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  • Alternative für Deutschland, the Alternative for Germany Party, or AFD for short, has achieved an unprecedented election result after sweeping past the second most voted party by more than nine points to win its first seat in a state parliament.

    德國選擇黨(Alternative für Deutschland)以超過 9 個百分點的優勢超越了得票第二多的政黨,贏得了其在州議會中的第一個席位,取得了前所未有的選舉結果。

  • German far-right hails historic election victory in East


  • Under Björncke, the party has cleaned up in one of the poorest areas of Germany.

    在比約恩-霍克(Björn Höcke)的上司下,該黨在德國最貧窮的地區之一實現了復興。

  • And this is not an isolated case.


  • It was also in the East, in former Soviet Germany, that AFD smashed its rivals in the recent European elections.


  • So why is AFD making such a big splash in Eastern Germany?


  • The reason seems quite clear.


  • The poorest people, who live in the former communist territories, are also the ones who suffer the most from immigration, and their problems are not solved by the classic traditional left-wing parties that have stopped caring so much about the working class and are now more concerned with urban trivialities such as electric cars.


  • But this is not what we're here to talk about in this video.


  • We've come to talk about what exactly Alternative für Germany is proposing to revitalize Germany's flagging economy.


  • Because yes, as we told you in a previous video, the Teutonic Giant has been in the doldrums for a few years now.


  • German workers are suffering the consequences by getting poorer.


  • But politicians don't seem to be offering realistic solutions.


  • And here is where AFD comes into play.

    這就是 AFD 的作用所在。

  • This party is well known for its rejection of immigration, Islam, gender ideology and all those things.


  • But what economic policies would they carry out if they managed to win the general elections?


  • How does AFD want to change the economy of the European Colossus?


  • Today on VisualEconomic we're going to tell you all about it.

    今天,我們將在 "視覺經濟 "節目中向您介紹這一切。

  • The history of AFD began at the hands of this man, Bernard Lucke, a professor of macroeconomics at the Habsburg University.


  • I know, he looks like anything but an anti-immigration activist.


  • An economics professor getting into this kind of trouble?


  • Come on, I'd sooner believe he joined the chess club and got fired for being bored.


  • The point is that, deep down, there is some truth to it.


  • Which is when he founded AFD, we would hardly recognize the party.

    也就是在他創建 AFD 的時候,我們幾乎認不出這個黨了。

  • Bernard Lucke created a conservative party that was certainly no friend of Islam, but he cared little about the immigration issue.


  • To give you an idea, it didn't even appear in the party's program.


  • Keep in mind that, at that time, the great waves of refugees and immigrants had just begun.


  • There was no massive social resentment about it yet.


  • In reality, the alternative for Germany of 2013 was a party composed of angry pro-market economists whose leitmotif was that they didn't agree with Southern Europe living the life of Reilly at the expense of indebting the German taxpayer.

    實際上,2013 年德國的替代方案是一個由憤怒的親市場經濟學家組成的政黨,他們的主旋律是不同意南歐以德國納稅人的債務為代價過著賴利的生活。

  • And the trigger for it all was the EU bailout of Greece.


  • For Lucke, the Euro was a terrible invention that meant that the most profligate countries had artificially low interest rates, which they used to get even deeper into debt, while


  • Germany and the other more fiscally sensible countries had to foot the entire bill.


  • And let's see, the Euro has many positive things going for it, but in this respect we have to admit that they were right.


  • So AFD was basically a party with a program focused on the economy and defending a current known as auto-liberalism.

    是以,AFD 基本上是一個黨派,其綱領側重於經濟,並捍衛一種被稱為自動自由主義的潮流。

  • And what on earth is auto-liberalism?


  • Because the name seems more like something you would call the offspring of Sauron and


  • Javier Melei.


  • Well, instead of just telling you what this auto-liberalism is all about, let me illustrate it with a story.


  • After the defeat of the Nazis at the end of the Second World War, the western part of


  • Germany was left in the hands of this gentleman, Ludwig Erhardt, who, although he may resemble


  • Damrod from the Rings of Power, is actually the father of the German economic miracle.


