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  • Now love is treated like shopping.

  • We shop for partners like we shop for shit on Amazon.

  • It's not like everybody's going to find somebody.

  • Is the design of the modern world making it more difficult, do you think, for us to find love?

  • Well, simple answer is it's definitely added a layer of complication because now love is treated like shopping.

  • You know, we shop for partners like we shop for shit on Amazon.

  • It's like you scroll through, you find one that looks good and you click like.

  • Good reviews.

  • And yeah, good reviews.

  • Look, it's definitely convenient and it's definitely made life a lot easier.

  • And you never have to deal with rejection because you don't know if they swiped left on you.

  • You just assume that they never saw your picture, right?

  • Like it doesn't actually say rejected, you know?

  • I think the problem with it is grass is always greener because it's so easy, you know, to just go swiping and, you know, sometimes you treat it like Instagram.

  • I've done this where I've sat in my bed late at night.

  • Instead of looking at social media, I'm looking at a dating app and I'm swiping right.

  • Like I'm clicking like on a post and then it says you're connected.

  • I'm like, ah, damn it.

  • Because I don't actually want to like go through the effort of like connecting.

  • I was just, I was just liking the post, you know?

  • Scott Galloway talks about this.

  • I can't remember what the numbers are, but the point is, is there's a massive disparity of men that just don't ever connect.

  • So I think, um, you know, the dating apps aren't necessarily there.

  • That's one thing, you know?

  • It's not like everybody's going to find somebody, but I do think that there's something wrong with shopping for people.

  • Pre-dating apps, or let's not pre-dating apps, when there's no dating app being used, the way that we traditionally would meet somebody is you meet them at a party, at a dinner party, you meet them at the pub, you bump into them at a museum, you make small talk or you eye them from across the room and there's some attraction.

  • And then one of you musters up the courage to go up and start flirting and have a conversation.

  • And at some point you say, can I get your number?

  • I'd love to continue this.

  • And they'll say yes or no.

  • And the flirting and the initial attraction has already happened.

  • And so the first date is actually the first date after the initial attraction and flirting.

  • Now with dating apps, the flirting, the initial attraction, the attempt to court someone is all happening simultaneously on the first date.

  • And I think that there's nothing wrong with online, but I think that making an effort to do, you know, in real life things should be included, should be balanced.

  • You know, it's like, like everything in the world, I'm a great believer in balance.

  • I'm not against it.

  • I'm talking about balance and it's out of balance.

Now love is treated like shopping.

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