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  • Hey, everyone!

  • Welcome back to Podcast and Chill on the Learn English Podcast channel.

  • I'm Leo.

  • And I'm Gwen.

  • It's great to have you with us again.

  • Today we're talking about something that affects a lot of us in everyday life.

  • Yep.

  • We're going to answer a question that many people have been thinking about.

  • What's that question, Leo?

  • It's are you a toxic person?

  • I've seen that question a lot on the internet lately.

  • A toxic person is someone who often makes others feel bad, sad, or stressed.

  • So how can we tell if we're being toxic or if someone around us is?

  • That's exactly what we'll talk about today.

  • Stay with us to find out if there's a toxic person in your life or if it might be you.

  • So let's start by recognizing toxic behaviors.

  • Gwen, what exactly are toxic behaviors?

  • Good question, Leo.

  • Toxic behaviors are when someone often brings negativity into situations.

  • Can you explain more?

  • Sure.

  • It could mean they always talk about bad things.

  • They might speak badly about others and don't care how others feel.

  • Is it like when someone always finds something wrong with what you're doing no matter how hard you try?

  • Exactly.

  • Or when they constantly make you feel like you're not good enough.

  • That sounds so terrible.

  • Another sign is if they never listen to what others have to say and just push their opinions onto everyone else.

  • That can really bring people down.

  • If you notice these signs in someone, or even in yourself, it might be time to think about it.

  • Okay, now I have a really interesting question for you, Gwen.

  • What is that, Leo?

  • So it can be quite easy to know if someone is being toxic, but how do we know if we are being toxic?

  • That brings us to our next point, self-reflection.

  • What is self-reflection?

  • Self-reflection is all about asking yourself some simple but honest questions.

  • What questions?

  • You can ask yourself, do I often make others feel bad?

  • Or do I usually complain or talk badly about people?

  • Those are tough questions.

  • But they're so important, it's about being honest with yourself.

  • Alright, so what if my answers are yes and yes?

  • If you're often talking about negative things, you might need to make some changes.

  • I would feel very bad if I knew I was a toxic person.

  • Well, it's not about feeling bad.

  • It's about seeing these behaviors and deciding to improve them.

  • Everyone has bad days, but if it's happening all the time, it's worth thinking about, right?

  • Exactly, Leo.

  • The thing is, toxic behaviors don't just affect you.

  • They affect everyone around you, too.

  • Please tell me more about how badly it can affect other people.

  • You know, Leo, toxic behaviors are like a wildfire.

  • What do you mean?

  • Well, they spread quickly.

  • People around a toxic person might start to feel sad, anxious, or stressed out, too.

  • I've seen it happen.

  • One negative comment, and suddenly everyone feels bad.

  • Exactly.

  • And over time, this can really hurt relationships.

  • I bet friends might start avoiding you.

  • And co-workers might not want to work with you.

  • And family members might want to stay away from you and all of your negativity.

  • That's why it's so important to be aware of how your actions affect others.

  • So if people seem unhappy around me, does that mean I'm a toxic person?

  • Not necessarily, Leo.

  • But if that happens, you should really think about how you act around people.

  • I see.

  • You can choose to be more positive, listen more, and be more supportive.

  • Affect, meaning to change or influence something.

  • Example, the weather can affect your mood.

  • Recognizing, meaning knowing who someone is or what something is because you have seen them before.

  • Example, she's recognizing her old school friends.

  • Behaviors, meaning the way people act or behave.

  • Example, his behavior in class is very polite.

  • Complaining, meaning talking about things that are wrong or make you unhappy.

  • Example, she is complaining about the bad service at the restaurant.

  • Avoiding, meaning keeping away from something or someone.

  • Example, he is avoiding crowded places.

  • How do you know if a person is being toxic?

  • A person is being toxic if they always bring negativity into situations, often criticize others, talk badly about people, and don't care about other people's feelings.

  • They might also never listen to others and only push their own opinions.

  • Why does Gwen compare toxic behaviors to a wildfire?

