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  • Welcome to Movie Shortens. Follow us today to a 1995 American science fiction action film called Virtuosity.

  • Before we start, be aware, there are spoilers.

  • At a metro station, many gray suited figures are going about their business.

  • Lieutenant Parker Barnes steps off a train with his partner Donovan.

  • They run through the crowds into the streets outside.

  • A holographic head warns people of a murder.

  • Barnes notices glitches in the world around him.

  • He sees a smiley face on the side of a Japanese restaurant which they enter.

  • They see the silhouette of a man called Sid 6.7 and Barnes opens fire.

  • Sid fires back and during the chaos, he kidnaps Donovan.

  • Barnes is ambushed and is shot in the arm.

  • Sid tells him that he is just playing with him.

  • He hides behind a sushi chef and Barnes shoots at the chef to get at him.

  • Donovan is in an ice tray behind the bar, his face crackling with electricity.

  • Sid grabs Barnes by the throat and puts his finger into his wound.

  • Barnes appears to shut down and disappear, followed by Donovan.

  • Sid says that he hadn't finished as his own wounds close up.

  • In a simulation room, there is a warning that the participants are getting a neural simulation overload.

  • Barnes and Donovan are brought out, but Donovan goes in the shock and dies.

  • The police commander, Elizabeth Dean, asks about the failsafe program, but the developer, Daryl, believes that someone has been tampering with the software.

  • Dean discusses with a man named Wallace that VR was supposed to be a safe place to train her enforcement officers.

  • They are using convicts to test, but she wants it to shut down.

  • Barnes is an ex-cop who has traded participation in this trial for some of his sentences.

  • He tells the police chief, Billy, that Sid cheated.

  • He didn't have electrocution as part of his weapon log.

  • Billy asks why he shot the chef.

  • Barnes replies because he wasn't real, but Barnes was supposed to behave as though he were.

  • Billy warns him to pull himself together before he is taken back to the prison.

  • He is scanned upon entry and his mechanical limb is detected.

  • He is directed through a wing where the prisoners shout and jeer at him.

  • A prisoner emerges with white power tattooed on his arm.

  • He shouts at him for getting Donovan killed.

  • The guy has a knife and they fight.

  • Barnes defeats him and the guards enter and remove him.

  • In the simulation room, Daryl speaks with Sid and tells him that he knows he increased the sensitivity readings which killed Donovan.

  • So now he will be shut down.

  • Sid says that he can't change what he is and that killing for real was a rush.

  • He beckons Daryl in to tell him a secret.

  • Dr. Carter comes to see Barnes.

  • She was at the simulation the day before.

  • Billy asks her to do a psychological evaluation on him.

  • She asks about the fight and he tells her that he was defending himself.

  • He asks why she was there yesterday and she says that she was doing research for a book.

  • He says that he knew to go into the Japanese restaurant because of the smiley face.

  • Programmers always leave clues.

  • She asks about the man that killed his family and took his arm.

  • If they can prove that he was provoked, then he could be helped.

  • A technician named Clyde is enjoying a VR simulation of a woman named Sheila.

  • Daryl tells him that while he is interacting with the simulation, it collects data about him.

  • Daryl ends the program and tells him that he knows that he has been trying to incubate a nanotech android.

  • Wallace thinks that the software is a solution to Clyde's problem so asks him to incubate Sheila.

  • He agrees.

  • Sid arrives in the simulation and starts to have some fun with Sheila, but Daryl removes him.

  • He removes the software module from Sheila's disk and replaces it with Sid's.

  • He finds Clyde who demonstrates the nanobot's regenerative powers by cutting a snake, which then uses glass particles to regenerate its body.

  • He then removes the software module from the snake's body which causes nanodeath.

  • Daryl gives Clyde what he thinks is Sheila's module and puts it into a jar of nanobots.

  • After a time, the incubation period is complete and a body climbs out of a cocoon that morphs into Sid.

  • He kills Clyde and Daryl runs.

  • Sid cuts the finger off and then holds it near to some glass watching it regenerate.

  • Sometime later, Billy with Dean and Wallace recruits Barnes to catch Sid in exchange for a full pardon.

  • He is tagged with a microlocator implant so that they can track him.

  • Carter asks to go with him despite Barnes' objection.

  • Billy gives him his old police badge and he asks for his gun as well.

  • Barnes and Carter go to investigate a murder scene where they suspect Sid's involvement.

  • They then go to Daryl's house and find his computer.

  • Carter examines earlier versions of Sid, which incorporates the genetic signatures of mass murderers who battle each other for supremacy.

  • Sid 6.7 has 200 different personality signatures.

  • One of them is Matthew Grimes, the man that killed Barnes' family.

  • Carter goes home and calls Billy who explains that his family was killed to distract him from solving the case.

  • Her daughter speaks with Barnes about her mom.

  • In a club, Sid shoots an android bartender and the crowd scream.

  • He demands a girl to record the sound of the hostages screaming and crying.

  • Barnes hears about the situation on the radio and leaves with Carter.

  • There is a traffic jam and Barnes continues on foot.

  • Sid has composed a symphony.

  • The police enter and he shoots them all.

  • He encourages the hostages to scream but then Barnes arrives and shoots him in the back.

  • He exclaims that he is losing too much of himself as Barnes continues to shoot.

  • Sid recognizes them and then tries to escape in a police car.

  • Carter arrives in her car and they give chase.

  • Sid eats glass from the windscreen to help himself repair.

  • He taunts Barnes over the radio about how much they have in common before he crashes the car.

  • Carter hands Barnes a shotgun but tells him that the only way to stop him is to destroy his software module.

  • Barnes shoots at him but he escapes over the edge of a bridge.

  • Wallace tells Dean that he would prefer that Sid be detained.

