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  • Ah, greetings, friends.

  • I am here to tell you a story I first heard in the streets of an enchanted city called

  • Agrabah.

  • It's the story of Aladdin.

  • You can read the tale along with me in your book.

  • It was first told to me by a strange little man who was trying to sell me a lamp.

  • Let us begin the story now.

  • On a starry, moonlit night, a dark figure named Jafar led a shifty thief to a secret cave in the desert.

  • When the magnificent head of a tiger god rose out of the sand and revealed the entrance to the cave, Jafar ordered the thief inside,

  • Bring me the lamp.

  • The rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine.

  • The tiger god stopped the thief.

  • Know this.

  • Only one whose rags hide a heart that's pure may enter here.

  • The diamond in the rough.

  • Jafar turned to his parrot companion, Iago.

  • I must find this one.

  • This diamond in the rough.

  • Far away in the marketplace of Agrabah, a wiry boy in ragged clothes ran for his life after stealing a loaf of bread.

  • The boy, whose name was Aladdin, escaped with the help of his pet monkey and sidekick, Abu.

  • Sitting on a rooftop with the stale bread, Aladdin looked around sadly at their meager surroundings.

  • Someday, Abu, things are going to change.

  • We'll be dressed in robes instead of rags and be inside a palace looking out instead of outside looking in.

  • Nearby in the garden of the royal palace, the sultan worried that his daughter, Princess

  • Jasmine, wouldn't like her latest suitor.

  • Dearest, you've got to stop rejecting every man who comes to call.

  • The law says you must marry a prince by your next birthday.

  • Jasmine sadly petted her pet tiger, Rajah.

  • Papa, if I do marry, I want it to be for love.

  • Later that night, with only three days left until her next birthday, Jasmine slipped out over the garden wall to escape the pressures of palace life.

  • Unaware that the royal vizier, Jafar, was secretly plotting to take control of the kingdom, the sultan tried to consult with his advisor about his daughter.

  • But avoiding the sultan, Jafar retreated to his laboratory to work on his plan.

  • While concocting a spell, a lightning bolt suddenly hit his hourglass and an image of

  • Aladdin appeared.

  • Jafar was surprised to discover that Aladdin was the diamond in the rough, able to enter the cave and retrieve the lamp.

  • Iago, have the god Razoo find this boy and escort him to the palace.

  • Free at last, Jasmine wandered through her new world, dazzled by the sights and sounds of the marketplace.

  • When she innocently took an apple to feed a hungry boy, the cart owner screamed,

  • Thief!

  • Unaware that she was a princess, Aladdin rushed in to rescue her.

  • You're new to the marketplace, where are you from?

  • What does it matter?

  • I ran away and I'm not going back.

  • Suddenly Razool grabbed Aladdin.

  • Jasmine turned angrily to the palace guard.

  • Unhand him by order of the princess.

  • Stunned to learn her true identity, Aladdin could only look back helplessly as Razool, following Jafar's orders, hauled him away.

  • While Jasmine mourned losing Aladdin, Abu found him chained in a dark dungeon, thinking only of her.

  • Jafar, disguised as a prisoner, limped towards Aladdin.

  • I know where there is a cave, boy, with enough treasure to impress even the lovely princess.

  • I need a young pair of legs and a strong back to go in after it.

  • I would gladly help, sir, but how do we get out of here?

  • Jafar moved a stone and a hidden staircase was revealed.

  • Moments later, they were racing across the desert.

  • Jafar led Aladdin and Abu to the Cave of Wonders.

  • This time, the tiger god allowed Aladdin to enter.

  • Jafar called in after the boy.

  • Remember, first bring me the lamp.

  • Then you may touch the treasure, but not before.

  • Inside, Aladdin and Abu discovered a huge cavern filled with riches.

  • Would you look at that?

  • Why, just a handful of this stuff would make us richer than the sultan.

  • It was difficult for Abu to keep from grabbing the fortune before them.

  • As Abu and Aladdin explored the cave, a golden tasseled carpet came to life and played peek-a-boo with them.

  • Look, Abu, a magic carpet.

  • The carpet floated closer.

  • Your owner must have come looking for the lamp, too.

  • Do you know where it is?

  • The carpet zipped off to reveal a huge cavern.

  • The lamp rested at the top of a high stone staircase.

  • While Aladdin climbed, Abu eyed a monkey idol holding a huge jewel nearby.

  • Just as Aladdin reached the lamp, Abu grabbed the jewel.

  • Instantly, the voice of the tiger god echoed through the chamber.

  • You have touched the forbidden treasure.

  • Now you shall never again see the light of day.