  • Gwen compares toxic behaviors to a wildfire because both spread quickly and can have a big negative impact.

  • So what exactly should we do if we find out we are being toxic?

  • Great question, Leo.

  • The next step is taking responsibility.

  • Taking responsibility?

  • If we realize that we've been negative or hurtful, we need to take responsibility for it.

  • So, I have to admit, I made mistakes.

  • That would be hard.

  • Actually, it's a sign of strength.

  • If you've hurt someone, the best thing you can do is to take responsibility and apologize.

  • How can it help, though?

  • It shows that you care about the other person's feelings and that you're willing to make things right.

  • Seems like a sincere apology can go a long way.

  • And remember, it's not just about saying sorry.

  • It's also about making a real effort to change.

  • Got it?

  • The apology doesn't mean much if we keep making the same mistakes, right?

  • Right.

  • This brings us to our next point, practicing empathy.

  • What is that?

  • It means putting yourself in someone else's shoes.

  • Alright, Gwen, this actually sounds challenging.

  • You should ask yourself, how would I feel if someone said or did this to me?

  • And then?

  • When you start thinking about how others feel, you're less likely to be negative or hurtful.

  • Empathy is such a powerful tool.

  • But how can I show my empathy?

  • Well, it's very simple.

  • Just listening can make a huge difference.

  • Just listening?

  • Yes, Leo, just listening.

  • But I've always listened to others.

  • The point is to listen without interrupting.

  • You mean no interrupting?

  • Exactly.

  • It shows that you respect the other person's thoughts and feelings.

  • When I understand where people are coming from, it's easier to be more kind.

  • Correct.

  • So keep that in mind.

  • But Gwen, listening feels quite passive.

  • Are there any ways to show empathy more actively?

  • Certainly.

  • That leads us to our final point for today, making small positive changes.

  • How can I make positive changes?

  • You can start with little things that can make a big difference.

  • For example?

  • Like saying thank you more often or giving a genuine compliment.

  • You're right.

  • They're small gestures, but they can definitely brighten someone's day.

  • Positive words have a powerful effect.

  • So instead of using them to hurt people, let's use them to make others feel better.

  • What else can I do?

  • Well, let's try to focus on the positive side of things.

  • Even on my bad days?

  • Would you be surprised if I said changing your mindset can make you a happier person?

  • Really?

  • Really.

  • When you change yourself for the better, both you and others benefit.

  • It sounds like a win-win to me.

  • Exactly.

  • Well, now I feel much better if I happen to be a toxic person.

  • Hey, I don't think you're toxic at all, Leo.

  • But remember, nobody's perfect.

  • We all have our ups and downs.

  • The important thing is, we're trying to be better.

  • You're so kind, Gwen.

  • Thank you.

  • Responsibility.

  • Meaning, a duty or job you are expected to do.

  • Example, it is your responsibility to finish your homework.

  • Apologize.

  • Meaning, to say sorry for something you did wrong.

  • Example, he apologized for being late to the meeting.

  • Respect.

  • Meaning, to show care and consideration for someone else.

  • Example, you should respect your teacher's rules.

  • Effect.

  • Meaning, a change that happens because of something else.

  • Example, the new rules had a positive effect on the team.

  • Benefit.

  • Meaning, to gain or receive something good from something.

  • Example, you will benefit from studying hard.

  • And that brings us to the end of today's podcast episode.

  • So my friends, keep these tips in mind as you go about your day.

  • You might be surprised at how much of a difference they can make.

  • Thanks for joining us for this important discussion, everyone.

  • We hope you found it helpful.

  • Don't forget to check the free PDF in the description for more useful vocabulary.

  • We'll see you next time on Podcast and Chill.

  • Until then, keep working on being the best version of yourself.

  • Bye for now and take care.

Hey, everyone!

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Are You Really A Toxic Person? | ? Podcast and Chill | Beginner

  • 2 0
    Ngoc anh Nguyen posted on 2024/10/26
Video vocabulary