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  • Guys, this is our ice bath challenge, we're just prepping the arena.

  • One bag of ice, two bags of ice, Julio, Julio, three bags of ice, and the last glacier, Julio,

  • Julio, Julio, Julio, Julio, Julio, Julio, Julio, Julio, Julio, Julio.

  • If the glacier enters the ocean, for me!

  • Hurrah!

  • Hurrah!

  • Oh my lord!

  • Hurrah!

  • Right guys, so as you've seen, we've prepped the bath with ice and very cold water.

  • Isn't it cold Michael?

  • Just like Antarctica in here.

  • And what we've got on the phone is general knowledge questions, based for 18 and under.

  • So we should know the majority of these questions, and the rule is, whoever's in the bath, has to answer at least three of these questions right before they're allowed to get out.

  • Let's do this!

  • Bon voyage!

  • Away we go then!

  • How's it going?

  • Well done Michael.

  • High five.

  • You've got in.

  • You've done a good job there.

  • What is kelp?

  • It's a Canadian dish, with gravy on it.

  • Wrong!

  • I don't know.

  • What is butterfly larva, more commonly called?

  • Molten.

  • Wrong!

  • Who are Bart Simpson's parents?

  • Homer and Marge Simpson.

  • Correct!

  • Fantastic!

  • Well done.

  • What kind of fruit is a kumquat?

  • A vegetable fruit.

  • Wrong!

  • Which rock idol was nicknamed The King?

  • Elvis Presley.

  • Well done!

  • That's two!

  • Which species gave birth to the world's biggest babies?

  • Rhinos.

  • How many feet in a fathom?

  • A fathom?

  • Yeah!

  • How did you not know this?

  • How did you not know this?

  • I know it because I can read it.

  • A fathom?

  • I thought a fathom was a thing.

  • Wrong!

  • How many lines in a sonnet?

  • The answer's in the question.

  • How many lines?

  • Eight.

  • Wrong!

  • Yoga was developed from which nation's religion?

  • Yoga!

  • Yoga!

  • Yoga!

  • Japan.

  • Wrong!

  • A bind is a group of what type of fish?

  • Plankton.

  • Wrong!

  • I don't know.

  • What was developed to explain the existence of the universe?

  • Jump!

  • Wrong!

  • A bind is a group of what type of fish?

  • Plankton.

  • Wrong!

  • I don't know.

  • What was developed to science the excitement of surfing on land?

  • Skateboards.

  • Yay!

  • Down the street!

  • Wrong!

  • Hair up!

  • Right stuff.

  • Well done, Mikey!

  • You got 3 out of 20 right.

  • Thanks, sir.

  • Consider yourself fit.

  • This is well unbearable.

  • Who likes this?

  • Okay, go.

  • Okay, just ask me.

  • You ready?

  • Please.

  • I can't feel my toes.

  • Lent always begins on what day of the week?

  • Sunday.

  • Wrong.

  • Monday.

  • Wrong.

  • Next question.

  • Scientist Albert Einstein was born in which country?

  • America.

  • No.

  • Austria.

  • No.

  • What is a marmoset?

  • Monkey.

  • Correct.

  • Yes.

  • Which one?

  • In which book would you find a magwitch?

  • Don't know.

  • I don't know.

  • In which book would you find a magwitch?

  • Don't know.

  • Next question.

  • What sort of plant is a truffle?

  • I don't know.

  • Next question.

  • Fungus.

  • Scrumpy is a type of alcoholic drink.

  • Cider.

  • Yes.

  • What was the first James Bond film?

  • Get your feet in.

  • Get them in there.

  • Golden Compass.

  • No.

  • Put them in.

  • Put them in the water.

  • Put them in the water.

  • Give me a break, please.

  • What colour are donations when they're born?

  • White.

  • Fair play.

  • Oh, wait.

  • You asked Riley that question.

  • I heard you.

  • Never mind.

  • What is added to egg yolks and vanilla to make an advocate?

  • Flour.

  • Brandy.

  • What spirit is Russia famous for producing?

  • Vodka.

  • Vodka.

  • Yes.

  • Get it.

  • Yes.

  • Ow, my shins.

  • Ice is like little rocks.

  • Ow.

  • Ow.

  • That was a big flop.

  • Oh, my God.

  • That clay shoe just hit me.

  • Sorry.

  • Look at that.

