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  • I'm at the zoo.

  • Oh hey, are we filming covers today?

  • Is it my day in the life?

  • Well, that works out perfectly because I'm going to the zoo.

  • Definitely not with anybody, I'm going to the zoo by myself.

  • I need to shower first, so I'm going to go do that, and I'll see you guys in a second. And so, I've had my shower, and now it is time to zoo it up, peeps.

  • Again, cannot stress the fact that I'm definitely by myself.

  • Definitely by myself.

  • Robbie's not here, Robbie couldn't make it today.

  • Hopefully, he can make it on my next adventure for next week's day in the life.

  • But yeah, zoo, we're coming, mate.

  • We're coming for you. So, we have made it to London.

  • We?

  • I'm by myself, I'm not with anybody.

  • Hey, I've made it to London, and I'm currently strolling towards the zoo.

  • I quickly stopped to pick up one of these bad boys.

  • If you haven't had one of these in your life, definitely get one.

  • I think it's called a bubble tea, and they are absolutely bloody amazing.

  • At least I know I'm going the right bloody way. We have found, I have found a really rare, and you don't really see these guys a lot, but it's a wild spiky boy.

  • Oh, spiky boy's mate.

  • There's pigs here.

  • You're massive, mate.

  • I think I've made some new friends. We've found him, I've found him, Big Daddy Kane.

  • There's his wife and his friend.

  • Oh, I wish he was like turned this way.

  • I mean, he's definitely sleeping, but, oh, his eyes just opened.

  • Mate, he is beautiful, his paw looks broken, but he is beautiful.

  • You just, you just would though, wouldn't you?

  • You'd go from the bottom to the highest point to have him that way.

  • If I was a tiger, that's what I'd do. Boy, they've given Brooke an enclosure.

  • Meet our Gibbons.

  • Brooke, that looks nothing like you, mate.

  • Brooke, Brooke, Brooke.

  • He mustn't be here.

  • Lord knows where he is.

  • Hopefully we find more animals that remind us of Brooklyn. I've acquired a map, and it's taken me to an aquarium.

  • Not going to lie, not a massive fan of fish.

  • They kind of creep me out a bit, and they smell.

  • Look at this guy.

  • What is that?

  • Come on, be real, have a day off, God.

  • What are you doing?

  • Look at the size.

  • Oh, it doesn't look that big because my hand looks massive.

  • I promise you, this guy is humongous.

  • You would struggle to pick him up.

  • He is bloody ginormous. I just want to touch it.

  • I want to touch it.

  • This fish is sick.

  • He keeps hiding and stuff.

  • Where's he gone?

  • Fishy, fishy.

  • Um, yeah, let's see where the map takes us. Now we are talking, people.

  • This is what we, this is what I'm looking for.

  • Huge fanny bracelet, mate.

  • He's been scratching himself for the last 10 minutes, I swear to God.

  • What are you?

  • We've got a little bear statue, and we've got a little man dancing with the bear statue.

  • Strange, right?

  • This zoo keeps giving us more and more surprises.

  • There's like, like we're in the lion habitat, and if you look across the lion habitat, there's like a load of these bloody pink things just living their lives. Look at the monkeys.

  • Look at the little monkeys.

  • Monkeys are probably my favourite animal as well.

  • Not going to lie, I got like fanboy excited when I seen a monkey today. So, I've stumbled across this little gem while out in the zoo.

  • They've made like this little like Indian, Indian village, I want to say.

  • It's definitely Indian.

  • Um, I would have loved to come here as a kid and actually learn, learn about animals instead of coming here as what I am now and learning about nothing, except for, except for this, and how angry monkeys can get when you take their sticks away.

  • Oh, he was not happy.

  • You guys are mean, I've changed my mind about you guys. They're so tiny.

  • They look little puppies, but they look like rats.

  • Oh, why do I keep catching animals fight all day today?

  • It's not nice to fight, mate.

  • Stop fighting.

  • Do I have to record this whole thing?

  • Have a look.

  • Yeah, alright.

  • Thank you. So, I've got a pink butterfly on my face.

  • But on the bright side, I think I'm going to see a gorilla. So, I found myself in a freaking jungle.

  • And supposedly, if we walk down this track, we're going to come across a gorilla.

  • What the hell is this?

  • Please turn me till the message plays.

  • Well, that was, that was worthless, wasn't it?

  • Gorilla, really am waiting. Oh, there's a gorilla.

  • You're a little gorilla.

  • Look at this guy.

  • That's big daddy, can you believe it?

  • That's bloody King Kong.

  • He's a big boy.

  • Guys, in the comments below, what should we name this guy?

  • Because I don't know what his name is. Mate, I thought dinosaurs were extinct.

  • We just got an announcement.

  • The zoo is going to close in a second.

  • So, I think I'm going to head out.

  • This isn't me.

  • I'm going to go wash this off.

  • So, when you see me again, I'll probably have a big plate of food in front of me.

  • And my face will be normal, so.

  • That was good.

I'm at the zoo.

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