  • Of course, the Federal Republic was still in a war economy, prices were frozen and the job of every German was decided by a bureaucrat according to the needs of the country.


  • Of course, Erhardt was not alone.


  • And at least he had the support of the United States, which, along with offering economic aid, also sent lots of advisers to revive economic activity.


  • Well, on the 20th of June 1948, the American commander, Lucius Clay, telephones Erhardt.

    1948 年 6 月 20 日,美軍指揮官盧修斯-克萊給埃哈特打電話。

  • Hey, Ludwig, look, I've been told that you want to load the price controls by your own, without asking anyone.


  • Is that true?


  • That's right, Lucius.


  • My advisers tell me that this will be a disaster, that you're putting your foot in your mouth.


  • Yeah, mine tell me the same thing.


  • Erhardt ignored everybody.


  • He did whatever he wanted.


  • He hoped that the basic economics textbooks that say price controls don't work were right.


  • And boy, were they right.


  • In just a couple of days, the German markets were filled to the brim with food.


  • And this anecdote illustrates very well the basic point of auto-liberalism.


  • That is to say, to apply the ideas of Adam Smith and the introductory books to economics of the first degree, the most basic, but that without having problems in redistributing wealth to alleviate the consequences of the war and to have a system with enough social support to last in time.


  • Something that Adam Smith also argued, for instance, in the first chapter of Book 5 of the Wealth of Nations.


  • Well, the ideas of Bernard Lucker, the founder of AFD, were along the same lines.

    法國民主聯盟的創始人伯納德-盧克(Bernard Lucker)的想法也是如此。

  • A little less taxation, a little less public spending, less regulation.


  • But he was also not as breakaway as it seems.


  • However, in the 2013 elections, Alternative for Germany didn't even reach the minimum 5% of votes needed to sit in parliament.

    然而,在 2013 年的選舉中,德國選擇黨甚至沒有達到進入議會所需的 5%最低票數。

  • It was a party that only excited a few academic geeks and a small part of the population which, as you can probably guess, was the part with the highest income.


  • If you look at it, the situation was the opposite of the current situation, where the people who vote for the party the most now are low-income people.


  • So what changed?


  • The change came when, in 2015, Bernard Lucker was removed from the party.

    2015 年,伯納德-盧克(Bernard Lucker)被清除出黨,這才有了變化。

  • Bernard Lucker's successor was Frauke Petry, who actively proposed to forget all about economics, autoliberalism and the rest.

    伯納德-盧克的繼任者是弗勞克-佩特里(Frauke Petry),她積極建議忘掉經濟學、自 由主義和其他一切。

  • What's more, since the Greek bailout and Europe's financial problems were already far behind them, they invited her to focus on the social issues we are all familiar with.


  • As you can see, after the change of leadership, the party practically abandoned economic issues and shifted its focus to social issues.


  • Remember that in 2015, immigration was really starting to be a problem for many.

    請記住,在 2015 年,移民確實開始成為許多人的問題。

  • Refugees had already been crossing the borders for several years, and it's clear that the shift worked wonders for them.


  • The change served, above all, to rally the country's least qualified workers.


  • To give you an idea, in 2013, just 4% of the party's voters had incomes of less than €1,000.


  • However, by 2016, this figure had grown to over 15%.

    然而,到 2016 年,這一數字已增長到 15%以上。

  • Almost 1 out of 5 AFD voters is paid less than €1,000.

    幾乎每 5 名民主力量聯盟選民中就有 1 人的工資不足 1 000 歐元。

  • In Germany, the shift to the right may seem better or worse to you.


  • But what is clear is that these results have been achieved by giving a much more populist tone to their proposals.


  • Above all, capturing voters with less education.


  • So much so that today Bernard Lucker regrets having founded the organization.


  • I regret what has become of the party.


  • It has developed from a professor party to an association based on the moods of the street.


  • The party was initially full of good people with well-considered proposals.


  • Most have left.


  • With these things in mind, you will already be imagining that economic issues are rather secondary.


