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  • Good morning, young lady.

  • Welcome to the St Agnes Reformatory for Wayward Girls, where you will learn to be a proper young lady as one of our special sissy schoolgirls.

  • I appreciate your prompt arrival.

  • Discipline and firmness are our highest priorities here.

  • I understand you are a reluctant volunteer for our facility.

  • According to your file, you were caught dressing in your stepsister's clothing.

  • Very naughty.

  • Very naughty indeed.

  • But do not be embarrassed.

  • It is a right and proper thing that a girl recognise the yearning deep within herself to become a proper schoolgirl.

  • We will properly clear your mind of all the confusion and sin within you, wipe you clean of all distractions, and hypnotise you into the role of a proper schoolgirl.

  • Be not afraid.

  • The experience is akin to having wickedness burned away and it uses a series of post-hypnotic suggestions and subconscious triggers to create in you an intense yearning to be obedient, to be a good girl, to be an exemplary schoolgirl of the Reformatory.

  • It will overwrite your memories to the point that not only will you wish very much to be a schoolgirl, you will not remember a time when you ever did not.

  • But then, you don't need much encouragement, do you?

  • In high school, some students dreamed of romance or success.

  • You dreamed of the day you would be taken firmly by the arm and told it was time to wear your schoolgirl uniform.

  • That day has arrived.

  • Therefore, please lie down within the restraint unit.

  • It will be necessary that you be strapped into place so you don't squirm away.

  • The restraints are for your own good, I assure you.

  • Do not be afraid as the maids strip you.

  • The girls are well accustomed to preparing our special sissy schoolgirls for their fates, and they are not easily embarrassed.

  • Please slip your legs into the stirrups.

  • There's a good girl.

  • I know it is awkward, but it's necessary.

  • The leather straps at your ankles and thighs will prevent you from resisting.

  • Rest your head into the cushion.

  • Good girl.

  • The headband and neck collar will hold you fast, and of course your wrists will be strapped down at your sides.

  • A simple Velcro fastener will I am afraid you must be blindfolded.

  • We wish you to experience sensory deprivation for this undertaking.

  • You can see nothing.

  • You are aware of nothing.

  • All you are familiar with is my voice, and whatever physical sensation we choose to inflict upon you.

  • First, the attention enhancement device will be attached to certain very sensitive areas where it will do the most good.

  • We will activate the pleasure sense to keep you docile while the beginnings of the hypnosis process get underway.

  • We find that the pleasure is not unlike that a girl experiences while self-pleasuring, and so it is ideal to get you into the correct mindset for your mind wiping.

  • You will of course not be allowed to receive sensual pleasure under any other circumstances, but as a reward and compliance system, it often allows our special sissy girls to accept their new status more quickly.

  • Do not be afraid of the hypnotic sounds you may be perceiving.

  • They will penetrate the resistance and rewrite new information into your mind as your replacement personality is uploaded.

  • Lie back and relax.

  • Feel only the effects of the enhancement as your mind eases into a state of deep, deep relaxation.

  • Everything feels perfect.

  • Let your mind flow and your new state emerge.

  • You are no longer a boy who borrows clothing from his sister in secret.

  • You are caught in the act and strictly punished by your stepmother.

  • Your current age does not matter.

  • You are no longer a college student.

  • You are a schoolgirl and your stepmother has given us full authority for all forms of discipline over you.

  • Even at age 21, that is all that matters to us.

  • Nothing in the world is more important than authority.

  • Your mother's authority over you remains no matter what age you reach, and we respect her will over yours.

  • You are taken by the hand, placed across her lap, and given a humiliating bare-bottom spanking for stealing your sister's clothes.

  • You were then volunteered for transformation at this facility.

  • There is nothing wrong with this.

  • You were not punished for wanting to be a girl, but for hiding this fact.

  • Indeed, girls learn their lessons best through their backsides.

  • And as you are a girl at heart, I am certain you learned a strict lesson via your bottom that day.

  • Think back to what it was like squirming and pleading as you were spanked again and again.

  • Think of how the heavy wooden spoon blistered your bottom, and think of how ashamed you were as you were scolded for stealing your sister's schoolgirl uniform.

