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  • Happiness has three macronutrients, which you need in balance and abundance.

  • And if you don't have all those three, you're not going to be a happy person.

  • I ask my students on the first day of class, it's a hard class to get into.

  • There's a lot of competition to get into the class.

  • I say, look, you're in this class, you bid your points because this is a point system for getting electives at the Harvard Business School.

  • It's a market.

  • And I say, so you must know what it is, right?

  • What is it?

  • And they'll go around and say, it's the feeling I get when I remember.

  • Wrong.

  • Happiness is not a feeling any more than the smell of the turkey is your Thanksgiving dinner.

  • That's evidence of your Thanksgiving dinner.

  • Your feeling is evidence of it.

  • If we look at the happiest people and the unhappiest people, the happiest people have in common three macronutrients: enjoyment, satisfaction, and purpose, which you need in balance and abundance.

  • And if you don't have all those three, you're not going to be a happy person.

  • And so I'll talk to very powerful people who say, frankly, I'm just not happy.

  • I will look at their macronutrient profile in the same way that if you said, ah, my digestion's all goofed up.

  • Well, probably you're not getting the right macros.

  • And ordinarily, what I'll find with strivers is that they're very high in stoic work ethic to get a whole lot of long-term meaning.

  • And they're very low in enjoyment, very low in enjoyment, what I find.

  • If I'm talking to undergraduate students, they're very high in enjoyment on the basis of high dose of pleasure.

  • And they're very low in meaning.

  • They're not getting a whole lot of meaning.

  • Or if they're real success junkies, they're trying to get as much satisfaction as they can.

  • And it's elusive because they're on the treadmill.

  • You know, it's like work hard, get the hit.

  • Well, that was good for a week.

  • The new car smell lasts for like a week, right?

  • You know, people always say, you know, it's the California phenomenon.

  • There's a lot of research on this about how long you'll be satisfied if you move to California.

  • And the answer is the sunshine will give you satisfaction for six months, but the taxes are forever.

  • You know, careful with, I mean, sorry, I'm not trying to hurt you, Rich.

  • I've made my peace with that, but go ahead.

  • It is a nice place.

  • So the point is that the balance that you need in the macronutrient profile of happiness is really the best way to diagnostically understand how happy you are.

  • That's where I actually start.

  • That's the definition.

  • Satisfaction, enjoyment, plus meaning and purpose.

  • And they all have a big science behind them.

  • Right, satisfaction.

  • We get that sense of satisfaction in the pursuit of something ambitious, right?

  • That's a goal met, the joy of a reward.

  • But the problem is not that you can't get no satisfaction, as Mick Jagger sings.

  • The problem is you can't keep no satisfaction.

  • The real problem is you get it and then it goes.

  • So you get the high from cocaine or alcohol, for example, but it's gone immediately.

  • You chase it.

  • If you never got it in the first place, it wouldn't be a problem.

  • If you literally got no satisfaction, there would be no problem.

  • But that you can't keep no satisfaction, that's the real problem.

  • But you can hack it.

  • You can actually hack it if you understand and go against.

  • You can get enduring or at least lasting satisfaction if you go against your nature, which is a really interesting body of literature, because it reminds us again that Mother Nature doesn't care if we're happy.

  • Mother Nature wants to fool us again and again and again and again to hit the lever because it makes us more genetically fit.

  • It helps us to pass on our genes by having more money, more power, more honor than the troglodyte in the next cave was fewer animal skins.

  • But we think that that car will bring us lasting satisfaction.

  • You have to hack that matrix and you can get lasting satisfaction.

  • The way to think about it is if you have a concept of your satisfaction in terms of what you have, you're in trouble.

  • But if you understand a more accurate model where your satisfaction is what you have divided by what you want, halves divided by wants, then you need a halves management strategy, but more importantly, a wants management strategy.

  • The secret to being more satisfied is not having more, it's wanting less.

  • That's the secret.

  • And one that's really elusive for all young people today who are psychological hedonists.

  • They're spending all their energy and time trying to avoid unhappiness.

  • What that does is that when you avoid pain, you're avoiding meaning.

  • What you're avoiding, learning what your purpose is through resiliency, what you're capable of, and the lessons you're supposed to learn.

  • And you're avoiding, to avoid your unhappiness is to avoid your happiness.

  • We need pain.

  • We need sacrifice.

Happiness has three macronutrients, which you need in balance and abundance.

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哈佛教授:這才是人生真正快樂的3大要素 ► 少了其中一項,你這輩子就不會真正的快樂 - Dr. Arthur Brooks 亞瑟.布魯克斯(中英字幕)

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    Cindy posted on 2024/10/18
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