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  • I drew every day for a year.


  • What's the progress?


  • Was it worth it?


  • So this all started as a random idea.


  • I wanted to make a progression video and I picked art because I thought it was easy to track. Like, I'll draw for 30 days

    我想製作一個進展視頻,我選擇了藝術,因為我覺得這很容易追蹤。比如,我會畫 30 天

  • I can show the first day and then I can compare it to the last day. That'll be interesting to see. Did I make progress?


  • People were so encouraging on the video and I really enjoyed picking up drawing so I kept going. And I did a hundred day one. And people enjoyed it even more.


  • There was no way I was gonna stop.


  • I had to do at least a year. And here we are!


  • Being here, I have so many emotions.


  • I am happy.


  • Alright, let's dig into it. Let's watch.


  • Sorry, my nails.


  • This is where it all started.


  • 365 days ago.

    365 天前

  • Day one. Is that a self-portrait?


  • What's up, dear?


  • Yes.


  • Yes.


  • Man, this is nice to watch.


  • Like, okay, some are not terrible.


  • This gives me real confidence. Here's when I started to look up tutorials and stuff online. You'd think it'd be better.


  • But they all kinda look like they have some sort of allergy. Like they ate a lobster and they have a seafood allergy.


  • The chin is very big. I probably would've made it something more like... I wonder if I can fix this.


  • I feel bad for the future.


  • Damn, I drew so hard.


  • I can't erase.


  • Damn, such a simple change and it's already so much better.


  • I realize and maybe other people have said this too, but drawing is more about training your brain to see, rather than actually technical with your hand. I think that's a misconception I had.


  • But after 30 days, this was the progress of my first video. I was so happy with it. And I think, yeah,

    但 30 天后,我的第一個視頻就取得了這樣的進展。我對它非常滿意。我想,是的

  • I think I should be. Because the progress is definitely there.


  • So this is my progress after 82 days.

    這就是我在 82 天后取得的進展。

  • 84. And I really think here is where I peaked in terms of if you wanted to just improve as much as possible in the shortest time.


  • I think just adding colors on papers is so satisfying to look at that it kinda forgives a lot of the anatomy errors, the poor line work, the sketches still being there. It's just nice to look at regardless. But yeah, this is the last thing I drew for my 100 day video. And yeah, it's cute.

    我認為在畫紙上添加顏色是一件非常令人滿意的事情,它可以讓人原諒很多解剖學上的錯誤、線條不流暢、草圖依然存在等問題。不管怎樣,看著就很舒服。這是我為 100 天視頻畫的最後一幅畫。是的,它很可愛。

  • I did it. I drew something.


  • So!


  • Let's check the progress from there on.


  • That's wrong.


  • First of all, don't do what I did.


  • I just kept drawing the same things. Anime girl.


  • Anime girl.


  • Too much anime.


  • Just bad.


  • Just bad. I was trying to be technical and give myself notes so I can improve. I wanted to be more consistent. I think that's why I kept doing this. But if I had to redo it, absolutely not. This is where


  • I should've moved on to something else. I should've just drawn anything else. And eventually


  • I did. I really wanted to draw more color but it takes so much time to do that and I really felt like I needed mileage more than anything. So just adding a little bit of color, sure.


  • I'll ink it, but that's the most effort I'm gonna get into.


  • Yeah, just sketching random stuff I find online. Finally!


  • Finally, I move on! And I draw boys. This is the boys arc.


  • I drew so much guys from anime because I thought... I drew so many mangas. You probably recognize these. I think this is Jujutsu Kaisen.

    我畫了那麼多動漫裡的人,因為我覺得...我畫了那麼多漫畫你可能認得這些我想這是 "柔術開山"。

  • I think, you know, this is a good time for me to address a couple things from my last video.


  • And one of them is just a huge thanks to other YouTubers that reacted to my video. I think that was so cool to see and actually get encouraged by professionals. I really, really appreciated that. Another thing was that people said I had an art background.


  • That was like a rumor that went around. And I guess I take that as a compliment but no, I do not. I have not started art. That was the whole point of this video. I was not being disingenuous.


  • I have not drawn since I was a kid. But


  • I loved doing Photoshop.

    我喜歡用 Photoshop。

  • Before YouTube, I loved Photoshopping images and creating artworks that way. So maybe in a sense, that helped.

    在 YouTube 之前,我喜歡用 Photoshop 處理圖片,用這種方式創作藝術作品。是以,從某種意義上說,這也許對我有所幫助。

  • But I think the biggest sort of thing that helped is that I'm actually older.


  • Like I'm 35 now and I think if I did this thing when I was younger, I would not have seen the same improvement.