  • Remember what it was like to feel your skirt pinned up and your panties lowered to bare your bottom for your spanking.

  • Remember the hot shame even as you realised this is what you wanted.

  • This is what you deserved.

  • You wanted to be a naughty schoolgirl and placed across your governess lap for discipline, didn't you?

  • You wanted to be spanked and caned, and finally forced to kneel in the corner like a naughty child while your sister and stepmother decided what to do with you.

  • You couldn't resist.

  • As soon as you put on the schoolgirl uniform and you were caught wearing it, you had to obey.

  • You understood that wearing the uniform places you under complete authority.

  • You must obey any authority figure, and as a junior schoolgirl of no rank, everyone is an authority figure, including your sister, since she has been a schoolgirl longer than you.

  • Think now of how good it felt to obey, of how right it felt to do as you were told.

  • Kneeling there in the corner with your hands behind your head, you understood that you wanted to be obedient and submissive.

  • It was what you always wanted.

  • To be uniformed, skirted, kept under control and treated very firmly.

  • To wear a schoolgirl uniform is to announce to the world that you are under authority.

  • This has been your dream all your life.

  • You just did not know it yet.

  • But it felt so good to wear that short skirt, those pantyhose, the knee socks and the blouse that demonstrated your weak social status.

  • It's all you can think about now, isn't it?

  • What it felt like to dress that way and to know that your uniform meant you had no choice but to obey.

  • Once the transport nurses arrived at your house to deliver you to this facility, there was no backing out.

  • You were to be taken in hand and confined permanently to this academy, where you will spend the rest of your life as a firmly disciplined schoolgirl.

  • You can feel the power of the uniform now, can't you?

  • The sensations caressing your body make you so easily suggested.

  • You want to wear a schoolgirl uniform.

  • You want to be a good girl.

  • You want to be a naughty girl and bend over for the cane.

  • You want to feel your skirt pinned up and your bottom bared for six of the very best.

  • Then you want to be sent to the corner to complete your penance.

  • You don't want responsibility.

  • You want to be disciplined and under authority.

  • You want to be treated like a child and punished by authority figures you cannot resist.

  • I see you struggling now in the restraints.

  • Let your fear go.

  • You will soon forget all this and be a proper girl.

  • That's what you want, isn't it?

  • You want to let go of your masculinity and give in completely to being a good girl.

  • Good girls make more good girls and you will become a fine special sissy schoolgirl.

  • You will no longer be permitted to while away your time.

  • You will look forward to being treated as a silly girl who needs to be taught strict lessons.

  • You will learn to be charming and witty and graceful and perfect.

  • You will not be like those silly boys.

  • You don't want to be a boy at all.

  • You want to be a girl in a skirt and pantyhose locked in a chastity belt to show your virtue.

  • Yes, now you're ready for the conditioning to continue.

  • We will replace the pleasure sense with an agonizing one designed to focus and sharpen your attention.

  • Electric shock prods will be attached in place to reinforce your brainwashing.

  • Lie still and let it happen.

  • The first jolts will come as quite a kick.

  • Oh, that is only the beginning, young lady.

  • Pain is good.

  • Pain is the path by which we meet virtue.

  • You will suffer and then it will be over and you will no longer be filled with the sinful thoughts that have always driven you.

  • You will no longer have any need for sensation down there, so the only two things you will feel are frustration and pain.

  • You will be locked up in the reformatory for the rest of your life.

  • You will be confined to this institution permanently.

  • You will have no memory of who or what you were.

  • You will be an eternal schoolgirl, exactly as you always wanted.

  • You won't even remember a time when you didn't yearn to be skirted and treated very firmly.

  • But part of you will always desire escape, even as you know you can never be free of this place.

  • Now relax and breathe through the pain.

  • Feel the life you know you want to lead.

  • To be a simple schoolgirl at the mercy of authority, forever being given orders and held firmly by the arm and forced to accept humiliating and degrading punishments.

  • Imagine the existence of a forlorn and adorable schoolgirl, unable to escape her cruel institution.

  • Look at her and how small she is compared to the threats that face her.

