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  • Yeah, so, uh, Matthew, I'll finish with this, um, it's a privilege to be your best man, but it's even more of a privilege to be your best friend.

  • I love you, bro!

  • That's my boy right there!

  • All right!

  • Give it up for the best man!

  • But we did say, no boring speeches, no shade.

  • Anyway, turning the attention to my beautiful sister, the bride, Kelsey!

  • Same mom, different dads, love you, girl!

  • I would like to invite up Kelsey's bridesmaids, aka the Kel Squad!

  • Okay, so instead of a speech, we're going to do something different for y'all, because we're a little bit creative and a little bit quirky.

  • And we know we're not Matt's favorite, because every time Kelsey's with us, she low-key blacks out.

  • Nah, come on, I love y'all.

  • But Kelsey loves her espresso martinis, so we wrote a special song about our bachelorette trip.

  • They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

  • But we didn't go to Vegas, we went to Charleston.

  • Hit it!

  • The bridesmaids wanted a celebration, so we took a trip, bachelorette vacation.

  • Cause we know she needs one, a break from Matthew.

  • Just kidding, Matt, we're glad she has you.

  • We're out, the shots are flowing, yeah.

  • Guys on the dance floor grooving, yeah.

  • We say no thanks, she's taken, yeah.

  • Sing it!

  • Now she's with a hot guy, but he looks gay.

  • Her name's Domingo.

  • Second location, maybe he's bi, still dancing with Domingo.

  • Third location, fully straight, fully touching Domingo.

  • I can't wait to be his wife, she's pointing to Domingo.

  • So, quick question, who's Domingo?

  • Oh, just this random guy we met, I told you about him.

  • I'm positive you did not.

  • In the bathroom, we take her outside.

  • She says don't worry, we won't cross the line.

  • Think of your fiance, she says good reminder.

  • Hands me her ring, then we can't find her.

  • You took off your ring, is this true?

  • Well, I just didn't want to lose it in the hot tub.

  • What hot tub?

  • Now we're back in the house, in the hot tub.

  • She's there with Domingo.

  • Ask him to leave, get a hotel, she's vibing with Domingo.

  • You asked him to leave and get a hotel?

  • You're missing it.

  • At the Marriott, googling Domingo.

  • Just to make sure he's not psycho.

  • But he's actually a doctor, and randomly a model.

  • And he volunteers with weird sick animals.

  • Is the point of this song just that Kelsey cheated on me all weekend?

  • No, the point is it's espresso.

  • You're not even listening to the lyrics.

  • That's all I'm listening to.

  • The next day, she said nothing happened.

  • They talked all night about you, Matthew.

  • The man at brunch, she just starts crying.

  • We ask her why, she says I'm just so tired.

  • We say take a nap, she says I'm not that kind of tired.

  • Okay, I need answers now about you and whoever this Domingo guy is.

  • And not for nothing, but the rhyme scheme has gone completely out the window.

  • Look, I'm sorry I met someone I connected with, but Domingo is in the past.

  • Kelsey, I'm here.

  • See now, if this is Domingo, I'm gonna be pissed.

  • Hey Matt, came all this way, had to explain, direct from Domingo.

  • Kelsey's a friend, she's like my sis, but we did hook up though.

  • What? Why would you guys tell me this through song?

  • I hope we can still be friends.

  • We'll be right back.

Yeah, so, uh, Matthew, I'll finish with this, um, it's a privilege to be your best man, but it's even more of a privilege to be your best friend.

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Bridesmaid Speech - SNL

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    kuko posted on 2024/10/19
Video vocabulary