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  • Our whole life is shaped by decisions.

  • There's three decisions you're making every moment you're alive.

  • And the way you make these three decisions shapes your destiny.

  • When I was 11 years old, we had a really, really tough Thanksgiving where there was no money and no food.

  • It was the worst experience of my life.

  • It was the most crushing experience I felt.

  • And then a miracle happened.

  • Bang on the door.

  • So I go answer the door.

  • And I answer the door and standing there is this giant man.

  • It was this little boy.

  • And he's holding this huge box of food.

  • And beside him on the ground was a black pot with an uncooked turkey in it.

  • And he said, is your father home?

  • And I said, just one moment.

  • I was like, this is a gift from God.

  • This is going to change it all.

  • This can make my mom and dad happy.

  • It's gonna be unbelievable.

  • And I said, dad, dad, there's a guy at the door.

  • And he was cold.

  • You answer the door.

  • I said, I did.

  • He's got to see you.

  • I said, dad, you gotta come.

  • Walks to the door.

  • I'm waiting there.

  • Just can't wait to see his face.

  • And my dad opens the door.

  • And this man's standing there with this big box of food.

  • And my father did not get happy.

  • He looked at this man.

  • And he raised his voice to him.

  • And he said, look, we don't take charity.

  • And then he took the door to slam it in the man's face.

  • But the man was a good sized man.

  • He put his foot there and smacked his foot and bounced back over.

  • He said, sir, sir, this is not charity.

  • Everybody else, tough time.

  • Somebody knows you're having a tough time.

  • And they want you to have a magical Thanksgiving.

  • I'm just the delivery guy.

  • He said, please take this.

  • And my father said, we don't take charity.

  • He went to slam it again.

  • And this time the guy put his shoulder against it.

  • So he couldn't do it.

  • And then the guy said something that I'll never forget.

  • And in moments I wish he hadn't said.

  • But he found a way to force my father.

  • He's holding this thing.

  • He looked at me.

  • And then he looked at my dad.

  • And he said, don't make your family suffer because of your ego.

  • Now my dad's level of energy increased.

  • But he was also trapped.

  • So he took the food, slammed it on our table and slammed the door in the man's face.

  • And never even thanked him.

  • And I remember that day just thinking, you know, I don't understand.

  • And years and years later, I began to understand a little bit.

  • Years I figured out our whole life is shaped by decisions.

  • That's what we've talked about today, right?

  • But there's three decisions you're making every moment you're alive.

  • And the way you make these three decisions shapes your destiny.

  • First decision we're all making every moment is what are you going to focus on?

  • What are you going to focus on?

  • I realized that my father's life and my life ended up very different.

  • Because we made that day three decisions very differently.

  • He decided to focus on the fact that he has not fed his family.

  • The second question is, as you're focusing on, what does this mean?

  • What does it mean?

  • And the bottom line on meaning is, if you think about it, you get to make up the meaning.

  • And most people pick the worst one, don't they?

  • That day, my father decided to focus on the fact he hadn't fed his family.

  • And I know what meaning he gave because he said it out loud over and over again.

  • That he was worthless because he had not taken care of his family.

  • And then the final, most important decision you make every moment you're alive.

  • What am I going to do?

  • What am I going to do?

  • And I'll tell you what he decided to do.

  • He decided to leave our family shortly thereafter.

  • Three years ago, he passed away.

  • He died alone.

  • I was the only one to go to his funeral.

  • No one else in the family would go.

  • I can tell you right before his death, he got the lesson because he looked at me.

  • And he said, son, he said, I was a bastard.

  • I didn't connect with anybody and look what I'm dying of.

  • And my life turned out very different than him.

  • What changed my life was the meaning I gave it.

  • I decided that day that what this means is that strangers care.

  • And if strangers care about me and my family, I decided what I was going to do is I was going to care about strangers.

  • And that completely changed my life.

  • I promised myself someday I'd do well enough to do this for other families.

  • I was done for me.

  • I realized in that moment that the worst day of my life, my father leaving had actually been the best day of my life.

  • Because if I hadn't had that experience, I wouldn't be here today.

  • And now because of that, I'm get to live this life.

  • I have the desire and the drive and the want to give it this way.

  • I tell you the story for a couple of reasons.

  • One is, if you want to change your life, figure out how your worst day was your best day.

  • You'll change everything because it is if you look for it, if you find the deeper meaning, it is.

  • Last year, we fed over a million people now in nine countries around the world.

  • Now on Christmas and Thanksgiving, it's been a pretty amazing experience, right?

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • You

Our whole life is shaped by decisions.

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