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  • Hi everyone.

  • My name is Christian, and I am Canadian.

  • I am from Canada, and this is a map of Canada.

  • So this is Canada.

  • This is a map of Canada, and this is Ottawa.

  • Ottawa is the capital of Canada.

  • Ottawa is Canada's capital city.

  • Just like Paris is the capital of France, London is the capital of England, Beijing is the capital of China, Ottawa is the capital of Canada.

  • So Ottawa is Canada's capital city.

  • And this is Toronto.

  • Toronto is the capital of Ontario.

  • Ontario is a province in Canada.

  • Canada has 10 provinces.

  • So these are Canada's 10 provinces.

  • And Canada has three territories.

  • So Canada has three territories.

  • So Ontario is a province in Canada.

  • Quebec is another province in Canada.

  • Alberta is a province in Canada.

  • British Columbia is a province in Canada.

  • And Toronto is the capital of Ontario.

  • So Toronto is the capital of Ontario, and Ontario is a province in Canada.

  • So I used to live in Toronto.

  • I used to work there.

  • I used to study there.

  • I used to sleep there.

  • So I lived in Toronto for about 10 years.

  • I lived there from 2005 until 2015.

  • I want to show you two photos that I took when I lived in Toronto.

  • So these are two photos that I took.

  • This is what Toronto looks like in the spring or summer.

  • And this is what Toronto looks like in the wintertime.

  • So these are two photos I took.

  • I took them with a camera.

  • Not this camera, but a digital camera.

  • A camera like this one.

  • So I took these photos in Toronto.

  • I took this photo, I think I took it in May of 2012.

  • So that would be May.

  • May is in the springtime, almost the summertime.

  • And I think I took this photo in January of 2013.

  • So January is the wintertime.

  • So this is what Toronto looks like in the spring or summer.

  • And this is what Toronto looks like in the wintertime.

  • So this year is 2019.

  • So I took these photos in 2012 and 2013, I think.

  • That would be about six or seven years ago now.

  • So again, this is what Toronto looks like in the spring or summer.

  • And this is what Toronto looks like in the winter.

  • So let's compare these two photos.

  • How does Toronto look different in the wintertime?

  • So in the wintertime, there's lots of green grass on the ground.

  • So there's lots of grass here, lots of green grass here.

  • There's some green grass over here too.

  • There's lots of parks and places in Toronto where there's lots of grass.

  • So you can see lots of green grass on the ground in the spring and summer.

  • But then in the winter, lots of snow falls.

  • It's very cold and lots of all over the ground here, lots of snow here.

  • There's snow on the roofs of buildings here.

  • And there's snow on these roofs.

  • So there's snow everywhere in the winter.

  • Also, you can see this tree.

  • There's a tree here.

  • And this tree is bare.

  • But then in the spring, leaves grow on the tree.

  • So the tree grows lots of green leaves.

  • So in the spring and summer, all of these trees have green leaves.

  • So you can see there's a tree here.

  • There's trees over here.

  • And they're all covered with green leaves.

  • But then in the fall, all the leaves fall off of those trees.

  • And they are bare.

  • So in the winter, all these trees have no leaves.

  • But then in the spring and summer, they grow green leaves again.

  • In the spring and summer, there's lots of green.

  • There's green grass and green trees.

  • But in the winter, you see lots of white snow.

  • There's snow on the ground, snow on the roofs here.

  • There's snow on these buildings.

  • So there's snow everywhere in the winter.

  • And also in the winter, you can see steam rising from buildings.

  • So there's steam here.

  • There's steam here rising from these buildings.

  • And when it's very cold, it condenses.

  • The water vapor or the steam condenses.

  • Just like if you breathe out, when you breathe out, when you exhale, when it's very cold, you can see it in front of you.

  • It looks like this.

  • You can see your breath.

  • You can see the water vapor condense and make a cloud like this in front of your face.

  • So again, this is what summertime looks like.

  • So let's take a look at this photo of Toronto in the spring, almost the summertime, and see what are some of the things that we can see in downtown Toronto.

  • So this is downtown Toronto.

  • And of course, in downtown Toronto, there are many buildings, there are buildings here, many, many buildings.

  • Right here in the business district downtown, there are many office buildings, many very tall buildings, skyscrapers.

  • So these are office buildings.

  • These are places where people work.

  • And over here, over here, these are condominiums.

  • So these are condominium towers.

  • So these are buildings where people live, where people sleep.

  • And you can see here, there's many construction sites.

  • You can see this building is under construction.

  • And there's a crane here.

  • This is a construction site.

  • And there's a crane here.

  • And here's another crane, here's another crane.

  • So at the time, again, this was about seven years ago.

  • So there were many construction sites, there was a lot of construction going on in downtown Toronto.

  • And over here, you can see there are many apartment buildings, many condominiums here.

  • So again, places where people live, where people sleep.

  • And over here, you can see there are train tracks.

  • These are train tracks.

  • Many people live outside of Toronto.

  • And then they come into Toronto by train.

  • So they come into Toronto, and they work, they work downtown.

  • And then they take the train outside of Toronto.

  • So they take the train back home, back to where they live outside of Toronto, where they live, and where they sleep.

  • And then they come back again by train, and then work again.

  • So many people live outside of Toronto, and then they come in by train in order to work in Toronto, to work in downtown Toronto.

