and we're going to go crazy.

  • So, yay you.

  • What are you doing to my friend?

  • So, we just finished up at that free running gym.

  • We've got a free day tomorrow.

  • We're going skydiving tomorrow, so.

  • Oh, it was so close to my face.

  • So, yet again, in true road trip fashion, myself and Mikey got three hours sleep.

  • We somehow went to bed at 5.30, but got up at 8.30.

  • Ready for the day, because today's a special day for us.

  • We've never done this before.

  • We're going that way up.

  • All the way up.

  • Top of the pop.

  • We're going indoor skydiving for the first time.

  • And I'm going to enjoy it.

  • I love you.

  • It's Ashton.

  • He's a cute guy.

  • Indoor skydiving is going to be something.

  • We're pretty tired, as you can tell.

  • Come fly with me.

  • Let's fly.

  • This is going to be so sick.

  • I've always wanted to go skydiving.

  • You have as well.

  • Jackson.

  • Ew, I look gross.

  • Jackson.

  • He's always so cute.

  • He's a little green Power Ranger.

  • I'm disappointed with the rest of the boys.

  • Yeah, but we're going to have fun.

  • I feel like I'm becoming a Power Ranger.

  • I've also got earplugs on right now.

  • So don't know how loud I'm talking.

  • I can't hear anything.

  • We're Power Rangers.

  • It's fun, right?

  • Tam's disappointed in us.

  • Before this was even a thing, I was saying, can we go skydiving?

  • Now we're actually doing it.

  • We're doing it together.

  • Yeah, baby.

  • What's cool is that this is my favourite thing to do.

  • It means relax in this skydiving world.

  • Sorry.

  • Thank you.

  • That was so sick.

  • Hello.

  • I'm going to tell you right now, his face was priceless.

  • You were up there like, and you could see you.

  • What was your experience like?

  • I want to do it without the guy holding me.

  • It was annoying.

  • I want to do it out of a real plane.

  • I want to do it out of a real plane.

  • Should we go skydiving today?

  • That was so much fun.

  • Thank you to everyone who provided it.

  • It's starting to go a bit crazy up this wall into the pool.

  • Go on, George.

  • It's like massive, bro.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • Gator.

  • I got water in my eye.

  • Yo, guys.

  • So that's the end of what was an absolutely sick day in Dallas, Texas.

  • There's Tam being crazy as per usual.

  • Jumped off a lot of scary roofs.

  • Did some stupid flips, which will probably not be in this vlog, but we'll show you footage at some point.

  • And Blair's back.

  • I haven't seen Blair for a few days.

  • Going to go out with him, I think, tonight.

  • We're going to go socialise, half-dog family style, and get ready for some shenanigans.

  • We love you, Houston.

  • Thank you.

  • That is literally central London right there.

  • Three, two, one.

  • Scream!

What's going on vlog?

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