    就像我現在已經 35 歲了,我想如果我在年輕的時候做這件事,我就不會看到同樣的進步。

  • But I also think, you know, the improvement I had, anyone can achieve. Like I wanted my video to be inspiring for other people to do the same thing. Like that's my goal.


  • People say anyone can draw and I truly truly believe that. Oh, and by the way


  • I wrote a blog post.


  • Yes, I write blog posts now.


  • It's just more details about my favorite type of notebooks, my favorite kind of pens. If I were to do this challenge again, what would I do differently?


  • How to remain consistent?


  • All these sort of stuff. If you wanted to do this challenge yourself, I recommend checking that out. I just didn't want to get too much detail in this video.


  • But an insecurity of mine was brewing.


  • Which was, I couldn't, like if I wanted to draw anime style, sorry it's hard to see here. You start with a circle, you draw a middle line, you draw where the eyes are gonna be, you kind of figure out how the chin is gonna be, the nose, the mouth, the ear, and then you swirl in some hair really quick.


  • This method is so helpful because when you draw, it's all about balance. Like if I drew directly, same thing, and anything is like out of proportion, the whole thing just kind of looks weird.


  • So to draw directly was so difficult. So I bought this pen. This pen is amazing.


  • It's a brush pen, and if you squeeze it, ink comes out, and you can draw really slim lines, or really thick lines, really quickly.


  • And I told myself I was gonna force myself to use this pen, even though it looks like shit. I was gonna really, like,


  • I'm gonna use this pen. I need to learn how to draw without the whole circle thing again. At least that's what I wanted to do. And it took some time.


  • It felt like taking a hundred steps back, but that's how you have to improve, you know?


  • You have to get out of your comfort zone.


  • But I think eventually, I started to sort of get the hang of it, and you can get kind of really quickly a satisfying result with a high contrast. I really, really enjoyed it. So I did some manga panels, and yeah, it feels like


  • I'm looking at a manga. It's really cool.


  • Getting more comfortable.


  • It's still so hard with proportions, man. Like, anything that's slightly off is gonna suck.


  • So yeah, this felt like a little side quest, but I'm glad I took it, and yeah, it was really fun.


  • But what I should have been doing is draw other things as well.


  • I did find it amazing, like, how I could all of a sudden, even though I never practiced drawing a cloud, I could draw a cloud better than I ever could. So that's cool.


  • Okay, I'm done.


  • But I think something finally sparked in me, where before I was like, okay, I just want to draw for the sake of drawing.


  • I don't have any interest in anything.


  • I started drawing manga panels.


  • I started drawing perspective, and I wanted to understand these things. Drawing landscapes. This is Nihei.


  • I love his work so much.


  • So finally, finally, after, I don't know, 300 days of drawing,

    終於,終於,在我不知道畫了 300 天之後

  • I picked up an art book.


  • I should have done this ages ago. So I picked up a couple art books, some more technical than others, but I really enjoyed this one, Taco, because I enjoyed the style of it. Obviously everyone has different preferences. I think if you were to be a professional artist, you probably want to pick, like, a human anatomy book and really study it, but for me, it's just supposed to be fun, and I think if I'm having fun, I will remain consistent.


  • So, at least that's what I was trying to focus on. I picked up books about perspective, because I want to learn, and I want to understand this, and I think finally that clicked in me. It went from me just wanting to sketch whatever, to no, I actually want to understand these things so I can draw them better. And I wish


  • I did that sooner. Again, this felt like taking so many steps back, because I had no clue how to draw a body. Zero. I had not practiced it. At all.


  • I had sketched so much, and I still, I it feels embarrassing to admit this, but, like, everyone was so amazed by my hundred one, that I felt like, okay, well, my year one has to be really good, right? Like, but, progress isn't a straight line, like,


  • I think I was being too hard on myself, where I was getting close to a year, and I'm like, I don't, I don't have anything to show for it. I, uh, drew a full body one, and I'm, like, comparing it to my 80 day one, and I'm like, the 80 day one is still better!

    我覺得我對自己太苛刻了,因為我已經接近一年了,我想,我沒有,我沒有任何東西可以展示它。我畫了一張全身的,和我 80 天的相比,我覺得 80 天的還是更好!

  • Even though it's just, like, full body, it's still better!


  • So yeah, if you want to improve, you have to kind of go through the pain of sucking again, I guess.


  • It really felt like, oh, cool, like, I drew for this much, and, oh, I don't have anything to show for it.


  • I think, I wanted to learn to draw, and actually understand anatomy.


  • Before, uh, it didn't matter to me. It was just a hobby, but now I'm like,

    以前,呃,這對我來說並不重要。這只是我的業餘愛好 但現在我覺得

  • I wanna actually know, like, how do you draw legs? How do you draw different expressions? Uh, how do you draw, what is this? You've all been waiting for the return of... what is it?