  • And over here, you can see there's a road here.

  • There's this bridge, this bridge goes over the train tracks here.

  • And you can see there's a streetcar here.

  • This is a streetcar.

  • Toronto has streetcars, Toronto has buses, and Toronto has subways.

  • So the streetcars and buses are above ground.

  • They go above ground, and the subways go below ground.

  • So Toronto has streetcars like this, and Toronto has buses, and Toronto has subways.

  • And over here, you can see this is an expressway.

  • This is called the Gardiner Expressway.

  • So the Gardiner Expressway goes over this road here, and you can see there are some cars here.

  • In this picture, there's just a few cars, but sometimes it's very busy.

  • At rush hour, it's very busy.

  • There are many, many, many cars, lots of cars.

  • But in this picture, there's only a few cars, so it's not very busy.

  • You can see a taxi here.

  • There's a taxi cab.

  • This taxi is green and orange.

  • Toronto has many taxis like this, many taxi cabs that are these colors, green and orange.

  • You probably have seen this before, this structure.

  • This is called the CN Tower.

  • So this is the CN Tower.

  • It's very tall.

  • It's much taller than everything else in Toronto.

  • And the CN Tower is one of the tallest towers in the world.

  • It's about 553 meters tall.

  • So the CN Tower is very tall.

  • It's taller than all of these other buildings.

  • And again, this is downtown Toronto.

  • So again, to review, my name is Christian.

  • I am Canadian.

  • I am from Canada.

  • And this is a map of Canada.

  • This is Ottawa.

  • Ottawa is the capital of Canada.

  • So Ottawa is Canada's capital city.

  • And this is Toronto.

  • Toronto is the capital of Ontario.

  • And Ontario is a province in Canada.

  • And I used to live in Toronto.

  • I lived in Toronto for about 10 years.

  • I lived there from 2005 until 2015.

  • So I lived in Toronto for about 10 years.

  • And these are two photos that I took.

  • Photos with a camera.

  • Not this camera, but a camera like this one.

  • I took these photos when I lived in Toronto.

  • And so this is what Toronto looks like in the spring or summer.

  • And this is what Toronto looks like in the wintertime.

  • So I think I took this photo in May of 2012.

  • So that would be the springtime, almost the summertime.

  • And I think I took this photo in January of 2013.

  • So that would be in the wintertime, in January.

  • And let's compare.

  • How does Toronto look different in the spring or summer compared to the wintertime?

  • So in the spring or summer, there's lots of grass on the ground.

  • Lots of green grass here.

  • There's lots of green trees.

  • Trees with lots of green leaves.

  • But in the fall, the leaves fall off of the trees.

  • And then in the winter, the trees are bare.

  • And in the winter, it's very cold often.

  • A lot of snow falls.

  • So there's lots of snow on the ground.

  • Lots of white snow.

  • You can see snow on the ground here.

  • There's snow on the roofs of buildings here.

  • A bit of snow on this building.

  • And also you can see there's steam rising from the buildings.

  • For many buildings here, when it's very cold, you can see the steam because it condenses.

  • Just like when you breathe out and it's very cold.

  • When you breathe out, when you exhale, you can see the water vapor condensing in front of your face.

  • So you can see your breath.

  • It looks like this.

  • So again, this is what Toronto looks like in the winter.

  • And this is what Toronto looks like in the spring and summer.

  • And let's look at some of the things that we can see in downtown Toronto.

  • Of course, there's many, many buildings.

  • And there's many different kinds of buildings.

  • There are tall buildings, skyscrapers, many office towers, places where people work.

  • So these are office towers where people work.

  • And these are over here.

  • There are many condominiums.

  • And at the time when I took this, I took this about seven years ago.

  • I took this photo about seven years ago in 2012.

  • Around that time, there was a lot of construction going on.

  • So you can see construction sites here.

  • There's a construction site here.

  • This building is under construction.

  • This building is under construction.

  • There are many cranes.

  • This is a crane.

  • There's a crane here.

  • Another crane here on top of this building.

  • So there are many condominiums, condominium towers under construction.

  • So there's condominiums.

  • There's apartment buildings, condominiums, places where people live, where people sleep.

  • You can also see train tracks here.

  • So many people, there are many people who live outside of Toronto, but then they come into Toronto by train to work, to work here, to work downtown.

  • And then they take the train back home to where they live, where they sleep.

  • And here is a bridge.

  • This bridge goes over these train tracks.

  • And you can see a streetcar here.

  • Toronto has streetcars.

  • Toronto has buses that go above ground.

  • And then you have the subway.

  • So Toronto has streetcars like this and buses and subway cars.

  • And here is the Gardiner Expressway.

  • This is an expressway.

  • It goes through downtown.

  • You can see some cars here.

  • Not that many cars.

  • Sometimes it's full of cars.

  • There's lots and lots of traffic, many, many vehicles, many cars.

  • Here you can see a taxi cab.

  • Toronto has many taxis that are this color, that are orange and green like this.

  • And then you probably have seen this before.

  • This is the CN Tower.

  • It's one of the tallest structures in the world.

  • It's taller than all of these other buildings in Toronto.

  • And the CN Tower is about 553 meters tall.

  • And again, this is downtown Toronto.

Hi everyone.

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