  • That was a big flop.

  • Oh, my God.

  • That was a big flop.

  • Oh, my God.

  • That was a big flop.

  • Oh, my God.

  • That was a big flop.

  • Oh, my God.

  • That was a big flop.

  • That was a big flop.

  • Ow, my shins.

  • That was a big flop.

  • Ow, my shins.

  • That was a big flop.

  • Ow, my shins.

  • That was a big flop.

  • Look at it.

  • It's gone.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I'm so sorry.

  • Look at it.

  • Hit me with your questionnaires, brother.

  • What color are dalmations when they are born?

  • Brown.

  • Nope.

  • To the nearest mile, what is the length of a marathon?

  • 26 miles.

  • Fair play.

  • Yes.

  • One.

  • The tropic of Capricorn cuts what continent into two fairly equal halves?

  • America.

  • No.

  • Africa.

  • No.

  • India.

  • No.

  • Japan.

  • Four.

  • What year was the first season of The Peasant?

  • Shooting season.

  • Legally stars.

  • Spring.

  • If you know my birthday, you've got it.

  • October 31st.

  • 31st?

  • I hate you.

  • I hate you.

  • No!

  • October 1st.

  • Yes.

  • Yes, two.

  • Don't worry.

  • What does the advert feed on?

  • Anti-aids.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • What do they eat?

  • Ants.

  • Ants.

  • Two ants.

  • You got it.

  • Fair play.

  • I got three.

  • Woo-hoo!

  • So I'm asking Jack his questions.

  • He's getting in.

  • What layer of the planet is made up of ten tonic plates, inner core, outer core, thyrsum, or crust?

  • Correct.

  • What instrument is used for measuring wind speed?

  • An aerometer.

  • Close.

  • Anometer.

  • How many players are there in an ice hockey team?

  • Four, twelve, ten.

  • Six.

  • What does the term piano mean?

  • Keys.

  • What does the term Verdi mean in a game of golf?

  • It's four.

  • It is not.

  • Apart from cheese and tomato, what other two toppings are usually on a Hawaiian pizza?

  • Pineapple.

  • And?

  • Correct.

  • What is another word for a lexicon?

  • I don't know.

  • True or false?

  • Adults have 34 teeth.

  • True.

  • False.

  • Half of 250 is 120.

  • False.

  • Correct.

  • You can get out.

  • Sweet.

  • Can you help me?

  • Not sure I can do it by myself.

  • I'm going to give myself really easy questions.

  • In and out.

  • Three times.

  • Hello, Mr. Andrew.

  • So, I just loaded up a new page and haven't looked at it.

  • Ooh.

  • Ooh.

  • Mother, I killed a man.

  • Go, go, go.

  • Hurry up!

  • The word mosquito is from Portuguese.

  • Little fly.

  • Yes.

  • Correct.

  • How many moons does Jupiter have?

  • A, 7, B, 37, or C, 67?

  • 67.

  • Correct.

  • When's football coming home?

  • Today!

  • Yes!

  • It's three!

  • Oh, my God.

  • I did it in four questions, did I not?

  • You did, but I did ask when's football coming home.

  • Okay, sweet.

  • Go!

  • We use SD cards.

  • I know we do!

  • You're storing digital data.

  • Yes, we do!

  • What does SD stand for?

  • Standard digital.

  • No, social device!

  • Secure digital.

  • Yeah!

  • Whoa, I'm wrong.

  • Go!

  • Go!

  • What is it?

  • Go!

  • Go!

  • G-Day is a common greeting in Australia and New Zealand.

  • G'day.

  • In which year did the word first appear in the Oxford English Dictionary?

  • 2001.

  • A, 1994, B, 2004, C, 2014.

  • 2004.

  • 2014, I reckon, is purple.

  • Yes, it is!

  • It's 2014!

  • Well done, Andy!

  • You've got your legs back!

  • Anyway, guys, thanks for watching.

  • We're going to go watch England now.

  • Come on, England!

  • Football's coming home.

  • Yeah!

  • See you on the other side.

  • Like and subscribe.

  • Peace.

  • You're with me, baby

  • Cos I want you to know

  • What happens after the show

  • You can turn off now.

  • Alex, turn the camera off.

  • I'll punch you.

  • I'll punch you.

Guys, this is our ice bath challenge, we're just prepping the arena.

Subtitles and vocabulary

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