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Kyoto was the capital of Japan for over a millennium, and it still carries a reputation as the nation's most beautiful city.
The countless temples, shrines, and historical structures are both fascinating and overwhelming.
To make your trip even more enjoyable, Japanesquest presents you with 10 of the very best places to visit in Kyoto.
為了讓您的旅行更加愉快,Japanesquest 向您推薦京都的 10 個最佳旅遊景點。
Number 1 Arashiyama District Arashiyama in the western outskirts of Kyoto is a popular destination for Japanese tourists, especially in spring for the cherry blossoms and in the autumn for the fall colors.
第一名 嵐山區 位於京都西郊的嵐山是日本遊客的熱門目的地,尤其是春季的櫻花和秋季的秋色。
The major attractions are Togetsukyo Bridge spanning the Katsura River, Bamboo Forest the symbol of Arashiyama, the scenic Sagano Romantic Train, Hosugawa River Cruise with seasonal scenery and thrilling rapids, Monkey Park Iwatayama, home of over 100 snow monkeys.
主要景點有橫跨桂川的東月橋,嵐山的象徵--竹林,風景優美的嵯峨野浪漫小火車,四季景色和驚險激流的細川遊船,擁有 100 多隻雪猴的巖田山猴園。
When you're all templed out in Kyoto City, Arashiyama can be a great escape.
Number 2 Roanji Temple Roanji has a famous garden that is considered the best example of Kare-sensui, a Japanese rock garden.
第 2 號 羅漢寺 羅漢寺有一個著名的庭園,被認為是日本岩石庭園 Kare-sensui 的最佳範例。
There are 15 stones in the garden, but no more than 14 can be seen from any single viewpoint.
花園裡有 15 塊石頭,但從任何一個角度看去都不會超過 14 塊。
It is said that in order to see all the stones from the same viewpoint, you need to attain enlightenment.
The Roanji Temple also offers an exquisite restaurant that specializes in boiled tofu.
You can enjoy this typical Buddhist cuisine while looking out across a traditional Japanese garden.
Number 3 Kinkakuji Temple Kinkakuji is a Zen temple built in 1397 by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogun of the Muromachi shogunate.
3 號金閣寺 金閣寺是室町幕府第三代將軍足利義滿於 1397 年建造的禪寺。
It is the leading symbol of the flamboyant Kitayama culture, which was prevalent from late 14th century to early 15th century.
它是 14 世紀末至 15 世紀初盛行的華麗北山文化的主要象徵。
The golden pavilion, called Kinkaku, has three floors, each one built in a different architectural style.
金閣名為 "金閣",共有三層,每一層都有不同的建築風格。
Kinkaku shows its most exquisite beauty at sunset, when it sparkles orange as if it is on fire.
Number 4 Ginkakuji Temple Ginkakuji is a Zen temple founded in 1490 by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the eighth shogun of the Muromachi shogunate.
編號 4 銀閣寺 銀閣寺是室町幕府第八代將軍足利義滿於 1490 年創建的禪寺。
The temple and its garden are one of the best examples of wabi-sabi.
該寺廟及其花園是 "侘寂 "的最佳典範之一。
The idea behind these Japanese unique aesthetics is the acceptance of transience and imperfection.
In other words, wabi-sabi consists of the ideas of less is more, beauty in simplicity, and perfectly imperfect.
換句話說,"侘寂 "包含 "少即是多"、"簡約之美 "和 "完美無缺 "等理念。
The more you get to know Kyoto, the more you will come to enjoy and appreciate Ginkakuji Temple.
Number 5 Philosopher's Path Philosopher's Path is a pleasant narrow path located in the eastern side of Kyoto city that runs along a canal.
5 號哲人小路 哲人小路位於京都市東部,是一條沿著運河而建的舒適窄路。
The name drives from a leading Japanese philosopher, Nishida Iktaro.
When he needed to ponder on his work, he would stroll along this path experiencing the rich nature while deep in thought.
A relaxing experience with the one-and-a-half-kilometer walk may bring you one step closer to becoming a philosopher.