  • See how easily the cane brings you in line by applying well-deserved stripes to your bottom.

  • See how it feels to be her, writing lines by candlelight as you toil through the night with a sore bottom and a root inserted into you.

  • Why, you no longer envision the schoolgirl at all.

  • You simply are her in every way.

  • Open your mind to your femininity, your weakness to authority.

  • Any instructor, governess or deputy headmistress can take you in hand and discipline you as they see fit.

  • You cannot resist.

  • You cannot escape.

  • You don't want to resist or escape.

  • You can't help yourself.

  • You want to put on that uniform, to slip into those panties and put on pantyhose, to wear a bra and garter belts like any other woman who is forced to live up to society's standards.

  • You used to appreciate what pantyhose and stockings looked like as you furtively glanced at women.

  • Now you can appreciate what they feel like.

  • You can't help it.

  • You have to put on the hose and the knee socks, then the blouse and short tartan skirt, the schoolgirl skirt that you can never just take off.

  • It is a uniform that shows who you are, shows how lowly you are, 21 years old and imprisoned in a girls' institution with all the other naughty girls.

  • You can feel it, can't you?

  • The agoniser continues to shock you and force your brain into submission.

  • You cannot escape.

  • Your hands are pinned to your sides.

  • It gets harder and harder to resist.

  • It feels so natural to put on that uniform.

  • It makes you want to obey, to work hard, to impress your authority figures.

  • And you want to impress them, don't you?

  • You want to please them or else suffer the consequences.

  • Whenever you desire to be a proper schoolgirl, the feeling will become intense in a way you can barely control.

  • And any time you do not desire it, you will feel it come nonetheless.

  • Your will no longer matters.

  • Your desires no longer matter.

  • The less you want to be a properly disciplined girl, the more your mind will be controlled to embrace schoolgirl life.

  • The instincts will be burned into your brain, enforcing you to be an obedient and submissive schoolgirl.

  • If you feel annoyed or tired of being a schoolgirl, you will feel a sharp hand hauling you by the arm or tugging you by the ear and shoving you into the corner until you are ready to come out and write, I am an obedient schoolgirl, 100 times in perfect penmanship.

  • You can't help it.

  • Your former name is fading away.

  • You're merely another wayward girl who will be locked up here permanently or until she learns her lesson.

  • You cannot fight it.

  • You don't want to fight it.

  • The overpowering feeling of being a silly, girlish, sissy schoolgirl is the most important feeling in your heart.

  • The more you think of it, the more you will want it, and the more you try not to think about it, the more you will not be able to resist.

  • If you try to escape this programming, you will be forced deeper into the hole, and you will feel you're the personality erased and replaced only with schoolgirl.

  • Open your eyes.

  • You are in school now.

  • You are a girl confined to the reformatory.

  • You are in safe hands.

  • You are under our control now, schoolgirl, right where you belong, in your uniform and under strict authority.

  • Go stand in the corner until you are ready to join class tomorrow.

  • Your first day will include a bare-bottom caning in front of the entire student body.

  • Don't worry about crying.

  • New girls always cry at their first caning.

  • You will get used to it.

  • While your governess adjusts the machinery, I will give you further direction.

  • I am the deputy headmistress in charge of discipline for this institution.

  • I will therefore be responsible for your instruction, everyday activities, and whatever punishments are necessary to keep you cooperative.

  • I know you intend to be a good girl, but even good girls must receive punishment every so often.

  • I will now explain the rules of this institution to you.

  • Each morning, you will rise at dawn without delay.

  • You will then put on your pink leotard, gym slippers, and white tights.

  • You will feel the same sensation as every other girl who reluctantly is required to wear a leotard and perform for others.

  • This is the gym uniform of a St.

  • Agnes schoolgirl.

  • Many girls have worn this humiliating uniform every morning before you, and many more will be forced to wear it afterwards.

  • Do not think of yourself as particularly special.

  • The senior girls will guide you through a rigorous programme of exercise.

  • You will then engage in morning dance instruction.

  • You will obey every word of the dancemistress, or you will feel her cane against your thighs.

