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  • Hello, I'm Meredith from Peachy Speechy.

  • I'm a speech language pathologist, and today I'm gonna show you how to say the Z sound, zzz.

  • When you say your Z sound, your tongue tip is gonna be behind your teeth, and your voice is going to be on, air is gonna come straight out, and it's gonna sound like this, zzz.

  • This bumpy section behind your front teeth, this is called your alveolar ridge.

  • That's a good starting point for your tongue when you're learning to say the Z sound.

  • So put your tongue up here and feel those bumps.

  • The backsides of your tongue are gonna be up too.

  • Your teeth are gonna be really close like this, and you're gonna turn your voice on, and air is gonna go straight forward, zzz.

  • Some people call Z the buzzing sound, zzz, because it sounds like bees buzzing, buzz.

  • Let's make the buzzing sound together.

  • Are you ready?

  • Say it with me, zzz.

  • Zzz.

  • Let's practice some more.

  • I'm gonna say the Z sound, and then you say it after me.

  • Are you ready?

  • Zzz.

  • You try.

  • Zzz.

  • You try.

  • How did you do?

  • You are doing a great job.

  • Now you're gonna practice 10 more times.

  • You're gonna see mouths on the screen that look like that.

  • Every time you see a mouth, say your Z sound.

  • Remember, tongue behind your teeth, teeth close together, air straight forward, voice is on, zzz.

  • Great job practicing.

  • Thanks for watching this video.

  • I hope you had a good time practicing your z sound, your buzzing sound, buzz.

  • If you feel like you need a little more practice, just play this video again.

  • To the speech language pathologists and parents watching this video, I have a great set of articulation cards, including the z sound, of course.

  • These cards all have the mouth models as a visual cue on every single card, and they have a student practice at the word, phrase, and sentence level.

  • So you can download that whole card set at

  • You can also get super cool speech shirts like this one at

  • So while you're over there looking at the card decks, check this out as well.

Hello, I'm Meredith from Peachy Speechy.

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How to say the Z sound by Peachie Speechie

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    Carrie Wong posted on 2024/10/27
Video vocabulary