Number 6 Gion District Gion is a geisha district that still has the rich atmosphere of old Kyoto city.
第 6 號 祗園地區 祗園是一個藝妓區,至今仍保留著京都古城的濃郁風情。
It is one of the liveliest areas of Kyoto and has various sightseeing spots.
Kenin-ji, the oldest Zen temple in Japan.
Yasaka Shrine, the symbol of the Gion District.
Hanami Koji Street, home of tea houses and traditional Japanese restaurants.
花見小路街(Hanami Koji Street)是茶館和傳統日本餐廳的所在地。
Minamiza, a primary kabuki theater in Kyoto founded in 1610.
南座(Minamiza)是京都的主要歌舞伎劇院,創建於 1610 年。
If you are lucky, you may also manage to catch a glimpse of geisha on their way.
Number 7 Kiyomizudera Temple Kiyomizudera is a Buddhist temple founded in 778 and is one of the most popular sightseeing spots in Kyoto.
7 清水寺 清水寺是一座佛教寺廟,始建於 778 年,是京都最受歡迎的觀光景點之一。
The temple's magnificent wooden stage is a must-see for all travelers.
There are many other sights, such as the Jishu Shrine, dedicated to the god of love and matchmaking, and a Toa Waterfall, whose water streams are believed to have wish-granting powers.
這裡還有許多其他景點,例如供奉愛情和媒人之神的地藏王神社,以及據說其水流具有許願神力的 Toa 瀑布。
Number 8 Sanju Sangendo Temple Sanju Sangendo is a Buddhist temple built in 1165.
第 8 號 山珠上院寺 山珠上院寺是一座佛教寺廟,建於 1165 年。
The 120-meter-long temple hall houses numerous Japanese national treasures, such as the statues of Fujin and Raijin, the gods of wind and thunder, 1,000 life-size statues of the Thousand-Armed Kanon, the goddess of mercy, a gigantic seated statue of the Thousand-Armed Kanon, 28 statues of guardian deities who protect Kanon and all pious Buddhists' followers of Kanon.
在 120 米長的寺廟殿堂中,供奉著眾多日本國寶,如風神和雷神的福神和雷神塑像、1000 尊真人大小的千手觀音塑像、一尊巨大的千手觀音坐像、28 尊保護觀音和所有虔誠的觀音信徒的守護神塑像。
Number 9 Nijo Castle Nijo Castle is a flatland castle that was built in 1603 by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate.
9 號二條城 二條城是一座平地城堡,由德川幕府的第一代將軍德川家康建於 1603 年。
Ninomaru Palace is one of the central buildings of the castle.
It was used as the shogun's office and also a place of residence.
Over 3,000 paintings by prominent artists from the Kano school are on the palace's walls and ceilings.
宮殿的牆壁和天花板上有 3000 多幅卡諾畫派傑出藝術家的畫作。
The Ninomaru Garden is also in the castle grounds, built by prominent garden designer Kobure Enshu in 1626.
二之丸花園也位於城堡內,由著名的園林設計師小暮遠州(Kobure Enshu)建於 1626 年。
Number 10 Fushimi Inari Shrine Fushimi Inari Shrine is the main shrine of Inari, which is the Shinto god of rice, agriculture and business.
編號 10 伏見稻荷神社 伏見稻荷神社是稻荷的本社,稻荷是神道中主管稻米、農業和商業的神。
There are about 10,000 torii gates in the shrine and on the surrounding Mount Inari.
神社和周圍的稻荷山共有約 10,000 個鳥居。
The Senbon Torii area is the most picturesque area, where approximately 800 torii gates with very narrow intervals stand.
千本鳥居區是風景最優美的地區,這裡矗立著約 800 座間距極窄的鳥居。
Yotsuji, a rest area on the mountainside, is also very pleasant with a spectacular view of Kyoto city as a backdrop.
At night, the paths and torii gates are lit up, giving the shrine an eerie but also fairytale-like aspect.
Fushimi Inari Shrine is definitely a must-see spot in Kyoto.
That's today's episode of Japanesquest.
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