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  • Ah, hey AD, what's up?

  • It's Troy Sivan.

  • This is my house in Melbourne.

  • Please, please, come inside, make yourselves at home.

  • I have been waiting for this day for my entire life, so.

  • Yeah, I have been living in America for the last, like, maybe like five or six years, and I have been so homesick the entire time.

  • And then when everything got crazy in March, I came back to Australia to be with my family.

  • And eventually I was just like, wait, what am I doing?

  • I am so unbelievably happy here, and I just feel so at home that I wanted to put down roots.

  • And I found this house and I was just like, done.

  • Okay, first things first, this is like literally the most comfortable couch in the world.

  • I feel like they, oh, people are gonna get mad at me for not taking off my shoes.

  • They advertise it as the most comfortable couch in the world, and it's accurate.

  • It's by this company called Maker and Son.

  • Fallen asleep here a good few nights.

  • This coffee table we had made, it's just a really, really huge log, basically.

  • I hope they didn't cut down just specifically for me.

  • I should have done some research.

  • One of my favorite art pieces in the whole house.

  • This is my Ramesh sculpture.

  • The artist Ramesh just is so sick and eccentric, and she also has a huge penis.

  • These Akari lamps are my favorite.

  • I think the goal was to have like a soup of light.

  • You know what I mean?

  • I didn't want like hard overhead lighting because no one looks good in that.

  • Just finding soft light just kind of gently fills the room.

  • And we kind of followed suit with these pendants.

  • They're vintage, and I feel like they kind of look like alien skin or something.

  • They sort of feel like what I imagine alien skin would feel like, and I love them.

  • They glow at night.

  • You guys should have come at night in all honesty because the house with all the lamps and stuff, it just feels super, super cozy.

  • This couch is vintage by Percival LaFerre.

  • It reminded me of a spaceship or something.

  • If you come around the back, you can see there's like this white bathtub situation.

  • I do always have a cut up apple tree in my house that wasn't just for the AD shoot.

  • You know, just sometimes you want the branch as well for whatever reason.

  • This little moment, this is my reading nook or whatever.

  • And it's super, super comfortable.

  • So I sit here a lot, have my coffee.

  • My wish for everyone is that your space is like the place that you think of when you meditate.

  • By using lamps or candles or just like your favorite bedsheets, I want that for everyone because it's a really, really nice feeling to just have a place that's like yours and you know, you can just kind of kick back and relax and enjoy your life.

  • That's what it's all about.

  • I'm gonna say this a lot, but I think it's my favorite part of the house.

  • It just feels really, really chill.

  • We've got this like awesome green stone.

  • Look at this table thing.

  • This is a servery.

  • I think it's the technique is called end block where like each of these pieces is a separate piece of wood that they stick together and then they cut it and you get this like finish or whatever.

  • And apparently it's food safe.

  • So like you could eat your dinner off of it, but I use plates most of the time.

  • One of my favorite things about the kitchen is this situation.

  • Sometimes I stand here and like serve coffees or whatever to people if they're in the garden.

  • All the appliances are integrated, which is sick.

  • I'm not gonna show you my fridge because it's mostly just like beer and old takeout food.

  • The materiality in the kitchen is I think my favorite in the house.

  • We've got like all of this black steel and I love the way that it shows.

  • I don't even know these like sort of natural markings and then just wood, heaps and heaps and heaps of wood because I love wood.

  • So we did a really, really big renovation on this house.

  • The kitchen's all totally brand new, but weirdly there used to be a toilet here.

  • It was still like the kitchen, kind of grossed me out.

  • And so we got rid of it and I'm gonna show you where we put it because I think it's kind of sick.

  • Let's go upstairs.

  • Oh, come here, I wanna show you the ghost.

  • So if you look up here, we've got two art pieces.

  • It's a little ghost by this artist named Nell.

  • It's sandblown glass.

  • I just think it's so cute.

  • Kind of reminds me of my dog back in LA, which I've unfortunately haven't seen for like a couple months now.

  • Feels like a little bit of Nash in my house, which is nice.

  • And this is by an artist called Sydney Ball.

  • And there's another one outside, which I'm gonna show you soon.

  • Come upstairs.

  • So here we are on the landing.

  • This is one of my favorite places in the house to come and look.

  • It's kind of lofty and reminds me of some places that I've been to in like Williamsburg.

  • There's so many places to sit in the house.

  • Like you can be sitting up here, talking to someone down there with no worries, or I could be working at my desk.

  • Just heaps and heaps of books.

  • Not a lot of people know this about me, but I am very, very gay.

  • And so just in case people don't know that, I litter gay homoerotic books all around the house.

  • Sorry, don't look.

  • I got this book, Jack Pearson, one of my favorite photographers.

  • I shot with him a couple of years ago, and it's just so, so, so sick.

  • Oh, look at this one.

  • I got this two days ago.

  • Hotels of Pyongyang.

  • Super, super, super interesting.

  • Kind of like finding beauty in everything, you know?

  • A lot of this is photography, and a lot of the photography I've realized that I'm most interested in is like documentarian style, like sort of voyeuristic where it's not necessarily like a set up photograph or whatever.

  • You really do feel like you're getting a peep into someone's life for just like that, you know, quick second.

  • So this is the guest bedroom.

  • Another huge Akari lamp, which I love.

  • And then also the whole house opens up onto a park on this side.

