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  • Witches in the Vampire Diaries universe are some of the most powerful beings in the entire verse and almost certainly some of the most important as quite literally every single major event in the Vampire Diaries universe involves a witch and a spell done through magic.


  • Every single one of these spells fall under at least one magical classification and these classifications are what is dubbed as the different types of magic, in which there are 10.

    每一個法術都至少屬於一種魔法分類,這些分類被稱為不同類型的魔法,共有 10 種。

  • Don't get confused on magic practices as that's more an in-depth label on the different ways you can practice the different types of magic.


  • Also, this doesn't include magical abilities like siphoning for example as technically siphoners are born with that ability, hence being somewhat of a subspecies of witches.


  • Therefore, the siphoning ability isn't something every witch can do, only siphoners can, but with the different types of magic, any and all witches are capable of doing them with practice.


  • And finally, this wouldn't include the umbrella terms of pure and dark magic as that's really only used to classify how exactly a certain spell follows the laws of nature.


  • If it follows the laws of nature, then it's pure magic.


  • If it doesn't, then it's dark magic.


  • I know you know who I am.


  • You're right to be afraid of me, but I have no interest in you.


  • God magic is the primordial form of magic, similar to how the originals are the primordial form of vampires.


  • God magic is the oldest and most powerful form of magic in which it supersedes any and all types of magic to the point that it negates them.


  • So magic can never work on a god unless a workaround is created, typically with the help of a muse.


  • There isn't much really known about god magic, mainly because we have less than a season to actually flesh out the lore around them, but we know it provides ability typically possible with regular magic, but on a much more powerful scale, and gods can do it with relative ease.


  • Gods can travel through dimensions, enter people's minds, control the weather, grant and take away curses, resurrections, and they possess an increased physical strength.


  • However, we have yet to see a witch possess or at least grant someone the ability to fly, which gods can do, or at least, we don't know if they can grant it to people, but they can actually fly.


  • Although not all witches can actually possess god magic, mainly only gods can, and therefore technically making it so that it can't really be classified as a type of magic, but I still feel the need to actually add it here because it is the primordial form of magic, and from it, all magic is created.


  • Traditional magic is probably the most popularly used form of magic, and is the oldest form of regular magic, that also serves as the foundation to every form of magic as we know it.


  • It's basically a form of magic that requires you to exert the energy you possess to perform any spell, hence why it's seen as the type of magic that drains the user the most, well at least the basic form of traditional magic.


  • This is mainly because the harder the spell, the more energy you need to pull it off, which is why certain spells that actually use basic traditional magic tend to cause noise bleeds, dizziness, fainting, and potentially death, depending on how powerful the witch is, in comparison to the complexity of the spell, or just how powerful the spell actually is.


  • This is why a lot of witches tend to channel natural resources like plants or the earth, or other magical beings in order to bypass this barrier.


  • This is likely the basis for the other types of magics being created.


  • Also, contrary to popular belief, traditional magic isn't mutually exclusive to dark magic, as dark magic is more the intention of the spell, and traditional magic is just how you do the spell.


  • An example of this was Bonnie doing a soul transfer on Klaus and Tyler.


  • The fact that she used it to beat death for Klaus and her friends is technically dark magic, hence why the spirits was mad at her.


  • The same thing with resurrection spells, and so on.


  • It's still technically, by definition, dark magic, but you are still using traditional magic to actually do that.


  • Spirit magic was created after Ketsuya created the other side, and accidentally causing spirits of the supernatural to be pulled into the dimension.


  • Any and all forms of magic that requires you interacting with the spirits or the other side in general is considered spirit magic.


  • Spirit magic is typically used as an alternative to regular traditional magic, as the spirits grant witches a portion of their power to do spells.


  • However, because the power belongs to the spirits, they have complete control over whether you get the power boost or not.


  • The spirits can choose to give it to you, or they can choose to abandon you.


  • And seeing as to use spirit magic, you have to be connected to the spirits, they can even physically harm you or others they're connected to.


  • Typically, most spirit magic have an incantation of but after the other side was destroyed, that part wasn't really necessary.


  • Also, like with traditional magic, you can use spirit magic for dark purposes.


  • For example, Emily resurrecting Jeremy, which is still technically dark magic, but it's also still technically spirit magic.


  • The definition of ancestral magic is the exact same as spirit magic.


  • However, the only difference is that ancestral magic works with the spirits in the ancestral world and not the other side.


  • These spirits are labelled as the ancestors, hence the name ancestral magic.


  • Like with spirit magic, the ancestors have absolute control over who gets their power and how much power they actually get.


  • And the ancestors are a lot more violent than the spirits are, so they kill and harm witches a lot more often.


  • And unlike the spirits on the other side, the ancestors don't really care if you use dark magic or not with their power, as long as you are not doing something that goes against their wishes.


  • One that augmented my power even as it allowed her to draw from me.


  • Take my hand and begin your chance.


  • Connecting magic is a form of magic that allows a witch to create a semi-permanent bond with typically another magical being.


  • This tends to serve multiple different purposes, the most prominent being to hold someone hostage.


  • As with connecting magic, anything that happens to one, happens to the other.


  • And that happens all the time.


  • Connecting magic can also serve another purpose to draw from the person you're connected to.


  • This was what Dolly was using with Freya in which she was creating some form of connecting magic, which allowed her to augment Freya's power or basically boost her power, whilst simultaneously drawing from it.


  • Bonnie, you're killing her.

    邦妮 你會害死她的

  • I know what I'm doing.


  • That's some magic talking.


  • This is your best friend.


  • Damn it, Bonnie.

