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  • Alright, what is up guys.

  • So in this video, I'm going to talk about eunuchs throughout Chinese history, 2200 plus years and tens of millions of castration of young boys, both the penis and the testicles.

  • So let's get started.

  • Let's go back to 221 BC, let's talk about Qin Shi Huang.

  • He is commonly recognized as the first ruler to truly unify China back in 221 BC.

  • And he used eunuchs to construct the terracotta army and because he wanted these people to accompany him in the afterlife.

  • He also ordered the burning of the books which ended a golden era of Chinese literacy.

  • Many Chinese scholars who protested were burned and buried alive along with their books.

  • By the way, Qin Shi Huang, he was only 4'11 or 150 cm.

  • So maybe you still have a chance to go out and conquer a nation.

  • During this era, castration was given as a punishment to rapists.

  • And this included every single male in the family of the rapist.

  • So very dangerous stuff.

  • There's also the famous historian Sima Qian, I made a short video on this guy.

  • He wrote the Grand Historian, which was a true all-time masterpiece.

  • And he was castrated for speaking the truth to the emperor and the emperor didn't really like it.

  • So he cut his balls off.

  • Let's fast forward to 189 AD, the eunuch rebellion, the massacre of the eunuch tenants.

  • I mentioned this briefly in my entire history of China's video.

  • And this took place during the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

  • We have the warlord He Jin.

  • He attempted to seize power by killing the eunuchs who held very high power at the time.

  • So the eunuchs, when they heard about the news, they said, why don't we kill him instead?

  • So He Jin was killed.

  • Then came the warlord Dong Zhuo.

  • He temporarily seized power after killing all these powerful eunuchs.

  • Then he was killed.

  • Chinese history is pretty insane, I know.

  • Also, I will upload part 2 of the entire history of China.

  • I'm also working on my most important video series I've made in my entire life, where

  • I will discuss feminism, I'll talk about LGBTQ+, woke culture, China, Taiwan, Russia,

  • Ukraine, pandemic, vaccine, inflation, and finally, peace.

  • And I really wanted to get this done first because it will be the most important video series of my life.

  • So let's keep going with the eunuchs.

  • Let's fast forward to the Northern Qi Dynasty.

  • This dynasty was short-lived.

  • But here's something very interesting, Emperor's Dowager Hu, by the way, Emperor's Dowager means the mother of the emperor.

  • This Emperor's Dowager reportedly had sexual relations with her personal eunuchs.

  • Now, I'm not sure how that would work.

  • Maybe the alphabet community can tell me something about it.

  • Or maybe it's strictly oral, who knows, maybe some S&M and some handcuffs and spanking.

  • Let's fast forward to Tang Dynasty, one of the five great dynasties in China.

  • We have the An Lushan Rebellion, I have covered this in a short video before.

  • Up to 36 million civilians perished.

  • Yes, 36 million.

  • And the leader An Lushan, he castrated a young boy named Li Zhu'er when he was a teen with his blade.

  • And then he covered the wound with ashes and this saved Li's life.

  • So Li would go on to serve An and helped him in steam baths since An Lushan was basically morbidly obese.

  • And later in his life, when An Lushan turned paranoid, he went for Joseph Stalin and was murdering all of his subordinates.

  • Li decided to take action and he cut An Lushan into pieces, including pulling out his intestines.

  • Yes, that is peak Chinese history for you.

  • Let's talk about the Yuan Dynasty.

  • This is when the Mongols ruled China, but not under Genghis Khan.

  • The first Mongol ruler in China was his son Kublai Khan.

  • Any enemy captured under the age of 10 was castrated, no exceptions.

  • The eunuchs they would go on to serve as slaves to their captors for the rest of their lives.

  • So, ladies, you tell me, who was oppressed more, men or women?

  • Do you still think we live in a patriarchy?

  • Just something to think about.

  • Let's move on to the Ming Dynasty, the second last dynasty of China.

  • This is the peak eunuch era of China.

  • It is estimated that at least 1 million eunuchs served in the Forbidden Kingdom at this point.

  • It is estimated that over 80% of the eunuchs came from northern China.

  • Also, countries like Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, etc.

  • During this time period, they all had to send eunuchs to the Ming Dynasty as tributes.

  • These tributes finally ended in the year of 1435.

  • By the late Ming Dynasty, there were over 100,000 eunuchs serving in the Forbidden Palace.

  • Yes, 100,000.

  • The eunuchs were known to be greedy, evil, and cunning.

  • They often spied on concubines and also high-ranking officials for blackmail, and also turning them against each other while taking bribes from all sides.

  • I mean, that is to be expected.

  • When you cut off someone's balls and their penis, they're probably going to be unhappy about it.

  • And finally, we have arrived at the Qing Dynasty from 1644 to 1911, the very final dynasty of China.

  • This is the beginning of the end.

  • Yellow bamboo sticks were introduced.

  • They were used to punish eunuchs.

  • Typical punishment would be 50 hits to the back.

  • This was very extreme.

  • The hits were severely enough to completely break someone's back permanently.

  • Also very interesting, during this time period, dildos became very popular in China.

  • I'm not sure if this was invented by the eunuchs, but many of them used these dildos to police the concubines in the imperial harem.

  • Also going down on them, with extensive foreplay involved.

  • Now obviously, this is against the law, and anybody that gets caught would be killed.

  • But you have to remember, this is the time period when the emperor had thousands of concubines.

  • And there's no way for the emperor to have sex with them all, so most will never get any action in their lifetime.

  • So these sneaky eunuchs, they swoop in and took advantage.

  • Let's talk about some of the most famous eunuchs in China.

  • So Cai Lun, he was once credited with inventing paper.

  • While he might not have been the true inventor, but he definitely made the usage of paper extremely popular over 2000 years ago.

  • We also have the mathematician Jia Xian, he was the one who invented square and cube roots.

  • Very interesting for all the math nerds out there.

  • Then there's Gang Bing, he castrated himself in order to show loyalty to his emperor.

  • That is some pretty hardcore stuff.

  • I cannot ever imagine anything like that.

  • And then there's the most powerful eunuch, Liu Jing.

  • He became the de facto emperor during the Ming Dynasty.

  • Next we have An Dehai, he was definitely the most famous eunuch in China.

  • He is the personal favorite, you can see a picture of him on the right, of Emperor's

  • Dowager Cixi.

  • Cixi was known as China's most powerful emperor's dowager.

  • And finally we have Sun Yaoting, he is China's very last eunuch.

  • He was castrated at the age of 8 by his father.

  • He passed away in peace in the year of 1996.

  • Let's fast forward to the present day.

  • I think the West has taken an interest in this dark chapter of Chinese history.

  • Isn't this what they call a gender affirming here today in 2023?

  • Just something for you guys to think about.

  • Thank you guys so much for watching the video all the way to the end.

  • I will see you next time.

Alright, what is up guys.

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The Entire History of Chinese Eunuchs, 2200 years of Castration

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    啟天羽 posted on 2024/10/27
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