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  • What's your best dance move?

  • What's yours?

  • Cossack dance, but there's a problem with it.

  • What?

  • My torso's too short.

  • What's your best face?

  • What's yours?

  • Thanks.

  • And what's your best party trick?

  • Oh, on the way, there's something very personal I wanted to ask you.

  • If you had to do something really, really special for someone really, really important, what would be the best place ever?

  • It would be a log cabin.

  • Yes, by a blue lake.

  • And there would be fireflies.

  • And mason jars.

  • What else?

  • A fireplace.

  • A bearskin rug.

  • A chocolate fountain.

  • And R&B music.

  • So, who would you invite?

  • Never you mind.

  • Oh, come on, tell me.

  • No, you first.

  • Oh, fine.

  • But you've got to say yours at the same time.

  • On three.

  • One, two, three.

  • Penny, you!

  • What?

  • I am not making a C!

  • Okay.

  • And I'm not jealous of Penny!

  • Ew, don't freak out.

  • There's enough space in my life for the both of you.

  • She's crowding us!

  • She's suffocating us!

  • She's oppressing us!

  • She's mothering us!

  • Okay, enough!

  • I wanted your opinion on something important, but if it's going to be like this, then just go home!

  • I need to go to the store anyway.

  • Back off, Penny Fitzgerald!

  • He's my brother from another mother!

  • I'm going to take some dirt on you and expose you as the treacherous brothy you are.

  • The end.

  • Oh, hi, Darwin.

  • Bye, Darwin.

  • Here, Sussie.

  • I know how much you love chicken skin, so I saved you some from last night's dinner.

  • Sussie loves chicken skin!

  • Hi, Darwin.

  • And bye, Darwin.

  • Chicken skin!

  • Chicken skin!

  • Chicken skin!

  • Chicken skin!

  • Chicken skin!

  • Chicken!

  • Hi, Penny.

  • Nice and dairy.

  • Hey, how about you come to lunch with me and Gumball?

  • Seems like maybe you want to talk, right?

  • Right.

  • Oh, what was that?

  • Yeah, I know.

  • We got so much in common.

  • Be my wife.

  • It's not special enough.

  • Meh, meh, meh.

  • It's dinner, though.

  • I just want it to be perfect.

  • This is perfect, Gumball.

  • Not quite yet, sugar, but it will be when you say yes.

  • What?

  • What are you doing here?

  • I invited him.

  • I don't need an invite!

  • Okay, loud.

  • Sorry, I didn't know you were coming, so there's only two plates.

  • Okay, can I use my hand at least?

  • Never mind.

  • So, Darwin, I hope you don't feel threatened by me, do you?

  • No.

  • Okay, good.

  • Enjoy your food.

  • Dude, what is wrong with you?

  • Nothing.

  • I'm fine.

  • See you later.

  • Well, now that we're alone, there's something I wanted to ask you.

  • What is it?

  • Actually, I'm going to stay.

What's your best dance move?

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Darwin is Jealous | Gumball | @cartoonnetworkuk

  • 4 1
    VoiceTube posted on 2024/10/28
Video vocabulary