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  • Hi, my name is Adam Sandler, and I feel, uh, sad about being Conan.

  • Sad?

  • No, no, no.

  • We've known each other 35 years.

  • No, I'm sad because I should give you more.

  • I should give you more.

  • No, that's good.

  • I like that.

  • I like that.

  • Because we're very good friends, and I passed your house again maybe two days ago, screaming out Conan.

  • You always yell, I tell people this.

  • It's a thing people don't, no one in LA, everyone lives near each other, but no one, everyone lives behind a hedge.

  • Yes.

  • And everyone's real cool about where everyone else lives.

  • And one of my favorite things is this man, when he's outside your house, he'll go, Cody!

  • Yeah.

  • Cody!

  • I do, and my kids wait for me to say it now.

  • They just go, all right, he's going to do his thing.

  • I, Conan!

  • Conan!

  • And then they go back to telling me something of their life.

  • And then the times that you've come over, when you come over to my house, the first thing you say is, I got to go.

  • No one wants me here.

  • I'm like, no, people are very happy to see you.

  • Everyone's happy to see you.

  • The party was great.

  • It was nice.

  • The Christmas bash.

  • We had a good time.

  • Perfecto.

  • Yeah.

  • I saw your son is a big boy now.

  • Yeah, he grew fast.

  • I can't believe it.

  • It all happened.

  • My son grew over COVID.

  • Is that what happened?

  • And he went, when COVID started, he was this little boy.

  • And then a year later, it was time for him to go back to school.

  • And I remembered him.

  • I dropped him off for the first day back in in-person school.

  • And he got out of the car and stood up.

  • And all the teachers were there.

  • And he kept going and going and going.

  • And they were all like, what the hell?

  • Like he had been irradiated with plutonium.

  • He just got super tall.

  • Yeah.

  • What a nice guy, though.

  • He's nice.

  • Sweet as hell.

  • He did good.

  • Doesn't love his old man.

  • That's for sure.

  • No, no.

  • He's running away.

  • He's running away from that.

  • Oh, man.

  • I wish you had been here for, because a good friend of yours was on this podcast, Jim Downey.

  • Oh, man.

  • And he did one of the funniest openings ever.

  • He did this opening where he said, you know, hi, I'm Jim Downey.

  • This is the former head writer on Saturday Night Live.

  • All our favorite.

  • Everybody.

  • We put him as the number one.

  • He's the number one.

  • He's the king.

  • He's the king.

  • He's the funniest, crazy genius writer.

  • And Jim Downey's opening was, hi, I'm Jim Downey.

  • And I'm defiantly proud to be Conan O'Brien.

  • And then he wanted this long thing about, like, I know people talk about Conan and there's the rumors and stuff, but people say bad stuff about Jeffrey Epstein.

  • And I swear to God, so many people come up to you on the street with this opening.

  • I was in Ireland.

  • And people were like, oh, that Jim Downey opening was, you know, that was.

  • And so he said, I mean, they say bad things about Jeffrey Epstein.

  • And I say, wait a minute.

  • Well, no, Jeffrey.

  • And he said, and nothing bad happened to Jeff Epstein.

  • And I said, no, no, no.

  • He went to prison and then he killed himself.

  • And he goes, Jeff Epstein?

  • He said, no, not.

  • He said, I'm talking about the New York financier.

  • Jeff Epstein, man.

  • Anyway, you know, we can straighten this out.

  • What's called Ghislaine?

  • And you're like, Jesus, this is so dark.

  • Now, but you were, when I was on the show, I was young.

  • Yeah, I was there when you came in.

  • We started.

  • We were together.

  • But you were already established as being great.

  • But when I got, I was young and excited.

  • And when Downey gave you a joke for one of your skits, for me, I was like, oh my God,

  • Downey gave me gold.

  • Were you like that too with Downey?

  • Yeah.

  • When he gave you something?

  • If you could get his attention.

  • Yes.

  • Because he liked to stay in his office with the door shut.

  • Yeah.

  • And we'd all wait for him.

  • Yes.

  • And Schneider was the most aggressive.

  • Remember when Schneider came on and he would, he would figure out a way to get into Downey's office and then get help on one of his sketches.

  • Oh, the copy, making copy.

  • Oh, the stingerino, you know?

  • And he would get, he would get some help from him and he always figured out a way to get in there.

  • I don't know if it was because he's small or what, but he like went in through the keyhole.

  • But we were always mad.

  • Like, God damn it.

  • How did Schneider get in there?

  • How did he get in there?

  • They got good.

  • And then the door would open and Downey would come out and I'd go, oh, hey, Jim.

  • So I had this idea.

  • And he'd be like, walk with me, Coney.

  • Walk with me.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • And walk with me meant follow him to the bathroom.

  • He'd use the urinal and I'd stand next to him.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • And I'd be like, yeah, so anyway, it's a, it's a caveman and he finds a time machine and uh-huh, uh-huh, you know, flush, washing the hands.

  • Right, right.

  • And anyway, and he'd be like, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.

  • Yep.

  • Yep.

  • Maybe, maybe.

  • Then door shut.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Ha, caveman.

  • Where are we ordering in from?

  • Yeah, no.

  • But I think back to those, I think back on those days a lot with a lot of, a lot of fondness because.

  • Yeah.