  • However, they are not non-existent.


  • What exactly is AFD proposing for the German economy today?


  • Well, the pillar of the program is basically the same old party's auto-liberal recipe, but not surprisingly, adding many asterisks.


  • The idea of lowering taxes is still present.


  • Among their proposals is to eliminate the wealth tax, the inheritance tax and also to lower the personal income tax.


  • Regarding VAT, it's not very clear because they talk about harmonizing it according to the income level of each region.


  • But of course, they don't say whether they want to harmonize it upwards or downwards.


  • Yet perhaps their most interesting proposal is to create a kind of debt ceiling, but for taxes.


  • That is to say, to set by law the maximum percentage of GDP that the state can collect.


  • What a wonderful idea, don't you agree?


  • Yes, but no.


  • In practice, such ceilings are more for decoration than anything else.


  • Without digging too deep, the US debt ceiling has been in existence for 100 years.

    不用刨根問底,美國的債務上限已經存在了 100 年。

  • And 100 years have passed with politicians overriding it at the drop of a hat.

    而 100 年過去了,政客們動輒就將其推翻。

  • In any case, unlike Uncle Sam, Germany is the country of fiscal austerity par excellence.


  • So much so that today its public debt barely reaches 65% of GDP.

    以至於如今其公共債務僅佔國內生產總值的 65%。

  • So less taxation has to mean less public spending, right?


  • Well that's not so clear.


  • Of course, AFD has proposed cutting several items.


  • For example, they intend to eliminate unemployment benefits, but they want to do so in exchange for a new aid that, in theory, would provide more incentive to look for a job.


  • But who knows?


  • In reality, everything indicates that the cuts proposed by the party are going to focus on its favorite issue, taking away aid to immigrants.


  • The populism manual says, select an enemy and make him or her the culprit of all your ills.


  • In this case, it has been the immigrants' turn.


  • And in the case of the populist left, it is the evil rich and vulture funds.


  • But let's be honest, although immigrants coming to Germany are usually not net taxpayers, that is, they receive much more than they contribute, they are not a burden that will wipe out public budgets either.


  • In other words, limiting subsidies is fine, that may be reasonable.


  • But a different question is whether simply cutting subsidies to immigrants can compensate for all the tax cuts proposed by Petri.


  • If they want to maintain the German tradition of zero deficits, they're going to have to cut a lot more, not only in aid to foreigners.


  • And the problem is that it isn't at all clear where they're going to get the money from.


  • However, if these reductions in public spending have been somewhat disappointing, you should know that, in its economic program, there are proposals that would be a huge blow to the public coffers.


  • For example, they want family members who care for their elderly relatives, which is 70% of cases, to receive a tax reduction equivalent to receiving the salary of a nurse.

    例如,他們希望照顧老年親屬的家庭成員(佔 70%)能夠獲得相當於護士工資的減稅。

  • And then there's one of the party's star policies, showering public money on families who want to have more children.


  • Because of course, as the country is facing a brutal demographic crisis, and they don't even want to hear about immigration, future taxpayers will have to come from somewhere.


  • The amount is still not very clear.


  • However, we already know that giving money to families for having children doesn't usually work.


  • And there are thousands of cases of failure.


  • For example, Hungary recently dedicated 5% of the country's GDP to promote the birth rate.

    例如,匈牙利最近將國家國內生產總值的 5%用於提高出生率。

  • It achieved absolutely nothing.


  • With these subsidies, what typically happens is that parents bring forward the age of their first child to collect the money.


  • But little else changes.


  • Be that as it may, AFD's measures go beyond taxes.


  • AFD members complain that immigrants don't integrate, that they don't work, that they depend on benefits.


  • And again, in many cases, this is true.


  • The problem is that AFD also wants to pass another measure that will precisely aggravate this problem.


  • Maintaining, or even raising, the minimum wage.


  • Thanks to many economic studies, we know that the minimum wage makes it difficult to create jobs, especially for people with lower qualifications.


  • In other words, if we set a legal minimum of €2,000, then all those jobs that produce less than €2,000 for their companies will simply disappear.

