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  • So if you've ever tried to quit social media, you've probably told yourself that YouTube doesn't count, you know, because it's educational.

    是以,如果你曾試圖放棄社交媒體,你可能會告訴自己,YouTube 不算,因為它有教育意義。

  • But if you take a second to think about what you watch, you'll realize that about half the time you spend on YouTube is unproductive, and the other half is just not productive.

    但是,如果你花點時間想想你都看了些什麼,你就會意識到,你花在 YouTube 上的時間大約有一半是無益的,而另一半則是毫無益處的。

  • There's really no way to sugarcoat it.


  • It's pretty much entirely just wasted time.


  • So one day, I finally decided to quit watching YouTube, but what I quickly found is that most of the advice out there isn't really that helpful.

    於是有一天,我終於決定放棄觀看 YouTube,但很快我就發現,大部分的建議其實都沒什麼用。

  • It's almost always a bit too extreme, and it's a bit too restrictive, and it's hard to actually follow.


  • And that eventually led me to figure out that it doesn't work to just cut out YouTube entirely, and honestly, you shouldn't, because entertainment is fine to consume once in a while.

    這最終讓我明白,完全戒掉 YouTube 是行不通的,而且老實說,你也不應該戒掉,因為偶爾娛樂一下也是可以的。

  • And besides, some things you can't easily learn from a book, like how to tie a tie, or how to pressure wash a driveway.


  • Sometimes you need to look up a video on YouTube, but besides that, most videos, like the ones you get recommended on the homepage or in the suggestions, most of those videos are just filler.

    有時,你需要在 YouTube 上查找某個視頻,但除此之外,大多數視頻,比如主頁或建議中推薦的視頻,都只是一些填充視頻。

  • They're not that fun to watch, they're not that relaxing to watch, and if we're being honest, they're usually not productive either.


  • They basically just fill up time.


  • I remember seeing this TED talk one time, and the guy pulled up a graphic, and it said that for young people, out of all the time you have left in your life, that's not spent on sleeping, eating, driving, working, hygiene, or doing chores, 93% of it will be spent looking at a screen.

    我記得有一次在 TED 上看到這樣一個演講,演講者調出了一張圖表,上面說,對於年輕人來說,在你生命中剩下的所有時間中,如果不是用來睡覺、吃飯、開車、工作、搞衛生或做家務,93% 的時間都是用來看螢幕的。

  • And I looked at that, and I thought, huh, couldn't ever be me.


  • So while you shouldn't quit watching YouTube entirely, here's an easy method I found to at least stop being addicted to it.

    是以,雖然你不應該完全戒掉觀看 YouTube 的習慣,但我發現了一個簡單的方法,至少可以讓你不再沉迷於此。

  • Step one is the strongest and most effective step, and it's to start consciously recognizing that your YouTube suggested feed is pretty much 99% useless.

    第一步是最有力、最有效的一步,那就是開始有意識地認識到,你的 YouTube 建議提要 99% 都是無用的。

  • I always knew that certain videos, like stream clips and commentary videos and funny videos, were a waste of time.


  • But I didn't realize that podcast clips, educational videos, self-development videos, were also a waste of time.


  • I was convincing myself it was productive to watch them, but if you open up the homepage for 10 seconds, and you just don't click on anything, and you really look at what it's serving you, you realize none of these videos have changed anything for you in the past, and they probably won't change anything now.

    我一直在說服自己看這些視頻是有益的,但如果你打開主頁 10 秒鐘,不點擊任何東西,認真看看它為你提供了什麼服務,你就會意識到這些視頻過去沒有給你帶來任何改變,現在可能也不會帶來任何改變。

  • You click it, you watch it, you think you're getting something out of it, but 99% of the time, you come out of it the exact same person, doing the exact same actions.

    你點擊它,你觀看它,你以為你從中得到了什麼,但 99% 的時間裡,你出來的時候還是同一個人,做著完全一樣的動作。

  • Realize that every time you get a suggested video, that specific video realistically won't change anything.


