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A few months ago, Google was forced to register on the Monopoly offenders list and go door-to-door in Mountain View to tell all the neighbors.
After a judge ruled they violated the U.S.
Sherman Act of 1890, Google was cutting unfair deals for its search engine to crush competition across the entire technology spectrum.
根據 1890 年的《謝爾曼法》,谷歌為其搜索引擎進行不公平交易,以壓制整個技術領域的競爭。
They were paying 36% of ad revenue or $20 billion per year to dominate Apple devices. Mozilla Firefox was raking in cash to make Google the default, and a bunch of other companies' financial statements were being nourished by the teats of this illegal cash cow.
他們每年要支付 36% 的廣告收入或 200 億美元來支配蘋果設備。火狐瀏覽器(Mozilla Firefox)賺得盆滿缽滿,讓谷歌成為默認設置,其他一些公司的財務報表也被這頭非法搖錢樹的乳頭滋養著。
Being added to the Monopoly wall of shame was a huge embarrassment for a company that once said "don't be evil," but like Microsoft, Walter White, Macbeth, and Gollum, their greed for power eventually backfired.
對於一個曾經說過 "不要作惡 "的公司來說,被列入大富翁恥辱牆是一個巨大的恥辱,但就像微軟、沃爾特-懷特、麥克白和咕嚕一樣,他們對權力的貪婪最終適得其反。
But it appears, unlike Microsoft, that Google won't just get a slap on the wrist and possibly lose their most important piece of software, the Chrome web browser. It is November 20th, 2024, and you're watching The Code Report.
但與微軟不同的是,谷歌似乎不會只挨一巴掌,還有可能失去他們最重要的軟件 Chrome 瀏覽器。現在是 2024 年 11 月 20 日,您正在收看的是《代碼報告》。
It's a bit ironic that the Chrome web browser currently controls 66.6% of the browser market share, and Google Search even dominates on browsers that aren't Chrome, like Safari and Firefox, thanks to those illegal deals I mentioned earlier.
有點諷刺的是,Chrome 瀏覽器目前控制著 66.6% 的瀏覽器市場份額,谷歌搜索甚至在 Safari 和火狐等非 Chrome 瀏覽器上也佔據著主導地位,這都要歸功於我前面提到的那些非法交易。
But to Google's credit, they've invested millions upon millions of dollars into making web browsers awesome for end users.
Their open source Chromium project is used by Microsoft's Edge browser, as well as alternative hipster browsers like Brave and Arc.
微軟的 Edge 瀏覽器以及 Brave 和 Arc 等其他時髦瀏覽器都使用了他們的開源 Chromium 項目。
And all this browser technology is offered for free out of the goodness of Google's heart. Well, as the old saying goes, when software is free, it means that you are the product.
Chrome tracks your search queries, your browsing history, and online behavior.
Chrome 瀏覽器會跟蹤你的搜索查詢、瀏覽歷史和上網行為。
And all this data feeds back into its advertising business, where it can figure out exactly what type of consumer garbage to sell you and when.
Not only does Google's ad revenue dwarf the competition, but Alphabet operates at a gross profit margin north of 50%, and they make an absolute killing selling their ads to the highest bidder. But the Chrome browser is critical to its success because it's the front door to everything Google offers.
谷歌的廣告收入不僅令競爭對手望塵莫及,而且 Alphabet 的毛利率高達 50%,他們將廣告賣給出價最高的競標者,賺得盆滿缽滿。但 Chrome 瀏覽器對谷歌的成功至關重要,因為它是谷歌提供一切服務的大門。
But apparently, Department of Justice lawyers are pushing to have Chrome split off or sold to a different company, with an estimated price tag of at least $20 billion.
但顯然,美國司法部的律師們正在推動將 Chrome 瀏覽器分拆或出售給另一家公司,預計價格至少為 200 億美元。
The only potential buyers would be companies like Meta, Apple, and Amazon, all of which are accused of running their own monopolies.
唯一的潛在買家將是 Meta、蘋果和亞馬遜等公司,它們都被指控經營自己的壟斷業務。
If browsers start presenting new search engines as alternatives, like OpenAI's new search engine or DuckDuckGo, Google's 90% dominance of the search engine market will very likely start to deteriorate.
如果瀏覽器開始提供新的搜索引擎作為替代,比如 OpenAI 的新搜索引擎或 DuckDuckGo,谷歌在搜索引擎市場 90% 的主導地位很可能會開始惡化。
But they're not going down without a fight, and their Regulatory Affairs VP said, "Now, Microsoft also became a certified monopoly 25 years ago when they bundled Internet Explorer with Microsoft Windows and suppressed other browsers like Netscape.
但他們並沒有束手就擒,他們的監管事務副總裁說:"25 年前,當微軟將 Internet Explorer 與微軟視窗捆綁在一起,並壓制網景等其他瀏覽器時,微軟也成為了公認的壟斷者。
Instead of breaking up the company, though, they just had to open up their APIs to third exclusivity deals that were unfair to other browsers.
They didn't even face a direct financial penalty.
Microsoft is doing just fine today as a $3 trillion company, but if Google loses Chrome, I'm not so sure they have a moat to handle a hit like that." The good news is that it looks like they'll let Google keep Android, and we still don't know how their AI tech is going to play out long term.
作為一家市值 3 萬億美元的公司,微軟今天做得還不錯,但如果谷歌失去 Chrome 瀏覽器,我不確定他們是否有護城河來應對這樣的打擊。好消息是,他們似乎會讓谷歌保留安卓系統,而我們仍然不知道他們的人工智能技術將如何長期發展。
Their Gemini AI has become quite impressive and has become so confident that it's now telling humans to die.
他們的 "雙子座 "人工智能(Gemini AI)令人印象深刻,而且變得如此自信,以至於現在可以告訴人類去死。
But, like I said, Chrome is also the front door to get people using Gemini.
但正如我所說,Chrome 瀏覽器也是讓人們使用雙子座的前門。
And when you close that front door, it could also hurt consumers because Google will no longer have the motivation to invest in browser technology. Like just imagine the horrors if Chrome was handed off to a non-profit like Apache or the Linux Foundation.
而一旦關閉前門,消費者也會受到傷害,因為谷歌將不再有投資瀏覽器技術的動力。試想一下,如果 Chrome 被移交給像 Apache 或 Linux 基金會這樣的非營利組織,那將是多麼可怕的事情。
It might evolve into a diverse ecosystem of hyper-specialized browser distros.
And who knows, they might even kill off Manifest version 3, which would allow ad blockers to keep working.
誰知道呢,他們甚至可能關閉 Manifest 第 3 版,這樣廣告攔截器就能繼續工作了。
And that means I couldn't use this opportunity right now to promote my new Linux and Deno courses on, which you can get access to as a pro member using this Black Friday discount for 40% off. Personally though, I think Google will fight this to the death, and I highly doubt Google will ever be forced to sell Chrome.
這意味著我無法利用現在這個機會來推廣我在 上的 Linux 和 Deno 新課程,作為專業會員,你可以使用這個黑色星期五的四折優惠來獲得這些課程。不過,我個人認為,谷歌將會與之進行殊死搏鬥,我非常懷疑谷歌是否會被迫出售 Chrome 瀏覽器。
The betting odds are currently at 13% because there's no way that Google gives up its precious.
博彩賠率目前為 13%,因為谷歌不可能放棄自己的寶貝。
One browser to rule them all, one browser to find them, one browser to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. This has been the Code Report.
Thanks for watching, and I will see you in the next one.