  • You came in and it's all these years later and you've conquered the world 75 times over.

  • What I remember is you were such, you were the most enthusiastic person.

  • Back then, yes.

  • You were so enthusiastic and your attitude was, this is, we are, we're at Saturday Night

  • Live.

  • Yeah.

  • This is amazing.

  • Let's get milkshakes.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • You loved milkshakes.

  • Yes, yes.

  • And then they'd bring food in.

  • They'd pay for them.

  • You couldn't believe it.

  • Yeah.

  • It's like.

  • You're, everything was so wondrous to you.

  • You know what I mean?

  • Yes, yes.

  • And now it's like, okay, the Netflix jet is here, whatever.

  • It's like, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • There's a time when you're young.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • I was only that young once.

  • And I had the same thing too, which is, wait a minute.

  • They'd be like, yo, and here's where the snacks are.

  • Well, how do I pay for them?

  • Oh, you don't pay for them.

  • Oh, man.

  • You can have those Oreos.

  • What are you talking about?

  • I can have Oreos.

  • That's so funny.

  • I can have as many as I want and it's because you're 23.

  • Yeah.

  • Or I don't know how old you were.

  • I was 23, yeah.

  • Were you 23 when you got on that show?

  • I think I was 20.

  • I went out to LA when I was 22.

  • I think I would have been 24 when I got started.

  • That was a good, that was just.

  • And also, that was the era of kind of nervous, meek Chris Rock.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Because he wasn't getting sketches on.

  • He'd come by and go like, what are you guys thinking about?

  • Man.

  • And we'd be like, oh.

  • He was just, he wasn't that Chris Rock yet, you know?

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • And he was.

  • He became Chris Rock after he left.

  • Yeah.

  • After he left the show.

  • Then he became, I'd call him up and I'd say, what are you doing?

  • He'd be like, I'm working on my standup.

  • Working on my standup.

  • And I was like, oh.

  • He's like, I think I'm going to do a special.

  • And man, when that special came out, that was, we were all like, oh man.

  • He just whooped everybody.

  • Yeah.

  • And then it was so funny because you, I have this memory of, it's like high school of when the day people first showed up.

  • So, I remember you showing up.

  • You were very excited and very confident and happy.

  • And just joy was just coming off of you, which was really fun to be around.

  • I think Spade was nervous.

  • Schneider was like, I'm going to figure this out.

  • Oh, Downey's the key.

  • All right.

  • I'll get it.

  • He stayed up late though.

  • I remember Schneider used to always say to David about, you know, we're here all Tuesday night.

  • Try to stick, try to stick around, you know, in Spade.

  • Around 11, you'd see Spade like, my neck hurts, man.

  • I'm going home.

  • But we did stay late.

  • We stayed late.

  • You always stayed late.

  • I would sleep there.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • We had the best.

  • Those mornings when you'd wake up nuts and your stomach hurt from a whole night of being, no sleep, but it was, and then read through was around three o'clock or four o'clock or something.

  • You were so off.

  • Your brain was spinning around, but you were so excited.

  • Because you'd been up.

  • We'd stay up.

  • We'd get in early on a Tuesday.

  • I'd come in Tuesday.

  • I'd stay up all Tuesday night into Wednesday.

  • You were there late Wednesday night until your sketch got picked.

  • And then you have to stick around and say, okay, well, this is what the place, this is how I pictured it looking.

  • This is what the costumes, you had to talk to everybody.

  • That's right.

  • And then you'd get home kind of late on Wednesday night and you hadn't slept in 40 something hours.

  • And like an idiot, when you're that young, you think this is cool.

  • This is really like, I'm like a fighter pilot.

  • That's true.

  • Because I was, I was so in, I was so wanted to be, I want to be the fastest gun.

  • I want to be on the edge.

  • I didn't sleep for two days.

  • I mean, I did these, these two women who are my roommates in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, Lynette and Anya.

  • And I'd come in and I'd almost like bragging, like I haven't slept in 52 hours.

  • And they'd be like, oh my, you should just go to bed.

  • You know, my stool is a white gel.

  • Like, like I think this is cool.

  • And then it's just, and then I realized later on, you don't do good work when you haven't slept.

  • Yeah, that's true.

  • Terrible.

  • I mean, we were, we were just, and then making sure that they typed it up.

  • Right.

  • Remember?

  • Because it was back before computers, I think.

  • Yes, it was.

  • You hand it, you wrote it.

  • On a legal pad.

  • On a yellow pad.

  • We'd say, we'd write it and hand it to anybody.

  • Claire, I remember, used to work there.

  • A bunch of people, you hand just get in.

  • And if it was a word off.

  • Because we're all writing, we're all sleep deprived and some of us have bad handwriting anyway.

  • And then, so these very nice people would come up to us at 10 o'clock or 11 o'clock in the morning and they'd say, what is this?

  • What is this word right here?

  • And usually it was a filthy sketch.

  • You'd have to say, that's masturbation jizz machine.

  • It's very nice, you know.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • Oh, I know.

  • 35 year old woman would go, okay, all right.

  • Yeah.

  • And then it would get cut.

  • I'll get that sketch on someday.

Hi, my name is Adam Sandler, and I feel, uh, sad about being Conan.

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Conan Remembers Meeting Adam Sandler | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

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    Yoshi posted on 2024/10/21
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