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  • Essentially speaking, there are three types of people, and let's keep this simple, monk simple.

  • There are uplifting people, there are neutral people, and there are not uplifting people.

  • Let's define what this is, what they are.

  • An uplifting person, I spend five minutes with an uplifting person, I walk away, I feel great and go like, wow, that was an amazing conversation.

  • A neutral person, I spend five minutes with them, I walk away, I'm still the same.

  • A not uplifting person, I spend five minutes with them, I walk away and I go like, oh my

  • God, that was exhausting.

  • And you've probably experienced that in your life.

  • Then there are two types of energy vampire.

  • The next question is, are they a transient energy vampire or inherently an energy vampire?

  • What's a transient energy vampire?

  • Just say John is going through a hard time in life because his dad is dying of cancer, for example, and for three years he consumes a lot of energy.

  • He's always down, you need to uplift him, he's feeling very sad.

  • It's okay.

  • You give him that energy because he's your friend and that's what we do.

  • We express compassion, empathy and love and we support our friends during difficult times.

  • What's someone who's inherently an energy vampire?

  • Someone who's inherently an energy vampire has always been this way.

  • So how do we deal with someone who's inherently an energy vampire?

  • My guru taught me the best way to do this is to practice the art of being affectionately detached but always kind, gentle, sincere and loving towards them.

  • What does this mean?

  • So just say John is inherently an energy vampire.

  • I live in New York City.

  • I'm walking down Fifth Avenue.

  • I see John walking towards me.

  • What do I do?

  • Do I cross the street?

  • That's not very nice.

  • I meet John.

  • John meets me.

  • What do you say when two people meet each other?

  • I know what you guys say in Australia.

  • G'day.

  • How's it going, mate?

  • Right?

  • Do I say that?

  • No.

  • Do you know why I don't ask how are you?

  • Because I don't want to know.

  • It's true.

  • You have to understand I'm in the monk business.

  • When I ask somebody how are you, they tell me their entire life story.

  • It's the confession time.

  • So I don't even ask how are you.

  • John asks me how are you.

  • I say I'm doing very well.

  • Thank you very much.

  • And then I reply, what a beautiful day in Sydney.

  • It's true.

  • I'm being sincere.

  • I'm being kind.

  • And then I say to him, please excuse me.

  • I have something really important to do.

  • It's true.

  • My life is finite and I'm very clear what my purpose is.

  • I'm not lying.

  • And then what do people say at the end of a conversation?

  • It was a pleasure meeting you.

  • Actually it wasn't.

  • Let's do lunch.

  • Why?

  • See you later.

  • Not really.

  • Don't want to.

  • Why do we say the things we don't mean and ask the questions we don't want answers to?

  • So at the end of a conversation, I say have a wonderful day, which is true.

  • I know he's inherently an energy vampire, but I do wish he has a wonderful day.

  • So the concept of being affectionately detached is to not engage with someone, right?

  • Just to be kind, to be gentle, to be sincere and loving towards them, but not engaging with them.

  • What's another way to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

  • Is to place the burden of responsibility on them.

  • What does that mean?

  • I travel all around the world.

  • I speak, people come up to me and they want to ask questions.

  • I always give them my personal email address.

  • I tell them, please don't share it with anybody.

  • Can you put your question down on this email and send it to me?

  • Sometime it'll give me time to reflect on it and I can give you a proper response.

  • And they always say, for sure, I'll put it all down in email and I'll send it to you.

  • You know how many people email me?

  • Nobody emails me.

  • Simple little task, right?

  • I'm not asking them to do yoga, to meditate, to breathe out of one nostril.

  • Just send me an email with your problems and they don't do it.

  • So place the burden of responsibility on someone.

  • If you're somebody who's developed a particular skill, you're an expert in a particular niche and a particular area, and you find that people want your time, they want your energy, the one simple way to protect yourself is to place the burden of responsibility on them.

  • Give them a simple task to do and see if they do it.

  • And if they fulfill that task and come back to you, then go out of your way to help them.

  • So I always tell people to treat energy the same way you treat money.

  • It's a finite resource that needs to be wisely managed, wisely reallocated, and wisely invested.

  • Because if you only have this much energy, in fact, if I took 10% of my energy and I gave it to John, that's 10% I could have given to my spouse, my business, the things and people that I love.

  • If I took a watering can and I watered a garden bed, would the weeds grow or the flowers grow?

  • Both, right?

  • Water has no ability to discriminate between the weeds and the flowers.

  • Whatever I water starts to grow.

  • Energy is the same way as well.

  • If I took energy and I invested it into something negative, it will grow and become more negative.

  • If I took energy, invested it into something positive, it will grow and become more positive.

  • Energy has no ability to discriminate between what's positive and what's negative.

  • Whatever you invest energy into starts to grow and manifest in your life.

Essentially speaking, there are three types of people, and let's keep this simple, monk simple.

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