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Undertale is a game that needs little introduction.
It has a unique twist of being a game where you don't have to hurt anyone or you can kill anyone.
This video is to focus on the latter, also known as a genocide run.
Disclaimer, this video will have some spoilers and this is just how I done a genocide run.
There's no solid exact way to do one, but this video is to explain how to do one and some tips and advice that I find useful.
During my genocide run, every battle I always attacked.
I never acted, ran, or spare.
I only used items just to heal, but pretty much all my actions during battle was attacking.
To start a genocide run, you must kill all the monsters in a given area starting with the runes.
I like to just grind in the first area until I kill all the monsters.
You know you've been successful when you get the message, but nobody came and the music starts playing.
Also, every save point you interact with will say determination.
While finishing up the runes, make sure to get the butterscotch cinnamon pie.
A big tip for genocide runs is to keep and save major healing items, which I'll touch on it later.
Another thing about genocide runs is that bosses are really easy.
Most of them are one hit kill and since you're leveling up, a lot of the fights seem pretty easier compared to a pacifist run.
Also, some of the dialogue can be very dark or cold, so it's a lot different feel during a genocide run.
The next area is Snowdin, which you have to clear monsters again, but now save spots will tell you how many monsters you have left to kill.
Also, be sure to get the snowman pieces.
In genocide mode, you can get up to three snowman pieces.
They're one of the better healing items in the game, so don't miss them.
An amazing thing about genocide runs are that most of the game's puzzles are skipped, and a lot of the dialogue directed towards the player reflects on going down the genocide path.
As you go through towns, you notice that they are mostly abandoned and a lot of the NPCs are missing.
The next area is Waterfall.
Again, I like to clear all the monsters in the very early part of this section, so clear them off before facing Undyne.
In a genocide run, Undyne becomes a very challenging boss fight.
With a lot of practice, patience, and determination, you'll be able to beat her.
My big advice is to not use major healing items, so save your snowman pieces and your pie for later.
If you do need to heal, use cinnamon bunnies or crab apples.
You should be able to make it with that.
You'll then reach the hotlands, starting with Dr. Alpheus's lab.
Be sure to grab the instant noodles from the fridge.
They completely heal you and are a very important major healing item.
One thing to note about the monster count in the hotlands is that it's also combined with the monster count of the core, so when going through the hotlands, you can just go through without grinding and killing all the monsters.
Also, while in the hotlands, you can find the burnt pan, which is a weapon that will give you a small boost to recovery items.
Maybe not a necessity, but I did use it, so just wanted to note that as well.
In the MTT resort, right before the core, be sure you visit the burger shop and get the steak and legendary heroes.
You should now have the best healing items in your inventory.
Before fighting Mettaton in the core, be sure to kill all the monsters you have left remaining.
Remember, you can check how many are left by checking the save Many already know who it is, so I won't spoil it.
This is what all the prep work was for, so be sure to grab all those major healing items.
And also, it doesn't matter what you have equipped for this fight, so you can use that burnt pan for an extra healing bonus.
I consider this the final fight of Genocide Mode, because after this, it is pretty much smooth sailing.
So this wraps up this video.
Thank you so much for watching, and be sure to give this video a like, and also comment below.
Subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos, but I love Undertale and wanted to make this video, and hope you guys find it helpful and enjoyable and all that.
Thanks, I'll talk to you all later.