  • Upon returning to your room, you will stand in the corner while remaining in your leotard and tights and reflect upon the humiliation of your situation.

  • You will serve this corner time with grace and humility, and offer it up as a sacrifice for all the sins you have committed for which you were not caught.

  • After this, you will put on your schoolgirl uniform.

  • Each piece of this uniform must be worn mindfully and with great respect.

  • The closest layer to your skin will be your chastity belt, of course.

  • You will be locked up tight to keep your virtue safe.

  • Don't you appreciate being kept locked for your own good?

  • You must feel wonderful knowing that you are so loved and cherished.

  • We will keep you locked in a chastity belt to keep your soul safe.

  • Over that, you will wear a shapewear bodysuit in order to constrict your body like a girl would suffer.

  • You will learn to love this as it wraps tightly around your body and reminds you at all times of your lowly status.

  • Then you will put on a bra and panties.

  • These panties will be regulation satin gym knickers.

  • You will find them unpleasant to wear and scratchy, but they are absolutely necessary for a schoolgirl to wear.

  • You will find delight in your heart as you draw them up over yourself, knowing that you are enduring an experience that only schoolgirls are privileged to suffer.

  • After that comes the pantyhose.

  • You will wear pantyhose at all times, as they are essential to ladylike behaviour and continue to remind you that your body is on display and does not belong to yourself.

  • Pantyhose are worn solely for the benefit of others, and it is good for you to know that you have no choice but to suffer to meet the expectations of strange men.

  • After that comes the knee socks and tartan skirt.

  • You will always know that you are being stared at in this uniform while out in public.

  • Most stares will come from men who think you don't notice.

  • They enjoy the idea that you are under authority.

  • They like to imagine you disobeying and being punished severely for it.

  • You will learn to like imagining it too.

  • Then you will button up your blouse.

  • I expect your blouse to be perfectly tucked in with out a single error.

  • You will put on your cross tie with its decoration exactly in centre and not a single sliver of tie visible beneath your collar.

  • Then comes your vest and of course the school blazer to show your pride in being a student of the academy for wayward girls.

  • This will also serve to help identify you in the event you ever try to escape.

  • Anyone for miles around knows that a girl in the academy uniform must be taken here at once under heavy restraint no matter what they say.

  • They have heard all the excuses.

  • There is no escape for a school girl from the authority of the academy.

  • You will lower your head at all times to senior girls and teachers.

  • You will curtsy and thank your instructors for any lesson they give you, especially one that is particularly painful.

  • You will find palm spankings to be a common punishment.

  • Any senior girl or teacher is They may demand this of you at any time and you will obey without question.

  • You will also be given bare-bottom spankings and severe canings in full view of the class if your superior decides you need it.

  • Of course corner time will be an extensive part of your discipline.

  • You will kneel in the corner with your hands behind your head so they can be sight at all times.

  • Our punishments fit the crimes.

  • Any disobedience earns you a painful beating on the rear end, since girls learn so well through their backsides.

  • If you are particularly belligerent, I will personally carve a very large ginger root and insert it deeply into your virginal bottom hole, and you will see what pain and humiliation truly mean.

  • Of course, unauthorised sexual pleasure is the single greatest offence here.

  • If you are touching yourself in a naughty way, your chastity belt will be installed with spikes and further security measures.

  • You might spend an entire night with your shock prods turned up to maximum.

  • I might even coat your genitals thoroughly with a caustic ointment that will leave you screaming all night long as you are strapped down and straightjacketed in bed.

  • Myself, my favourite punishment is a bare-bottom caning delivered cold on a vulnerable rear end strapped into a caning block.

  • A girl with her rear presented for caning is like a girl facing her fate on the chopping block.

  • All she can do is wait for her fate, no matter what she wishes of it.

  • Now go stand in the corner next to that disgraceful, spoiled brat, Ella.

  • Do not speak to each other.

  • Kneel on a plate of dry rice and place your hands behind your head.

  • Do not move.

  • Press your nose against the wall.

  • I will return in a few minutes to monitor your progress.

  • Now you will be uniformed, skirted and treated quite firmly.

  • This is what you wanted.

  • This is what you deserve.

Good morning, young lady.

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