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  • Okay, coach says we're going for it.

  • Stupid brother.

  • What?

  • Nothing.

  • Power left jumbo, on two, on two. Ready?

  • Break!

  • She's going for it on fourth down.

  • What the hell? Hunt!

  • Statistically, they're better off going for it.

  • Says who?

  • My little boy.

  • That's why everybody punts.

  • That was just plain foolishness.

  • Your little boy's a real genius.

  • Well, actually, he is.

  • Come on!

  • Too many men on the field.

  • Defense.

  • Replay fourth down.

  • Thank you, Jesus.

  • Now, can I send in the punt team?

  • Coach.

  • Break!

  • And they're going for it again.

  • What the hell? Punt!

  • Remind me to tell you about the tax refund I got from the IRS.

  • Let's do it.

  • Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

  • Get the 30, the 20, the 10. Touchdown!

  • Yeah!

  • I never had any doubt, though. Never had any doubt.

  • Oh! Booyah!

  • Okay, Wade, we got the ball back. What do you want to do?

  • Kill myself?

  • Come on, buddy. Help me out here.

  • I can't, George.

  • I just can't.

  • Okay. All right.

  • Steven!

  • All right, listen up.

  • We're going to run the ball the rest of the game, okay?

  • Two hands, nothing fancy.

  • All right?

  • Let them pass. Let them turn it over.

  • All right? Go!

  • Final score, Medford 6, Tyler 0.

  • Final score, Medford 6, Tyler 0.

  • George!

  • Congratulations.

  • Thanks, Tom.

  • Feel like doing this again next week?

  • What are you saying?

  • I'm saying you got your job back.

  • If you want it.

  • What about Wayne?

  • What about him?

  • He's got to be part of the deal.

  • Don't you have enough to worry about?

  • He's my friend.

  • I want him out of my house. He needs a job.

  • Your call.

  • Thanks, Tom.

  • You bet.

  • Hey!

  • What?

  • That's for firing me.

  • You quit!

  • Would you teach me how to throw a football?

  • What?

  • Why?

  • I'm trying to get more comfortable with failure.

  • What makes you think you're going to fail?

  • The word ball.

  • Well, I got to warn you, learning to throw isn't something you get right on the first try.

  • It takes practice.

  • And just as practice involves setbacks and frustration?

  • Yeah.

  • Perfect.

  • All right, you'll notice that the shape of this thing is more like a missile, right?

  • Than it is your typical bouncy ball.

  • The term you're looking for is prolate spheroid.

  • Wasn't looking for it, but thank you.

  • Now, what do you think is the most efficient way to get this thing to fly?

  • Gyroscopic torque.

  • Spiral.

  • Bingo!

  • All right.

  • Now get your fingers on the laces here.

  • Why is the surface so bumpy?

  • It used to be made out of pig bladder.

  • Well, not anymore.

  • It helps with the grip.

  • Okay?

  • Now, fingers back on it and get your thumb wrapped around.

  • There you go.

  • All right, bring your other hand up.

  • It helps keep her steady.

  • Bring the ball back to your ear.

  • And when you're ready to throw, bring your arm down like a tomahawk.

  • Get that ball spinning.

  • All right?

  • And am I correct in assuming that more revolutions will create a parabolic arc that resists external forces?

  • Sure.

  • All right, whenever you're ready, let's see if you can reach me.

  • Let the setbacks and frustration begin.

  • Good Lord!

  • Good Lord!

  • That was incredible.

  • Yeah, I saw it.

  • Where are you going?

  • To hit the showers.

  • Apparently I'm a jock now.

Okay, coach says we're going for it.

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