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  • I'm going to give you six mindset tips to help you overcome your public speaking anxiety and nerves by at least 50%.

  • These tips will help you cut your anxiety in half, and that's a great start.

  • Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

  • I'd like to tell you about two resources.

  • The first is a free PDF download with seven instant tips for more confident and composed speaking.

  • I also have a number of online classes on things like public speaking and communication skills and leadership.

  • And there's always at least one free class that you can take.

  • I'll put links to all of those resources in the description below this video.

  • There are two main inroads to your public speaking anxiety.

  • And the first is changing your mindset.

  • The second is changing your behavior or the concrete actions that you take.

  • You can start at either entry point in this feedback loop because your mindset and your behavior reinforce each other.

  • In this video, I'll be giving you six tips all about mindset or how you think.

  • If you can change the way you think about public speaking, you'll change the way you feel.

  • In a follow-up video, I'll give you six more tips that are all behavioral-based.

  • That's another way to get at this anxiety.

  • And when that one's ready, I will post it and put a link to it in the description below.

  • And I'll put a summary of these six tips at the end.

  • First, realize that anxiety and nervousness are not signs of trouble.

  • These are just signs that you're about to do something important.

  • We don't get nervous about meaningless activities.

  • Even professionals get nervous.

  • I was reading an interview with the world-famous and veteran actor, Michael Douglas.

  • And he said, I'm always nervous when I have to do public speaking.

  • And I have now gotten used to my nerves and how to deal with it.

  • But it's part of the excitement.

  • So even rich, famous, and normally confident people get nervous about public speaking.

  • It's not a sign of trouble or that there's something wrong with you.

  • Second, realize that you're only about half as nervous as you think.

  • The other half is called excitement.

  • They are two sides of the same emotional coin.

  • I heard a consultant the other day say that she has grown to like the butterflies in her stomach before she presents.

  • She said it reminds her that she's challenging herself.

  • It's the same with acting, playing guitar, or sports in front of a crowd.

  • A lot of those feelings are excitement.

  • After people speak and the anxiety is gone, they still feel excited about what they just did.

  • So the mindset tip is not to talk to yourself about how nervous you are.

  • Instead, talk to yourself about how at least half of what you're feeling is excitement.

  • Those butterflies are proof that you're alive and about to do something special.

  • Number three, realize that you do not look on the outside as nervous as you feel on the inside.

  • Your listeners can't tell how you feel.

  • They can only see what you show them.

  • And I've asked hundreds of speakers right after they speak, how nervous did you feel on a scale of one to 10?

  • They usually say eight, nine, or 10.

  • But the listeners routinely say that the speaker only looked about two or three out of 10 on that anxiety scale.

  • So once you realize that you don't come across nearly as nervous as you feel, that's half the battle.

  • I saw Sylvester Stallone, Rocky, talking about giving a big speech.

  • Before he spoke, he said his heart was pounding.

  • He was really nervous.

  • His adult daughter was with him and she looked out at the huge crowd and she said to him, dad, I don't know how you can be so calm.

  • I'd be freaking out.

  • So he was nervous, but he said to her, no, no, it's gonna be fine, I've got this.

  • His own daughter couldn't tell that he was having that spike of anxiety right before he spoke.

  • The takeaway is to play it cool like Rocky.

  • Other people really can't tell, and that's one less thing for you to worry about.

  • And fourth, the peak or spike of nervousness lasts less than 60 seconds.

  • The hardest part is usually the anticipation, the waiting.

  • A teacher I know, Andrea Newman, talks about that spike of nervousness that happens right before we speak and right up until about 30 seconds into our message.

  • That's when we feel the most intense anxiety.

  • That spike of nerves goes down drastically once we get rolling.

  • It's just like a professional football quarterback.

  • Their anxiety is highest right before the big game and up through the first few plays.

  • And then they settle into their game plan.

  • So the mindset tip is to remind yourself that you'll feel much better just moments after you start your presentation.

  • Number five, accept that anxiety and nervousness are not a barrier from doing an outstanding job.

  • Many speakers mistakenly believe that if they're nervous, then they can't do a good job.

  • But it's just not true.

  • Almost every athlete, for example, will admit to getting nervous before a big game.

  • Anxiety doesn't stop them from performing well.

  • Winning or losing games has nothing to do with how nervous a team is beforehand.

  • And the same goes for public speaking.

  • Some of the best professional speakers in the world admit to getting really nervous, but their nerves don't stop them from completely crushing it.

  • So accept that anxiety is not a barrier to doing a superior presentation.

  • Number six, assume that everybody is rooting for you.

  • Virtually everybody wants you to do well.

  • We drastically overestimate the negative judgment or possible embarrassment we could experience.

  • The truth is, I'd say that 99% of listeners are sympathetic.

  • They've all done some public speaking.

  • They know what it's like.

  • And I say 99% because sometimes you will see people with an unpleasant facial expression, but even those people are probably just like that.

  • That negative face that you see, maybe that's just the way they are.

  • That's not about you.

  • They're probably just having a bad day.

  • So assume that everybody wants you to succeed and they are on your side.

  • And here again are all six mindset tips.

  • Your mindset is all about changing the way you think about public speaking, and it's usually a necessary step to overcoming anxiety.

  • So my question of the day for you is which of these do you believe would help you make the most immediate progress?

  • Feel free to post your comment below.

  • And as mentioned, I have a follow-up video coming out soon about the six behavioral tips to reduce speaking anxiety.

  • I'll put a link to that as well as other resources in the description below as soon as that video is ready.

  • Both mindset changes and behavioral changes are starting points that will get you on a more positive and confident feedback loop.

  • So thanks for watching.

  • God bless, and I will see you in the next video.

I'm going to give you six mindset tips to help you overcome your public speaking anxiety and nerves by at least 50%.

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