  • They still haven't found Daryl.

  • Barnes believes that Grimes is the dominant personality within Sid.

  • He says that Grimes also wanted attention just like Sid craves.

  • Carter realizes that Sid is free of any restraints that he may have had.

  • He is evolving.

  • In the mall, Sid is thrilled to see news coverage of the incident on the TV.

  • Barnes realizes that he likes to be on TV and so he leaves for a nearby Olympic auditorium where a big fight is being screened live.

  • Sid arrives at the Olympic auditorium and starts a fight.

  • He is about to bite a woman when a security guard uses a shotgun to stop him.

  • Barnes arrives and Sid jumps down into the ring.

  • Barnes pursues him down to the metro line where he uses the glass from the train window to repair his hand.

  • As the train pulls away, Barnes can see Sid with the hostage.

  • He taunts him to shoot but reminds him that this isn't VR.

  • Barnes shoots and misses Sid but the hostage falls to the ground.

  • Sid escapes on the train.

  • The police arrive and although Carter tries to tell everyone that he is a cop, people believe that Barnes shot the hostage in cold blood.

  • The body is removed and Barnes is led away.

  • He tells Carter that he missed them both.

  • He didn't kill the hostage.

  • Billy arrives and Barnes begs him to believe him.

  • Carter tells Billy that the woman was shot through the back so Barnes couldn't have shot her.

  • They are locking up the one man that could stop Sid.

  • The prison van is ambushed by Sid who taunts Barnes with how he is responsible for his own family's death as well as the woman on the train.

  • Sid releases him and tells him that the locator that was implanted into his brain also contains a poison that can be used to kill him.

  • He tells him that as two prison guards are lying here dead, how long will it take for his death to be authorized?

  • Barnes takes the guard's gun and runs back towards the city.

  • Billy then receives news of Barnes' escape.

  • Dean asks Wallace if the failsafe is still online.

  • Barnes calls Carter protesting his innocence.

  • He says that Sid only enjoys the game when he is playing against Barnes, his favorite opponent.

  • Carter knew about the poison.

  • She says that she can't help him unless he tells her where he is.

  • He says that he is with his family.

  • Carter calls Billy who is starting to believe her and she tells him about the poison.

  • She leaves her house, waving goodbye to her daughter.

  • As she leaves, Sid pulls up in a van.

  • Wallace tracks Barnes to the cemetery and authorizes his termination.

  • But Billy arrives at the last moment and smashes up the computer.

  • Carter then arrives to meet Barnes.

  • Barnes tells her that Sid craves a larger audience and then realizes where he is.

  • Daryl is watching the news regarding a debate about immigration which is reported will attract a huge television audience.

  • Sid is at the TV station and has killed the technicians.

  • He interrupts the broadcast and shoots the guest live on air.

  • The online viewing figures increase phenomenally.

  • Barnes and Carter arrive as Sid is asking the viewers what kind of executions they would like to see.

  • He introduces the first victim, Carter's 9 year old daughter.

  • Barnes assures Carter that he will save her daughter but he first needs her to get the phone lines to the building cut.

  • Armed police arrive and shoot at Barnes as he runs away and escapes.

  • Daryl then arrives in the building.

  • Carter sees him and asks him at gunpoint where her daughter is.

  • He says that he doesn't know and she hits him with the gun.

  • Sid addresses the audience when suddenly the lines are cut.

  • He is furious and starts to rant as Barnes appears and shoots him.

  • Barnes chases him when a helicopter arrives and opens fire.

  • Billy demands it is called off as Barnes continues to shoot at Sid.

  • They fight hand to hand on the roof, Barnes demanding to know where the girl is.

  • Barnes swings off the roof taking Sid with him and they crash through a window.

  • Sid has been eviscerated by the glass.

  • Barnes stands over him and asks again where is the girl.

  • Sid grabs his head and pulls him towards the glass as he starts to regenerate his body.

  • But Barnes punches through his head and removes the software module from his brain.

  • Sid lies motionless as Carter arrives with Daryl.

  • He tells them that by destroying Sid he has lost any chance they had of finding her daughter.

  • Barnes looks at the Corps.

  • Suddenly Sid and Barnes are back fighting on the roof, but this time Sid throws him to the ground below where he lies in a pool of blood.

  • Carter arrives demanding to know where her daughter is and Sid takes her away.

  • The blood disappears and Barnes gets up.

  • He is in a simulation being watched by Billy and Daryl.

  • Daryl tells them that Sid has no idea he is in a simulation.

  • They watch him taunt Carter until he reveals where her daughter is.

  • When Barnes approaches Sid realizes what is happening.

  • Carter exits as Sid screams to Daryl for help.

  • Daryl hits Billy leaving Barnes inside the simulation.

  • Sid manipulates the VR world, but Carter regains consciousness, shoots Daryl and releases Barnes.

  • Wallace then storms in demanding to know what they are doing, but Barnes knocks him out.

  • He unplugs a machine and they return for Carter's daughter.

  • She is about to open the hatch, but Barnes realizes that it will be a booby trap.

  • He uses his mechanical arm to hold back the fan blades and climbs in through the top to rescue her.

  • A video message plays from Sid telling Barnes that anything he thinks of has already been anticipated.

  • Barnes traverses the booby traps and tries to disconnect the bomb, but Sid taunts him that he already thought of that and the timer speed increases.

  • Ultimately he uses some connections from his arm to disable the bomb forcing it into a time loop.

  • They both climb out through the hatch and Carter thanks Barnes.

  • He climbs to the roof and throws Sid's software module to the street below where it smashes into pieces.

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Welcome to Movie Shortens. Follow us today to a 1995 American science fiction action film called Virtuosity.

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    wdd83291 posted on 2024/10/28
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