  • And that is the trick to stop binge-watching YouTube.

    這就是停止狂看 YouTube 的訣竅。

  • Blocking the website, turning on restrictions, downloading extensions, that all works, but it's way more effective to just look at a video straight in its eyes, and just have no desire to watch it.


  • Then, step two is the second line of defense.


  • I don't find it that useful to download an app blocker, or a website blocker extension, because it's so restrictive, you just want to immediately turn it off.


  • So instead, the best thing I found for your computer is an extension called Untrap for YouTube.

    是以,我為你的電腦找到的最佳選擇是一個名為 "Untrap for YouTube "的擴展。

  • Just search it up, it's free.


  • What it does, is it allows you to customize pretty much everything you see on YouTube.

    它允許你自定義 YouTube 上的幾乎所有內容。

  • You can turn off shorts, so they're just gone.


  • You can even completely hide the suggestions, if you want.


  • But for the homepage, I like to keep the suggestions, and just turn off infinite scrolling.


  • That way you have about 20 videos to choose from, and then that's it.

    這樣你就有大約 20 個視頻可供選擇,僅此而已。

  • You can't just keep scrolling down until you find a good one.


  • Eventually, when you actually go into a video, you can disable the title, the views, the description, the buttons, so you can't click on the channel.


  • You can turn off suggestions in the comments too, and you can also turn on grayscale, so that every video you watch isn't black and white.


  • So you get the video, but it's just less stimulating, less distracting, and you have no option to go down the suggested video's rabbit hole.


  • And for your phone, you can get this app called ScreenZen.

    至於你的手機,你可以下載這款名為 ScreenZen 的應用程序。

  • It won't block YouTube, but every time you open the YouTube app, it'll pause for 5, 10, 30, 100 seconds.

    它不會阻止 YouTube,但每次打開 YouTube 應用程序時,都會暫停 5 秒、10 秒、30 秒或 100 秒。

  • You get to choose how long, and it'll show you an unskippable message that you can also customize.


  • I recommend you make it something insulting.


  • After the 5 seconds are up, you can choose to unlock the app for a few minutes at a time, or to just not open it at all.

    5 秒鐘結束後,您可以選擇每次解鎖幾分鐘,或者乾脆不打開。

  • And if your insult is good enough, you probably won't want to.


  • But the best feature, at least for me, is that you could separately block YouTube Shorts.

    但最好的功能,至少對我來說,是可以單獨屏蔽 YouTube 短片。

  • I don't know how they made this feature, but you can make it so that even if you unlock the YouTube app, you'll get a separate warning if you try to watch a YouTube Short.

    我不知道他們是如何實現這一功能的,但你可以這樣做,即使你解鎖了 YouTube 應用程序,如果你試圖觀看 YouTube 短片,也會收到單獨的警告。

  • And I hate to admit this, but lately, YouTube Shorts has been unironically getting pretty good.

    我不想承認這一點,但最近,YouTube 短片不折不扣地變得相當不錯。

  • So if you also find yourself shamefully watching them and enjoying them, this app will catch you in 4K every time.

    是以,如果你也發現自己羞於觀看並樂在其中,那麼這款應用程序每次都能以 4K 格式捕捉到你。

  • Step 3 is now, replace the habit.


  • Now that you have a bunch of extra free time, you want to fill that free time with something that's not just other social media.


  • You can use this time to read, study, exercise, go outside, go to events, or even record your own videos and upload them once every 3 months.

    您可以利用這段時間閱讀、學習、鍛鍊、外出、參加活動,甚至錄製自己的視頻,每 3 個月上傳一次。

  • By the way, I'm collecting donations in the form of subscribes to fund the next video.


So if you've ever tried to quit social media, you've probably told yourself that YouTube doesn't count, you know, because it's educational.

是以,如果你曾試圖放棄社交媒體,你可能會告訴自己,YouTube 不算,因為它有教育意義。

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