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When he picked her up, he picked her up by the throat and her face
他抓住她的脖子和臉 一把拎起來
And he slammed her on the ground and then he’s like
將她「砰」一聲摔到地上 說:
Get this little bitch and go take care of her
「把這小賤人拿走 去搞定她」
Take care of your daughter
It was another day at the office with another defendant
對我來說 這只是又一個和被告在法官辦公室裡的普通日子
It felt like there was sort of an audible gasp
I watched the judge do something that I don’t think they do very often
So here’s a story of this judge in Oklahoma City
Who had a profound moment of conscience
轉瞬間的良知判斷 改變一切的故事
My names Kenneth C. Watson. I’m a district judge here in the Oklahoma County
我是肯尼˙華森 奧克拉荷馬郡的地方法院法官
But the story’s part of a much larger story that our colleague Alex here has been reporting
My name is Alex Campbell and I’m an investigative reporter at Buzzfeed
我是艾利克斯˙坎貝爾 在Buzzfeed(註: 美國網路新聞平台)擔任調查記者
So I’ve been reporting this story for about 6 months
I’ve been looking at cases around the country where mother is put in prison for failing to protect her children
試圖尋找有沒有身為家暴受害者的媽媽 因為疏於保護兒女
Even though she herself was abused
The laws are different in every state and the penalties are different
But basically, the whole idea is that
If you knew your child was being abused and you weren’t able to prevent– get the child out of that situation
如果對孩子遭暴知情 卻無法解救他
Then you should go to prison, too
Now how long you’ll get put away will depend a lot state to state
刑期多久 因州的不同而相差迥異
In New York, it might be up to a year; in Oklahoma it’s up to life
在紐約可能是一年苦牢 在這裡卻是無期徒刑
So the story began with a woman named Victoria Phanhtarath
Victoria was sentenced to prison after her boyfriend killed her 3-year-old daughter
在男友殺了她年僅3歲的女兒後 維多莉雅啷噹入獄
Even though she was essentially a victim of her boyfriend, too
Judge Watson presided over Victoria’s hearing when she agreed to a plea bargain
法官華森主持了她的聽證會 她同意認罪協商(註: 類似坦白從寬,承認輕罪以便減輕刑罰)
And even when she entered the plea of guilty, I don’t remember anything about her or about the plea
她進入認罪程序時 我其實不太記得這個人或她的答辯
Though, I don’t hear much about the facts in an agreed plea
被告的供詞中 我沒見到太多犯罪事實
Hers was an agreed plea
So it was just another day
It was another day at the office with another defendant
In the fall of 2014, Victoria’s abusive boyfriend Freddy Mendez beat Victoria 3-year-old daughter Alexis to death
2014年秋天 佛萊迪˙曼德把維多莉雅3歲的女兒毆打致死
So here’s a reading from Victoria’s testimony during Freddy’s trial when she describes the murder
這是審判佛萊迪時 維多莉雅對於謀殺的證詞
Freddy is still spanking Alexis and I go get my son
佛萊迪一直拍打愛麗絲 我去找兒子
And I come back and he’s sitting there and he pushed and he kicked her across the room
我回來的時候 他就坐在那裡 把愛麗絲從房間這頭踢到那頭
All the way to the window. And he kicked her
又把她踹到窗邊 狠狠踢她
Is he saying anything to her?
He’s cussing at himself. He’s getting pissed off and he’s kicking her and he’s hitting on the chest
他一直罵髒話 他很憤怒 不斷踢她、捶打她的胸口
What’s he saying
He’s… You fucking little bitch
He’s sitting there cussing and kicking her and hitting her
他坐在那裡咒罵 踢她、揍她
I told him, “you need to calm down” why doesn’t he go outside
My son is trying to cause he can hear Alexis crying and screaming
我兒子想看發生什麼事 因為他聽到愛麗絲狂哭叫
And he’s trying to look and I’m covering up his eyes
他想看出什麼事了 我摀住他的雙眼
And he’s sitting there kicking her and pushing her around the room
他坐在那裡踢她 把她踢得滿房間跑
And I’m sitting there yelling at him
And he picks her up after he’s hit her on the chest, kicked her in the stomach
他舉起愛麗絲 打她胸口、踢她肚子
And she’s flinging around the room across the window
And he picked her up and he slammed her
他掐住愛麗絲的咽喉 把她拿起來
When he picked her up, he picked her up by the throat and her face
And he slammed her on the ground and then he’s like
Get this little bitch and go take care of her
「把這小賤人拿走 去搞定她」
Take care of your daughter
So when Victoria testified in Freddy’s trial, she was already in prison
維多莉雅為佛萊迪的審判作證時 已在獄中服刑
The plea deal she’d agreed to was for a 35 year sentence for enabling child abuse
她因為放任男友家暴 而被判刑35年
When Victoria testified during Freddy’s trial, he caught everybody off guard
她為佛萊迪的審判作證時 法官的裁決出乎所有人意料
We have a girl who’s already made a plea. She’s in the penitentiary
她已經同意認罪 也在反省了
We don’t know anything about her but the circumstances in this case
And she’s the first, the second, third with this
And she gives us a detailed description of what happened and how it happened
And here’s is one of the many stories Victoria told about how Freddy had abused her prior to the incident where Alexis was killed
這些都還只是女兒死前 佛萊迪動手的冰山一角
What happened?
