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  • The history of Halloween.

  • How did Halloween start and where did it come from?

  • In the beginning, Halloween was a harvest festival.

  • The Celts, who lived in Ireland, the UK and France, marked the end of the summer and the beginning of winter with this harvest festival called Samhain.

  • At this festival, they wore costumes and enjoyed fortune telling.

  • Where did the name Halloween come from?

  • When the Celts eventually became Christian, they started to call the first day of November All Saints' Day.

  • All Saints' Day was also known as All Hallows, which was an old English word.

  • People began to call the night before the 1st of November All Hallows' Eve and this eventually became Halloween.

  • Why do people dress in costumes at Halloween?

  • People believed that ghosts walked the streets on Halloween night and they felt scared about meeting them.

  • They began to wear masks to fool the ghosts into believing that they were other spirits.

  • Soon, people started to wear costumes and fancy dress to go with the masks.

  • By the 1930s, costumes were based on characters in the media, like they are today.

  • Why do we make jack-o'-lanterns at Halloween?

  • There was an old Irish legend about a very mean man called Jack and when he died, he walked the earth with only a hollowed-out turnip with a light inside to guide him.

  • This is where we get the name Jack of the Lantern, which then changed to Jack-o'-lantern.

  • Because of this, for a long time turnips were used at Halloween.

  • But when European settlers arrived in America, they realised that pumpkins would be far easier to carve as they were soft and would give out a brighter orange coloured light.

  • Why do we go trick-or-treating at Halloween?

  • Many years ago, people were not just afraid of meeting ghosts on Halloween night.

  • They were also terrified that ghosts or spirits would come into their homes.

  • They began leaving bowls of food outside their doors to deter the ghosts from entering.

  • Over time, people began to get less fearful of the ghosts and started eating the nice treats themselves.

  • Some people say that this was the start of trick-or-treating.

  • So, what did you learn about the history of Halloween?

  • To learn about the traditions of Halloween in the UK, check out our Traditions video.

  • Thanks for watching.

The history of Halloween.

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How did Halloween Start? | The History of Halloween for Kids ?

  • 12 0
    Peggy English沛琪美語 posted on 2024/10/28
Video vocabulary