    換句話說,如果我們將法定最低工資定為 2 000 歐元,那麼所有那些為公司創造的收入低於 2 000 歐元的工作都會消失。

  • And who usually has access to these types of jobs?


  • Indeed, immigrants.


  • Low-skilled immigrants who often barely speak the local language.


  • In other words, a high minimum wage would further worsen the labour integration of immigrants.


  • Don't the AFD leaders realise this?


  • Have they forgotten the famous auto-liberalism of their founder?


  • Well, no.


  • Most likely they are perfectly aware of the problem.


  • But there's something else to consider.


  • AFD wins elections mainly in the poorer strata of society.


  • That means that, on the one hand, supporting minimum wage hikes is a populist strategy that is most effective among its supporters.


  • On the other hand, it's also a weapon of political confrontation.


  • According to AFD, the minimum wage is the perfect way to fight against the falling wages imposed by the massive influx of immigrants.

    AFD 認為,最低工資是對抗大量移民湧入造成的工資下降的最佳方式。

  • Or to put it another way, the AFD intentionally seeks to drive migrants out of the labour market.


  • This may surprise you, but it's actually nothing new.


  • The idea of a minimum wage became popular in the US, not because of the progressive movement or unions, but because of racists who saw it as a tool to keep blacks out of jobs.


  • The idea was that, since blacks had less than average education, they wouldn't be productive enough to reach the minimum level for which the company could pay.


  • In other words, the minimum wage was the way to discriminate against them.


  • And in this case, it seems that the Alternative for Germany party is following in the same footsteps.


  • Beyond migration issues, AFD also proposes other measures, such as the reduction of the bureaucracy so prevalent in Europe.


  • The problem is that all parties propose the same thing, and AFD gives no clue as to which specific laws it wants to cut or what their impact would be.


  • As a side note, in its plan of almost 100 pages, the section dedicated to this topic is a scant paragraph of 9 lines on a single sheet of paper.

    順便提一句,在近 100 頁的計劃中,專門討論這一主題的部分只有一張紙上 9 行的寥寥一段。

  • And this bureaucracy brings us to another issue, one that has been of great concern to the Germans in recent years, the cost of energy.


  • In theory, AFD is in favor of extending the life of existing nuclear power plants.

    理論上,AFD 支持延長現有核電站的壽命。

  • But at the same time, they aren't very enthusiastic about nuclear power.


  • For example, we can read how they constantly talk about exploring other alternatives.


  • And also that gas and coal are fundamental pillars that will not be touched.


  • And let's remember that the proportion of coal in the energy mix has shot up precisely because nuclear energy has been eliminated.


  • The most striking point is the ban on renewables, especially windmills.


  • Last year, Germany passed a massive deregulation on wind farm construction, which has boosted renewable energy production more than the millions in subsidies it has provided over 20 years.

    去年,德國通過了一項大規模放鬆風力發電場建設管制的法案,該法案對可再生能源生產的促進作用超過了德國 20 年來提供的數百萬美元補貼。

  • And just when it looked like this industry was starting to take off, bam, AFD wants to do away with the whole thing.

    就在這一行業開始起飛的時候,AFD 卻想把它一腳踢開。

  • The reason?


  • Well, the typical reason.


  • They are very harmful to biodiversity and destroy the landscape.


  • I guess that gas and coal emissions clean the lungs of little birds.


  • In general, AFD is against most infrastructure.


  • They don't want roads, train lines, they simply want to maintain the existing ones.


  • With one exception, housing.


  • AFD understands that the price of housing is skyrocketing due to a lack of supply and they propose building many new dwellings, although not by private companies, but by non-profit organizations and cooperatives.


  • What's more, they have promised subsidies for the mere fact of living in the countryside and maintaining a traditional lifestyle.


  • In the end, these auto-liberals are becoming more socialized than Marx himself.


  • They themselves say that, in theory, they are in favor of the freedom to compete and that this has a fundamental role in the economy and even world peace.