  • The cavern shook violently, and the piles of treasure transformed into mountains of fire.

  • Aladdin, Abu, and the carpet scrambled to escape.

  • At the cave entrance, Iago squawked.

  • From above, Jafar reached down to grab Aladdin's hand.

  • First, give me the lamp.

  • Jafar clutched the lamp and quickly hid it under his robe.

  • Then he released Aladdin and brushed Abu off his cloak, sending them hurtling back into the cave.

  • It's mine.

  • It's all mine.

  • With the power of this lamp, I will control the kingdom.

  • But when Jafar reached back into his robe for the lamp, it was gone.

  • The magic carpet caught the tumbling duo as the cave entrance closed and everything became still.

  • Chattering excitedly, Abu happily revealed the lamp.

  • Aladdin laughed.

  • Abu, are you little thief?

  • Aladdin rubbed some dirt off the lamp to get a better look.

  • Colorful smoke spewed out of the spout, and it took the form of a gigantic genie.

  • I say, you're a lot smaller than my last master.

  • Aladdin was stunned.

  • Wait a minute.

  • I'm your master?

  • That's right.

  • Direct from the lamp.

  • Right here for your wish fulfillment.

  • Three wishes to be exact.

  • Uno, dos, tres.

  • In a dazzling display, the genie demonstrated his magical powers.

  • Aladdin cleverly tricked the genie into rescuing them from the cave without using up a wish.

  • Then he smiled at his newfound friend.

  • Genie, if you could have a wish, what would you wish for?

  • To be my own master.

  • Such a thing would be greater than all the magic and all the treasures in all the world.

  • I'll do it.

  • I'll set you free.

  • I'll use my third wish to set you free.

  • The genie was delighted.

  • Let's make some magic.

  • What is it you want most?

  • Well, could you make me a prince?

  • In a flash, the genie created elegant robes and servants for Aladdin and turned him into Prince Ali.

  • Back at the palace, Jafar and Iago discussed what to do next.

  • Iago got an idea.

  • Marry the princess and you become the sultan.

  • Jafar thought about it.

  • The idea has merit.

  • Excited, he went to see the sultan.

  • Unrolling an official-looking scroll, Jafar read out loud.

  • If a princess has not chosen a husband,

  • If a princess has not chosen a husband by her next birthday, then the sultan shall choose for her.

  • And in the event a suitable prince cannot be found, the princess may wed the royal vizier.

  • That's me.

  • Using his snake-eyed staff to hypnotize the sultan,

  • Jafar ordered him to arrange the marriage.

  • Dressed as Prince Ali,

  • Aladdin rode triumphantly through the Agrabah Bazaar atop Abu, who had been transformed into an elephant.

  • Wearing elegant robes and surrounded by an entourage of dancers, swordsmen, and attendants, he swept through the palace gates.

  • The sultan greeted him enthusiastically.

  • Oh, I'm sure Jasmine will like this one.

  • Jasmine, however, thought her father was trying to marry her off again, and she became angry and stomped off.

  • Aladdin was crestfallen, and the genie offered his wisdom.

  • Following the genie's advice, Aladdin went after the princess.

  • This time, she looked at him more closely.

  • Wait, have we met before?

  • You remind me of someone I saw in the marketplace.

  • Jasmine moved to the balcony railing and touched the carpet which kept Aladdin afloat.

  • He smiled.

  • It's a magic carpet. Would you like to go for a ride?

  • Hesitantly, Jasmine took Aladdin's hand and stepped onto the carpet.

  • The carpet whisked them off.

  • Slightly startled, Jasmine threw her arms around Aladdin.

  • Below them was a breathtaking view of the palace and the city in the moonlight.

  • During the flight, Jasmine looked more closely at Aladdin.

  • You are the boy from the market. I knew it.

  • Why did you lie to me?

  • Aladdin nervously answered,

  • The truth is, I sometimes dress as a commoner, but I really am a prince.

  • When the magical tour ended, the carpet zipped back to the palace.

  • Fireworks exploded, and Jasmine reached out for Aladdin's hand.

  • As he helped her onto the balcony, they looked into each other's eyes.

  • Impatient, the carpet bumped Aladdin into a kiss with Jasmine.

  • Aladdin beamed.

  • Sleep well, princess.

  • Jasmine looked into his eyes.

  • Good night, my handsome prince.

  • Jafar was afraid that his plot to marry Jasmine and become sultan would be ruined by Aladdin.

  • So he ordered Razul to kidnap the boy and throw him from a high cliff into the water.

  • Nearly drowning, Aladdin feebly reached for the lamp.

  • When the genie appeared, he saw it was no joking matter.