  • And so I just like the idea that if you open up this window, you get to hear the birds and stuff in the morning, and Australian birds just sound insane.

  • So these cork ceilings were original to the house.

  • It kind of makes the whole house feel kind of like a really cozy cave.

  • And we did the walls in this like Venetian plaster, which is so smooth and soft.

  • And so I feel like everything just kind of like hugs you at night.

  • I really do mean it this time.

  • I think this is my favorite room in the house.

  • It's my sister's bathroom.

  • Just like the colors and everything.

  • It kills me, it really does.

  • Like Flack Studio, who I worked with, did the most unbelievable job.

  • I'm just like obsessed with all of this detailing and everything.

  • And there's a massive skylight above my head as well, which is sick.

  • Let's in so much natural light.

  • Sometimes I'll just come into this bathroom, even though it's not my bathroom, just to kind of like watch how the light changes throughout the day.

  • Cause it's really, really nice.

  • This is my sister's room, Sage.

  • Super cozy, super comfy.

  • She's got this little balcony out here.

  • Another little Akari lamp.

  • To be able to live with her, give her like a pretty room that she loves and that she can like make her own, has been so, so, so nice.

  • My bedroom is upstairs and it's the only thing that's upstairs.

  • And I love that like, I can just go up to my room and close the door.

  • And it's like, no one even knows that I'm here.

  • Come upstairs and I'll show you my bedroom.

  • So this is my bedroom.

  • This is my little sanctuary.

  • It's really, really quiet.

  • This opens up to the park and all of these windows open up.

  • And then when it's like a really pretty day, I don't know.

  • I just feel like I'm outside.

  • It's beautiful.

  • You get a breeze, you hear the birds and it's just really, really peaceful.

  • I spend a lot of time up here.

  • I chill in this chair a lot, which I didn't actually think I did.

  • I just liked the chair.

  • Cause I feel like if 80 is going to come to your house, you have to have a furry chair.

  • It's like a rule or something.

  • I actually use it all the time.

  • I read a lot in this chair.

  • Sometimes if I'm feeling lazy, I'll roll out of bed and then do a Zoom meeting like here.

  • These lamps are one of my favorite things in the house.

  • And we did these amazing like burgundy carpets.

  • And at night they light up and there's kind of this like red glow in my room.

  • It's like a really nice warm hug.

  • My closet used to be here.

  • So there was a closet here.

  • We closed it off because I needed a bathtub.

  • This is my bathroom.

  • This is my bath.

  • This is where I spend most of my time in this house.

  • Sometimes I put like my laptop up here, watch Netflix.

  • Yeah, it's really, really peaceful.

  • There's just like music everywhere.

  • And so I'll put on a nice album, have a bubble bath.

  • This is my actual, actual favorite part of the house.

  • I think this is the reason why I fell in love with it in the first place.

  • You can fold away these doors and then there's this courtyard that's just like actual heaven to me.

  • Again, you can see like the LA, California influence but then we've also got like a lot of Japanese stuff.

  • This is called the Swamp Cypress.

  • There's little fishes in here somewhere.

  • I don't know if you can see them.

  • And then we've got like native Australian, like doesn't get much more Australian.

  • This or like the big eucalyptus tree.

  • It's just like paradise for me.

  • I spend a lot of time out here watering the garden, looking after the plants.

  • So because we took the toilet out of the kitchen, we needed another toilet downstairs.

  • And so I was like, what if we create this like fantasy, like outdoor toilet situation?

  • So this used to be a wine cellar and now it's this.

  • I went to one of those bathrooms where, you know when you go to a restaurant and people are like, oh, have you been to the toilet?

  • You have to go to the toilet.

  • Just kind of lent into the fantasy and lent into like a little bit of surrealism.

  • The walls are all curved.

  • So it's kind of like a cave.

  • I think the color's called Oxblood.

  • Yeah, I'm just obsessed with it.

  • It smells really good.

  • The sonos is tucked away.

  • Sometimes I make it feel like a rave in here.

  • Like if it's all quiet in the house or whatever and you come in and it's like, do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do while you're peeing.

  • Obsessed.

  • I think it's so dramatic and extra.

  • And I love it.

  • One more thing I want to show you.

  • I'm getting my phone so that I don't mess up.

  • Basically the history of this house was in 1874.

  • This was a handball court.

  • How long ago was 1874?

  • 146 years ago.

  • So 146 years ago, this was a handball court.

  • And then it was turned into a brick factory throughout all of the multiple renovations that this place has been through.

  • One thing remained.

  • If you look really close, you can see two handsome men playing handball in a court.

  • And then there's this like weird sort of spear thing on the side.

  • And then you walk over here and it's the same buddy, spear.

  • I really love the idea that this house has had so many lives and been through kind of just so much and seen so much.

  • I'm only 25 and this house is like 146 years old.

  • So I'm really, really, really proud and super, super, super grateful to be able to live here and call it home.

  • I'm super, super grateful that you guys came over because this is like a really big dream of mine.

  • Thanks again for coming, AD.

  • I hope you had fun.

  • I had a lot of fun, but please leave now because we're about to go into another COVID lockdown and I need to get my affairs in order.

  • Thanks for coming.

  • Bye, stay safe.

  • Love you, bye.

  • Thank you, bye.

  • Bye.

Ah, hey AD, what's up?

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Inside Troye Sivan’s Mid-Century Melbourne Oasis | Open Door | Architectural Digest

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    Szu posted on 2024/10/24
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