Well, he starts… We start getting in the argument and he starts grabbing me and starts punching me in my face and punching me in my eye
…他開始…我們開始吵架 他抓住我 往我臉上揮拳、打我的眼睛
And he shoves me to the pool. I try to get out
把我推進泳池裡 我掙扎著爬出來
And he shoves me back in the pool and starts hitting me and dragging me around
他又把我推進去 然後開始打我 把我推來撞去
And I’m screaming and crying at this moment
And he tells me to shut up and finally he gets Alexis in
他叫我閉嘴 最後他把愛麗絲帶進屋內
We go inside the house because the baby’s sleeping
我們進到屋裡 寶寶睡著了
Ma’am, is this the first time Mr. Mendez has put his hands on you in a manner like this or has it happened before?
凡塔瑞女士 這是曼德先生第一次對妳施暴嗎? 還是之前就發生過?
It’s happened before
Did you tell anybody about that?
No. –Why not?
-沒有 -為什麼?
I was already in a domestic abusive relationship and I was embarrassed
I mean, there were tears in the jury from the member of the jury because it’s heart wrenching
陪審團裡有人哭了 因為這太讓人心痛
She continued relating details of this particular incident
So you told us what he did, what happened next?
妳已經說出他的惡行 之後還發生什麼事?
Well, I go upstairs and we’re still arguing. And the kids are in the room
我們上樓去 依然在爭吵 孩子們都在房間裡
He continues to hit me and beat me in the room
What room?
In his bedroom upstairs in the far back
一個樓上很後面的房間 他的臥房
And we’re arguing in the closet
At this time, I have been shoved all the way into the closet because I’m screaming and crying loud
當時我尖叫、大哭 所以他把我拽進衣櫃裡
What happened next?
He starts punching me and hitting me, telling me to shut up
他開始打我、揍我 叫我閉嘴
And then he demands me to go make him a sandwich
And I’m covered. My clothes are wet at this point
So he sends me downstairs to go make him a sandwich
The DA having heard that, I could see he was being affected by her testimony
地方檢察官聽到後 我看得出來他相當震撼
We at this point think we have seen it all
But things happen which give you a different perspective on life
And I think what happened with Victoria and would’ve happened to Victoria was something that neither one of us had expected
我認為已經發生和原本可能發生在維多莉雅身上的事 我們當中沒人能想像
Even before the jury came back, I went out and I talked to the DA
陪審團回來前 我和檢察官在外頭談了一會
And I basically told him that I don’t have any authority to do anything at all in this case because its an agreed plea
我告訴他我沒權限可以更動什麼 因為這是認罪協商
I said if you can get your office to agree to let me modify this
I will do it. I’ll set this on my docket to modify it
一切就沒問題了 我必擇期更改
So the prosecutor agreed and a new hearing was called where the judge would be able to change Victoria’s sentence to a length that he thought was more fair
檢察官和聽證會讓法官得以縮短維多莉雅的刑期 改為較公平的處置
I gave it a lot of thought before I heard anything additional
在聽取外來意見前 我思考了很久
I knew that a modification was in order
Cause that was what I had suggested.
I just didn’t know how much
And the more I heard, the more I was convinced that she needed to be out
當知道的越多 我更確定她的處罰過重
Judge Watson modified Victoria’s sentence from 35 years to the 2 years she had already served
And she was set free
I was also there for this hearing
It felt like there was sort of an audible gasp as I recall
I watched the judge do something that I don’t think they do very often
Which is look at an inmate who’s been sentenced to 35 years in prison and set her free after only 2
重審刑期35年的階下囚 讓她在只服了2年刑期後就獲釋
I spoke to the district attorney office recently and they were not expecting her to be set free
我和地檢署談過了 他們沒料到維多莉雅能出獄
And that they were under the impression that her sentence would be reduced to 20 years and they seemed okay with that
I don’t think they were pleased with the judge’s decision
When I thought about her spending the next 35 years locked up in all-women’s prison just…
想到她接下來35年都要困在女子監獄裡 就讓人…
I wanted to know, I wanted to find out what I could do. What I could do to make it better
我想看看…我想知道我能做什麼 是否有轉圜餘地