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  • Hi everyone, this is Rosé and I'm here at BuzzFeed to answer some questions and play with puppies.

  • I'm so excited.

  • Puppies, puppies, puppies, puppies, puppies, puppies.

  • Oh my god, oh my god, they look so shy.

  • Hi, hi, oh my gosh, hi.

  • Oh my god, what are these?

  • They're roses.

  • Oh my god, you're so cute.

  • Oh, look at you.

  • I'm freaking out.

  • Yes, please wait, can I have like 10 seconds?

  • Hi, hi, hi, hi, you're so cute.

  • Okay, oh my gosh, this is the best day of my life.

  • Hank is good.

  • My parents are taking care of him.

  • Back in Korea, I'm so sad that I can't be with him lately because I've been working so much, but he's great.

  • He's like chic.

  • Even if I'm like really, really excited and like happy, he's like...

  • What I love about him is that like if I haven't seen him, even if I'm like away for like an hour or two, when I come back home to see him, like he gets so excited and that's like just like that five minutes that you get with him and then he's back to being like the chicest dog.

  • He's like, I'm too cool for you.

  • I love that about him.

  • Rosie is...

  • Rosie is an album.

  • What's happening?

  • Oh, that looks like a fun game.

  • Rosie is an album full of my most honest stories and it's just like a representation of all the thoughts running through my mind this past year and it's a very personal one, so hopefully people feel more closer to me through the album.

  • Okay, yeah.

  • AP...

  • Oh my god.

  • Look, this one is like...

  • Anyway, okay.

  • Back to interview.

  • It's so hard to focus.

  • APT is a Korean drinking game that I actually used to play.

  • I mean, not used to play.

  • I play when I drink with friends in Korea.

  • It's very simple.

  • Oh, look at...

  • He's so cute.

  • Oh my god.

  • It's a game where you're sitting in a circle with your friends.

  • You call out the floor of the apartment if it's your game, so I would be like...

  • And everyone has to stack their hands in the middle and if I say like seventh floor, it's like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

  • The person who lands on the seventh floor takes the shot.

  • It's really simple, but the fun part of it is that it's like a chant and I think people really enjoy that.

  • Everyone just screams like...

  • That's the fun part and it's good because it gets everyone kind of together instead of just sitting in the seats.

  • It's been literally the best working with Bruno.

  • I'm so lucky to have him on this song.

  • He's helped me so much in this...

  • He's helped me so much in this...

  • Oh my gosh, are you okay?

  • Oh my god.

  • Rosie, focus.

  • You have to answer this Bruno Mars question.

  • He will watch it, so this has to be a good answer.

  • He's been so helpful.

  • He has a vision for everything.

  • It's so good.

  • I've had times where I was struggling with something and he really has helped me out so much in wrapping up this album.

  • I'm such a big fan and that's how this whole thing kind of happened because I was like...

  • I went to a Bruno Mars concert like a year ago and I realized how much of a fan I was and I was telling them the story and the label like...

  • I don't know, something happened and he asked for three songs to pitch and we pitched it and he's like, what is APT?

  • What does that mean?

  • And I was just like, oh my god, what's happening?

  • And the rest is history.

  • It's been like crazy, right?

  • So grateful.

  • He's literally the best.

  • No.

  • It's just Bruno Mars.

  • Um, oh, it's getting feisty.

  • Oh, wait.

  • Trying to take this dress off me?

  • You guys are so adorable.

  • Can I take you home?

  • What was the question?

  • It was really fun.

  • Um, so, oh, I think you're gonna rip it and I think my stylist is gonna get mad at me.

  • I'll pay for it.

  • It's all right.

  • I'll buy the dress.

  • It's been really rewarding.

  • I decided to dive into this album because I had like a session last year at the end of Blackpink tour.

  • We just got off our like one-year tour.

  • Whoa.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • What is the game, guys?

  • I found myself in the studio and I liked it so much that I promised myself that this is what I'm gonna be doing for the next year and I stuck by it.

  • It's been so much fun.

  • I've learned so much.