  • But they also argue that international trade is corrupted by subsidies from countries like


  • China and that all products that want to enter Germany should follow very strict quality standards, even though ordinary Germans have no problem buying those products of lesser quality.


  • Sorry, if you live in Germany, you might run out of access to Timu bargains.

    對不起,如果您住在德國,您可能無法獲得 Timu 特價商品。

  • And if we add to this that they see the treaties that Europe has signed as a threat to Germany's sovereignty, then in practice they oppose all major trade treaties like the extreme left.


  • For these reasons we reject TTIP, TISA and CETA.

    是以,我們拒絕接受 TTIP、TISA 和 CETA。

  • Of course, withdrawing from these treaties would be barely a footnote if they carry out their other flagship policy, leaving the Euro.


  • The party itself recognizes in its plan that in the short term this would cause terrible damage, but they hope that, in the long term, it will pay off for them.


  • To stop funding their less responsible neighbors.


  • On top of that, they have promised that, after leaving the Euro, Germany will repatriate all the gold it has scattered around the world and bring it back home to support a new currency.


  • Some media have interpreted this as wanting to return to the gold standard, but obviously not.


  • No German is going to be able to exchange their new marks for gold nuggets.


  • They will simply have an ordinary piece of paper and coin currency.


  • The gold thing is just a populist move to please the public, but its role in backing the currency would basically be nil.


  • All this explains why, despite having such libertarian origins, most businessmen are frightened of the party.


  • According to one survey, less than 4% of businesses are in favor of its policy on the Euro and only 13% share its stance on taxes and finance.

    一項調查顯示,只有不到 4% 的企業贊成其歐元政策,只有 13% 的企業贊同其在稅收和金融方面的立場。

  • Are these fears unfounded?


  • Not at all.


  • Take the much milder case, like Brexit, where the UK promised to be the Singapore of Europe, but instead it's ended up being the new Spain, a country in constant political and economic deterioration.


  • The situation is going from bad to worse.


  • Remember Björncke, the winner of the recent AfD elections in the east of the country?

    還記得比約恩-霍克(Björn Höcke)嗎?他是最近在該國東部舉行的 AfD 選舉的獲勝者。

  • This man heads the most radical faction of the party, which is not only the most Islamophobic, but also the most distant from classical liberal proposals.


  • cke talks about social justice and national solidarity all day long, so much so that, if we take the immigration issue out of the equation, Höcke would look like a communist leftist type.


  • So no, we don't know if Alternative for Germany will ever get into government.


  • What does seem quite clear is that, even if they do, they will not be the ones to solve the problems that are damaging the German economy.


  • On the contrary, they would be ruminous for the country.


  • But having come this far, it's now your turn.


  • Did you know about AfD's economic plans?

    您瞭解 AfD 的經濟計劃嗎?

  • What did you think of the original 2013 program?

    您認為 2013 年的原始計劃如何?

  • Will they continue to become more populist or will the party return more or less focused?


  • You can leave me your answers down in the comments.


  • And as always, don't forget that here on Visual Economic we release new videos every week, so subscribe to the channel and hit the little bell so you don't miss any of our updates.

    別忘了,Visual Economic 每週都會發布新視頻,所以請訂閱頻道並按下小鈴鐺,這樣就不會錯過我們的任何更新了。

  • If you liked this video, go ahead and like it and I'll see you in the next one.


  • All the best, see you next time.


Alternative für Deutschland, the Alternative for Germany Party, or AFD for short, has achieved an unprecedented election result after sweeping past the second most voted party by more than nine points to win its first seat in a state parliament.

德國選擇黨(Alternative für Deutschland)以超過 9 個百分點的優勢超越了得票第二多的政黨,贏得了其在州議會中的第一個席位,取得了前所未有的選舉結果。

Subtitles and vocabulary

Click the word to look it up Click the word to find further inforamtion about it

B1 德國 移民 民主 主義 聯盟 經濟

德國即將迎來變革,非民主黨打破體制 | @visualeconomiken (Change Is Coming to Germany as AfD Breaks the System | @visualeconomiken)

  • 2 0
    Kevin posted on 2024/11/14
Video vocabulary