Let's sayyoudiscover a magicalgoldcointhatdoublesevery 25 years. 75 yearslater, you'd onlyhave 8 coins, but a thousandyearslater, you'd haveover a trillion.
Andinjust 4,600 years, yourgoldcoinswouldoutweightheobservableuniverse.
Overthepast 200 years, economieshavegottenexponentiallymoreefficientatproducingvalue.
Ifwe, as a species, areabletokeepupgradingoureconomiessothattheygetevermoreefficient, wecouldtheoreticallypumpoutmoreandmorevalueusingthesame, orlet's bereallyambitioushere, fewerresources.
Let's sayyoudiscover a magicalgoldcointhatdoublesevery 25 years. 75 yearslater, you'd onlyhave 8 coins, but a thousandyearslater, you'd haveover a trillion.
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