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  • The business model is to keep people scrolling, right?

  • The minute you stop scrolling, they lose money.

  • All their algorithms are designed with literally one goal.

  • What will keep you scrolling?

  • That's it.

  • That's the goal, right?

  • So as the algorithms and the AI were figuring out what keeps people scrolling, they bumped into, they uncovered a human quirk, which is not the intention of anyone at Facebook or YouTube or any of these places, which is called, it's a very well-documented psychological phenomenon called negativity bias, which is basically means we will stare at something negative longer than we will stare at something positive.

  • Anyone who's ever been driving down the motorway and passed a car crash knows exactly what I'm talking about.

  • You stare at the car crash longer than you stare at the pretty flowers on the other side of the road, right?

  • And this is, negativity bias goes very deep. 10 week old babies will stare longer at an angry face than a smiling face.

  • But when this meets algorithms designed to maximize the harvesting of attention, this produces a catastrophic effect.

  • And this was, this is not my view.

  • This is what Facebook itself found in its own internal research, which we've now had leaked.

  • Imagine a teenager, group of teenagers go to a party.

  • One of them goes home and on the bus on the way home, they say, that was a really lovely party.

  • I enjoyed it.

  • Everyone looked great.

  • And they were so nice.

  • Another teenager from the same party posts, God, Karen looked like a right slag tonight.

  • Her boyfriend, Jim is a twat.

  • What does the algorithm do?

  • The second one is more like the car crash.

  • People will stare at it longer.

  • The algorithm will promote it in the feed.

  • It will put it much higher.

  • The nice one, that's going to be way down if anyone sees it, right?

  • The algorithm select for anger because anger will keep you scrolling, right?

  • This was inherent to the Facebook business model.

  • And the only alternative was for Facebook to abandon its business model and adopt what they called an anti-growth model where they said, we won't grow as a company, but we won't set the world on fire, right?

  • The Wall Street Journal who got leaked it.

  • They said, their new story said, after he received this report, Mark Zuckerberg asked that he never be brought any reports like this ever again, right?

  • So, you know, they know what they're doing.

  • They're tied to their business model.

  • They're only going to stop doing it when we make them.

  • But this machinery that is amping us up into anger, firstly, it destroys attention.

  • When you're angry, it's much harder to pay attention.

  • We've all had that experience, but also it's devastating for the society.

  • And we've got to deal with that.

  • At the moment, if you've got all these smart engineers and they've got one incentive, how do I take Stephen's attention the absolute most I can, right?

  • They don't work for you, but they work for the advertiser.

  • You have to change the incentives and then they will do it.

  • When the incentives change, then obviously their behaviour changes, right?

  • If they want to please you rather than pleasing the advertiser, then of course the market will then provide all sorts of ways.

  • At the moment, the competition is how do I maximally invade your attention?

  • If we move to a new business model, the competition is what does Stephen actually want?

  • If Stephen wants to know where his friends are so we can have a drink with them, okay, give him that button.

  • What else does Stephen want?

  • Stephen wants to meditate.

  • Oh, we'll give him that button.

  • You can see how once they're figuring out what you want, not what the advertisers want, then of course the market begins to experiment and there'll be a thousand innovations.

The business model is to keep people scrolling, right?

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