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    很多人都要求恢復 YUSU Slash。它很美味,我喜歡在 G Fuel 裡喝它。這是支持頻道的好方法。我真的非常感謝。

  • If you guys can check it out, link is in the description.


  • I was genuinely panicking.


  • Like...


  • It's been so frustrated this entire month. Not only because I wanted to show for the video, but I felt genuinely in me, like, I can do more.


  • I know I can do more. I know


  • I can do better. And I really wanted that to show.


  • So, I really did push myself a lot towards the end here.


  • And that's when I bought an iPad!

    就在那時,我買了一臺 iPad!

  • Coming in clutch last minute! Super satisfying to draw with a pen on an iPad.

    最後一刻緊緊抓住在 iPad 上用筆作畫,超級滿足。

  • But obviously it was way different, so again it was like a last minute learning curve of me not understanding the program and yada yada yada. So let's go through the last thing I drew, which was on the iPad.

    但很明顯,這兩者之間有很大的不同,所以這又像是一個最後的學習曲線,我不瞭解程序,等等等等。讓我們來看看我在 iPad 上畫的最後一幅畫。

  • So I started off just sketching and I was still too scared to draw bodies.


  • I drew this, which I thought was going to be amazing, and I ended up really hating it. I think the colors are fun, but I didn't know how to draw hair. I at least tried to draw like a full body, but I was so scared of getting it wrong that I think I just made it look weird.


  • So I practiced drawing hair, but it's just like nothing interesting about it.


  • This is just to try it out. And then I thought okay, I'm gonna really f***ing wow you guys. I started the line work. I tried my best to draw the actual f***ing hands. This is gonna be so good. And this is the end result. And


  • I genuinely hate looking at it. I've looked at it so much, it just pisses me off. Even now, I don't


  • I don't want even... In my head it was gonna be so much more, you know? And then you look at it and you're like, oh cool. That was it, huh? I desperately tried to draw something else, because I don't know, like

    我甚至不想...在我的腦海裡,它是要去 這麼多,你知道嗎?然後你看著它,你會想,哦,酷。就這樣了?我拼命想畫別的東西 因為我不知道,比如

  • I felt like I could do more, but


  • I kept drawing and I couldn't. Like it just came out looking weird and unsatisfying.


  • This was supposed to be like the most simplest thing ever, like black high contrast with some color.


  • Still, I didn't like it. And I was getting so close to the deadline. I think


  • I have like 20 days left until this video. I drew a full body with perspective, and

    距離這個視頻播出還有 20 天。我用透視畫法畫了一個完整的身體,並

  • I thought it came out pretty good. I was okay with this one, but I still felt like I could do more.


  • So I sketched for a couple days and I told myself I'm gonna give one last effort. I have to really like it to actually sketch it. And this is the last thing I drew. I finished it yesterday, and I think I'm finally happy with it.


  • I finally drew clothes that isn't just black, and


  • I actually put some more time into the hair, and like making the lines look nice and small little details and having the high contrast light. Maybe it's wrong, but it's there at least and I think it makes it more interesting, you know with some shadows and different pose, you know, all of it.


  • I think I'm finally happy with it.


  • I think for a year progress, yeah. Am I allowed to be happy?


  • It took a lot of pain to get there, you know, like let's compare. Day 1


  • Day 365

    第 365 天

  • I don't know, maybe maybe you guys disagree, but I feel like I finally beat my 80 day whatever

    我不知道,也許你們不同意,但我覺得我終於戰勝了我的 80 天,不管是什麼。

  • Ah, this is still better


  • I don't know


  • I genuinely cannot thank you guys enough for all the love and support in these, with making these videos


  • It was such a massive encouragement for me to actually continue doing this. I'm the kind of person that love to try different things. I try new things all the time and I really enjoy doing that, but every once in a while I find something that I really really really love, and I will continue doing no matter what, and I think art might just be one of those things for me


  • I used to love drawing as a kid, and I don't know why I stopped but I'm so happy to be back doing it. It feels like


  • I never stopped. I wanted this whole thing also to be inspiring


  • I want other people to have this experience as well


  • People say that anyone can draw and I truly believe that, and it goes for anything really, like, it's about practice, constant practice, no matter what. It's not rocket science. You put in the work and you get a result for it, hopefully


  • Like I said, I love to do so many different things. Usually if I try something, people are like, oh yeah, that's cool, well watch me do it a hundred times better, and it's just kind of like, oh yeah, I'm just beginner. But with me drawing, it was genuinely just everyone being encouraging and I think that that was just amazing, and I really appreciate that. So yes, thank you everyone. I'll see you guys in the next one


  • Whenever that will be, I don't know, but it will be


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I drew every day for a year.


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