I thinkthatwaslikesomethingthatwaslivingwithmefor a fewyears.
I don't personallydon't think I deservedit, butitjust, itwasthere.
Like, I'm actuallyshockedthattoday I canwakeupandbelike, I don't talkaboutthatanymorebecause I'm gratefulthat I gottodothisalbumbecause I usedtotalkaboutitsomuch.
Sowhenyouaskifitwashard, itwasveryeasyformetotalkaboutitbecauseitwassomething I wastalkingaboutallthetime.
Allthetime, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, and I'd goandbelike, whatdoyouwant?
And I'd hateit, but I'd neverlikethepersontoknowaboutit, but I wouldtalkaboutitsomuch.
Donotwanttogivecredittotheperson, but I'd talkaboutitandit's justtheeasiest.
Itwastheeasiestbecauselike, I neededtogetitoffmychest.
Andwe'd talkaboutitallthetime.
They'd belike, whatareyoutalkingabout?
Oh, we'retalkingabouttheex, theex.
Yeah, yeah, again.
Andthey'd belike, okay, Rosie, doitagain.
I'd belike,
ThatsongwasactuallysupposedtobecalledThe X.
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