  • You have to say, Genie, I want you to save my life.

  • Aladdin nodded.

  • I'll take that as a yes.

  • The genie granted Aladdin's second wish by using his magic to swiftly take them both to the surface.

  • At the palace, Jasmine rushed happily to see her father.

  • Oh, Papa, I just had the most wonderful time.

  • I have some good news for you.

  • The sultan, still under Jafar's spell, looked at his daughter.

  • So do I, Jasmine.

  • I have chosen a husband for you.

  • You will wed Jafar.

  • Jasmine turned angrily to Jafar.

  • I will never marry you.

  • I choose Prince Ali.

  • Jafar laughed.

  • Prince Ali left?

  • Like all the others.

  • Suddenly, Aladdin, still dressed as the prince, appeared in the doorway and exposed Jafar as a traitor.

  • When Aladdin returned to his room, the genie happily popped out of the lamp.

  • He's a conquering hero!

  • Aladdin, you've just won the heart of the princess.

  • What are you going to do next?

  • The genie waited while Aladdin scowled.

  • I'm sorry, genie.

  • I can't free you.

  • I can't let Jasmine find out that I'm not really a prince.

  • I need to keep my third wish.

  • Disappointed, the genie disappeared back into his lamp.

  • Iago flew into the room.

  • Iago flew into the room.

  • And while Aladdin went out to the menagerie, the parrot stole the lamp.

  • Jafar greedily rubbed the stolen lamp.

  • When the genie appeared, Jafar yanked him up close.

  • I am your master now.

  • Grant my first wish.

  • I wish to be sultan.

  • Using his powers, the genie transformed Jafar's clothes into the sultan's robes.

  • But when Jafar appeared before Aladdin and Jasmine as the sultan, they refused to obey him.

  • Jafar turned to the genie.

  • My second wish.

  • I wish to be the most powerful sorcerer in the world.

  • The genie nodded sadly and granted the wish.

  • With his sorceress powers, Jafar transformed Aladdin's princely robes back into rags.

  • Look at your prince now.

  • Aladdin looked sadly at the princess.

  • Jasmine, I'm sorry.

  • Eager to be rid of Aladdin, Jafar trapped the boy and his friends in a tower and zapped it to the ends of the earth.

  • Bewildered, Aladdin crawled out of a snowbank and turned to Abu.

  • This is all my fault.

  • I should have freed the genie when I had the chance.

  • I'm sorry. I made a mess of everything.

  • I've got to go back and set things right.

  • Aladdin quickly rescued the carpet from beneath the fallen tower and was swept aboard.

  • Together, they soared up over the clouds back towards Agrabah.

  • Back at the palace, Jafar sat majestically on the throne.

  • Just when it looked like he was about to have everything he wanted, Aladdin reappeared.

  • Jafar knocked Aladdin backwards and zapped Jasmine inside a giant hourglass.

  • You thought you could outwit the most powerful being on earth?

  • Without the genie boy, you're nothing.

  • Aladdin thought of a strategy to finally be rid of Jafar.

  • That may be true, but the genie has more power than you'll ever have.

  • Shocked at the thought, Jafar got an idea.

  • I'm ready to make my third wish.

  • I wish to be a genie!

  • Magical energy swirled around Jafar as he was transformed into a genie.

  • Jafar cried out gleefully.

  • The universe is mine to command!

  • Aladdin picked up the lamp and smiled.

  • You wanted to be a genie? You got it!

  • And everything that goes with it!

  • Suddenly, large gold cuffs clamped onto Jafar's wrists and a lamp took shape.

  • Jafar reached out and grabbed Iago's feet as they both vanished inside the lamp.

  • The genie laughed and clamped Aladdin on the back.

  • Everything changed by Jafar's magic was restored to normal as the genie hurled the lamp back to the Cave of Wonders with Jafar inside.

  • Aladdin and Jasmine stood on the balcony.

  • Jasmine, I'm sorry that I lied to you about being a prince.

  • The genie appeared beside them.

  • No problem, you still got one wish left.

  • Just say the word and you're a prince again.

  • No, it's time I started keeping my promises.

  • Genie, I wish for your freedom.

  • The cuffs vanished from the stunned genie's wrists.

  • The sultan smiled.

  • You've certainly proved your worth to me.

  • I declare that the princess shall marry whomever she deems worthy.

  • Jasmine leapt into Aladdin's arms.

  • Aladdin, I choose you.

  • As Aladdin and Jasmine kissed, a happy genie disappeared into the sky.

Ah, greetings, friends.

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Aladdin Read Along - Book and Cassette (Repost)

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    Dark knight posted on 2024/10/22
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