    該死 邦妮

  • Bonnie, please.

    Bonnie, please.

  • Expression is possibly the most powerful form of magic as the powers that it possesses knows no bounds.


  • In fact, the only thing that bounds it is just how far the practitioner is willing to go for power.


  • Expression makes magic a physical manifestation of your will.


  • If you roll your magic to do something, it does it.


  • The only thing that could stop it is yourself and how powerful you are.


  • It isn't necessarily bounded by any laws of nature, just what your body can take.


  • You can quite literally do anything with it.


  • Hence why a lot of witches don't actually consider expression a form of magic, because it doesn't really conform to any laws of nature.


  • To get even more power, you must complete the expression triangle.


  • The more you complete, the more powerful you are.


  • When you complete the triangle, you get a ridiculous amount of power.


  • The most known and the most powerful practitioner was Bonnie Bennett, in which we see her do things that weren't even believed to be possible for a single witch to be able to do.

    最著名、最強大的實踐者是邦妮-貝內特(Bonnie Bennett),在她的故事中,我們看到她做了一些甚至不被認為是一個女巫能夠做到的事情。

  • For example, dropping the veil to the other side and later on putting it back up, taking on originals head on, and even rematerializing beings out of nothing but their soul, which is basically giving a soul a power required to actually do a similar feat is ridiculously powerful.


  • A lot of the time, you have to channel a lot.


  • For example, channeling the Nexus Voltaire, then the combined power of the ancestors, or the death of an original.


  • I only came for what is mine.


  • The time has come to have the child's power to my own.


  • Though I do not detect her here, I see your furious despair.


  • Necromancy is a form of magic and technically also a magic practice that allows a witch to reanimate and control or even outright resurrect a being that has already died.


  • This type of magic is very powerful and typically requires a lot of channeling, although the more powerful witches can do it without channeling.


  • This is most commonly used in New Orleans, for example, Mystic Foes by Barney the Heretic and Ketsior.


  • Kemiah is a relatively recent form of magic that is typically used by Arabian witches, as far as we know, created by them.

    Kemiah 是一種相對較新的魔法形式,通常由阿拉伯女巫使用,據我們所知,是由她們創造的。

  • And as Kotor describes it, it is the intersection between science and magic.


  • It basically allows a witch to physically destroy the elemental foundation of an object in order to turn it into another one.


  • Also, magic can imbue an object with dark supernatural properties, which is how dark objects are created.


  • This is how all the dark objects in New Orleans were created, after Kotor the witch is there on how to use Kemiah in order to fire off clouds and his allies.

    這就是新奧爾良所有黑暗物體的誕生過程,巫師科托爾在那裡講述瞭如何使用 Kemiah 來發射雲朵和他的盟友。

  • An example of these dark objects is the Rosary of Madness, which is used to primarily hex someone to a slow descent into madness, which ultimately leads to their deaths.


  • This was both used by Agnes on Sean, who is a twin brother of Kami, and was used on Father Kieran by Bastiano.


  • Not all dark objects were created through Kemiah.

    並非所有的黑暗物體都是通過 Kemiah 創造出來的。

  • Some might just be a combination of putting magic on an object, and some might just be combined into magical objects, like for example the indestructible wyrmstake.

    有些可能只是把魔法加在物體上的組合,有些可能只是組合成魔法物體,比如堅不可摧的 wyrmstake。

  • Kemiah just alters the molecular properties of objects to make it do things that it usually wouldn't do, like for example turning one of the silver daggers into a golden one to be specifically used on clouds.


  • The speed of the gods varies, and these magic to sculpt since the last wizard games.


  • Aurora de Martel.


  • My erstwhile student, Jen.


  • Her father, Ken.


  • The father of an entire family of gods.


  • Algorithmic magic is probably the youngest type of magic actually on here, and it is a type of magic that is used to calculate probabilities.


  • It's primarily only shown in legacies, and the only known practitioner of it is Professor Vordemus.

    它主要只出現在遺產中,唯一已知的實踐者是 Vordemus 教授。

  • We saw him use this type of magic to create a simulation using an object called a manticulum.

    我們看到他使用這種魔法,用一個叫 "刺尾獅 "的東西製作了一個模擬裝置。

  • The object is encoded to act similar to how a Dungeons and Dragons campaign is actually made and how it's actually played, in which every single person within the simulation is actually encoded with their exact power, and their exact power level.


  • This is typically done to calculate the success of a specific strategy.


  • And then finally, you have traveler magic or spirit magic or body possession.


  • This type of magic, as his name suggests, allows a being to actually possess another person's body or jump into another person's body or just put their soul into another person's body.


  • This is a type of magic that travelers have to use in order to actually bypass their actual curse.


  • This is mainly because travelers aren't allowed to be in the vicinity of other travelers, and they're kind of weak if they aren't in the vicinity of other travelers.


  • So, they'll use this as a workaround by just jumping into another person's body, in terms of calling themselves passengers, and then just using that body to actually perform magic and be able to actually be in the same vicinity as another traveler.


  • However, they also have to jump into another person's body.


  • The travelers weren't the only people that actually used this type of magic.


  • It was also used by the Hollow, Esthar, and many more.


  • For example, the Hollow was able to take over Hope's body using this type of magic, mainly to use the ridiculous amount of power that Hope possessed and also the ridiculous amount of power that Hope could possess in the future.


  • But if you want to know just how powerful Hope actually became in the future, then click the video that's on screen now.


Witches in the Vampire Diaries universe are some of the most powerful beings in the entire verse and almost certainly some of the most important as quite literally every single major event in the Vampire Diaries universe involves a witch and a spell done through magic.


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