  • At the very beginning, I had no idea how the process even went by and it was my big dream to be able to kind of...

  • Whoa.

  • Oh my god.

  • I'm so sorry.

  • What's wrong with me?

  • I think my brain is...

  • Do I need like 10 seconds?

  • Is it because of the puppies?

  • Right?

  • Is that what happened?

  • I'm like, what am I saying?

  • Okay.

  • Sorry.

  • The question was...

  • At the very start, I was really nervous and I was more like, let's just take some time.

  • Like, you know, I don't have to be perfect from the very beginning.

  • So even though I was nervous, like I walked in and I was like, wow, this could actually be a thing.

  • And my friends and family really supported me and told me, Rose, you should stick to it and like build it.

  • You have to make this into an album.

  • And so with the support of my friends and family, I kept going back to it and I'm proud that I actually finished it.

  • And I'm proud of it.

  • Oh, I think it's amazing.

  • Right?

  • I think it's amazing.

  • I'm so excited for everyone.

  • I'm their biggest fan too.

  • And it's really nice to know that like we're all...

  • We're all trying to...

  • Okay.

  • I'm in like puppy land right now.

  • Like I'm proud of each and every one of the girls.

  • It's good to have these sisters go through this similar journeys with me.

  • I would pick Kill This Love.

  • It's a badass song.

  • I would like to cover a Bruno Mars song.

  • There's so many.

  • I'd love to cover all of them.

  • They're all great.

  • I usually go for Chinese hot pot when I'm traveling.

  • I always look for a Chinese hot pot place.

  • It's not an American food.

  • Is that okay?

  • Would you like an American food?

  • Celebrity crush growing up?

  • You know, I don't think I've actually had one.

  • But that's why I was like, I never thought I'd be like, like, wow, I'm a fan.

  • So that's why last year when I was like at the concert, I was like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

  • Calm down.

  • Calm down.

  • They listened.

  • They listened to me.

  • They know who her mother is.

  • No arguing in the house, boys.

  • Act in the future?

  • Oh, I mean, yeah, maybe.

  • I would love to try that out.

  • I've always been fun.

  • There's like a great cool role.

  • Oh, do I say it?

  • No, what if it I actually really wanted to happen?

  • So maybe I shouldn't.

  • So I'll leave it up to the imagination.

  • But there is something I would love to do.

  • I want to learn how to just take some time off and know how to kind of balance that.

  • I think I'm like all in or all out.

  • If I set my mind to something, I just like consume all my time and energy just on that until I'm satisfied.

  • Thank you.

  • And so I think that's the personal goal.

  • I would love to work.

  • No, that's bad.

  • That's OK.

  • I'll buy it.

  • OK.

  • Oh, no, you're OK, honey.

  • Are you OK?

  • You're so attached to me.

  • Just like when a fan really genuinely comes and says like their personal story about, you know, how they listen to my song when they were going through a hard time or when they were studying, like a personal story like that always kind of is really sweet.

  • And just to hear it from a fan.

  • So I just put out my album.

  • I mean, not yet.

  • I'm putting it out.

  • So that's the biggest one.

  • I have a collaboration with Bruno Mars.

  • I've been wanting to go on vacation soon.

  • So if I like chill a bit, so maybe a vacation.

  • But I don't know.

  • I don't want to go.

  • I don't know.

  • Somewhere just more Hawaii.

  • I don't know.

  • Thank you, BuzzFeed, for having me.

  • It was so much fun answering questions with the puppies.

  • My single APT is out now with Bruno Mars.

  • So I hope you guys love that.

  • And I hope you're excited for my album that drops December 6th.

  • Thank you so much.

  • And this is the most important thing ever.

  • These puppies, this one.

  • These puppies are available for adoption at North Shore Animal League America.

  • Please, please, everyone, please adopt these little puppies.

  • Please take us home.

  • Take me home with you.

  • Take us home.

Hi everyone, this is Rosé and I'm here at BuzzFeed to answer some questions and play with puppies.

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ROSÉ: The Puppy Interview

  • 3 0
    aqo15614 posted on 2024/10/28
Video vocabulary