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  • What's up?


  • Josh here.


  • So this year, Apple released two new AirPods, the AirPods 4 and the AirPods 4 ANC.

    是以,今年蘋果發佈了兩款新的 AirPods,即 AirPods 4 和 AirPods 4 ANC。

  • If you're looking for a new pair of AirPods, or if you're in the market to upgrade your older pair of AirPods, in this video, I'll be comparing the most current AirPods lineup to hopefully help you figure out which one you should get.

    如果您正在尋找一副新的 AirPods,或者您正在市場上升級您的舊款 AirPods,在本視頻中,我將比較最新的 AirPods 產品系列,希望能幫助您確定應該購買哪一款。

  • Let's get into it.


  • Now, first up, let's talk about the cases.


  • All AirPods come in a familiar gloss white plastic charging case with magnets to hold the buds in place and keep the lid shut.

    所有 AirPods 都裝在一個熟悉的亮白色塑膠充電盒裡,盒蓋上有磁鐵,可固定耳塞並保持盒蓋關閉。

  • They've all got an LED indicator on the front, USB-C charging on the bottom.

    它們的正面都有 LED 指示燈,底部有 USB-C 充電接口。

  • And as far as size goes, both the AirPods 4 and the AirPods 4 ANC share the exact same dimensions and are slightly smaller than the AirPods Pro 2s, but they're all very portable and very pocketable.

    至於尺寸,AirPods 4 和 AirPods 4 ANC 的尺寸完全相同,比 AirPods Pro 2 略小,但它們都非常便攜,可以裝在口袋裡。

  • Now, as similar as these cases may seem, there are some subtle differences that you should probably know about.


  • For wireless charging, the only one that doesn't support wireless charging is going to be the regular AirPods 4.

    在無線充電方面,唯一不支持無線充電的將是普通的 AirPods 4。

  • Because it is slightly cheaper, Apple has chosen not to include this feature.


  • Between the AirPods 4 with ANC and the AirPods Pro 2s, both of them are going to support regular wireless charging as well as Apple Watch wireless charging support, being able to stick to the charger via magnets.

    帶 ANC 功能的 AirPods 4 和 AirPods Pro 2s 都支持常規無線充電,也支持 Apple Watch 無線充電,能夠通過磁鐵吸附在充電器上。

  • And then for MagSafe, only the AirPods Pro 2s are going to support the sticking magnets, whereas the AirPods 4 with ANC will charge, it just will not stick.

    至於 MagSafe,只有 AirPods Pro 2 支持粘貼磁鐵,而帶有 ANC 功能的 AirPods 4 可以充電,只是無法粘貼。

  • Another difference is that the regular AirPods 4s are the only ones not to get speakers on the case.

    另一個區別是,只有普通 AirPods 4 沒有在外殼上安裝揚聲器。

  • These speakers on the AirPods 4 ANC and the AirPods Pro 2s make finding your AirPods case easier with Find My.

    AirPods 4 ANC 和 AirPods Pro 2s 上的這些揚聲器可以通過 "查找我的 "功能更輕鬆地找到您的 AirPods 耳機。

  • And in addition, the AirPods Pro 2s also have the U1 chip, which is great for precision finding, whereas the AirPods 4 ANC don't.

    此外,AirPods Pro 2s 還配備了 U1 芯片,這對精確查找非常有利,而 AirPods 4 ANC 則沒有。

  • And while all of those are nice features, I personally wouldn't make my decision based off of those alone.


  • So let's talk about the buds.


  • Now, the really interesting thing with these buds is that Apple has actually done a really good job making them really consistent with each other so that you're really not missing out on the core features.


  • For one, all AirPods have sensors for autoplay pause and an IP54 rating, meaning that light water splashes and sweat should be just fine.

    首先,所有 AirPods 都有用於自動播放暫停的傳感器和 IP54 防護等級,這意味著輕微的濺水和出汗都不會有問題。

  • They all also use the force sensor, allowing for squeeze gestures for playing, pausing, skipping, and going back and activating Siri.

    它們還都使用了力度傳感器,可通過擠壓手勢進行播放、暫停、跳過、返回和激活 Siri。

  • And in a recent update, all of these actually support head gestures.


  • So you can actually nod your head up and down to accept a call or shake your head side to side to decline a call, which is pretty neat.


  • All of these AirPods also support modern AirPods features like spatial audio, audio switching between iCloud devices like your Mac, Apple TV, iPhone, and Apple Watch, and adaptive EQ, which uses inward facing mics to make sure you're getting the best audio experience possible.

    所有這些 AirPods 還支持現代 AirPods 功能,如空間音頻,在 Mac、Apple TV、iPhone 和 Apple Watch 等 iCloud 設備之間進行音頻切換,以及自適應均衡器,它使用內向式麥克風來確保您獲得最佳的音頻體驗。

  • Really at the end of the day, all three of these AirPods share a very similar core AirPods experience with the exception of two differences.

    歸根結底,這三款 AirPods 都擁有非常相似的 AirPods 核心體驗,只有兩點不同。

  • The first difference is that the AirPods Pro 2s are the only ones to get volume control right on the step.

    第一個不同點是,AirPods Pro 2 是唯一一款可以在臺階上直接控制音量的產品。

  • So you can swipe up to increase the volume, swipe down to decrease the volume, and it works really, really well.


  • But then the second and probably most important differentiator between all three of these buds is active noise canceling or ANC.

    不過,這三款耳機的第二個也可能是最重要的區別在於主動降噪或 ANC。

  • So this year, Apple made a really interesting move to include active noise canceling on a non-silicone ear tip earbud, which has never been done before.


  • Previously, if you wanted ANC with literally any other earbud, you had to get a silicone ear tip.

    以前,如果你想用其他耳塞實現 ANC,就必須購買硅膠耳塞頭。

  • And so this is a really big deal for people who either don't like silicone ear tips or find that they don't work for their ears.


  • But the biggest question that you probably have is how good is the ANC without silicone ear tips?

    但您最大的疑問可能是,沒有硅膠耳塞的 ANC 效果如何?

  • On Apple's website, they say that the AirPods Pro 2s have double the noise cancellation compared to both the AirPods 4s with ANC, as well as the original AirPods Pros.

    在蘋果公司的網站上,他們稱 AirPods Pro 2s 的降噪效果是帶有 ANC 功能的 AirPods 4s 和原版 AirPods Pros 的兩倍。

  • But what does double the noise cancellation actually mean?


  • So to me, having used the AirPods Pro 2s for over two years now, these will do a great job at canceling out all types of noises.

    是以,對我來說,在使用 AirPods Pro 2s 兩年多之後,這款耳機可以很好地消除各種噪音。

  • I can even take these on the plane and they'll do great.


  • I can still hear my music, watch a movie.


  • When you put these in, you are basically transported to another world.


  • Now on the flip side with the AirPods 4 with ANC, for constant noises like your HVAC system, fan or heater, as long as they're not too loud or right next to you, they are going to pretty much cancel out those noises completely.

    反觀帶有 ANC 功能的 AirPods 4,對於像暖通空調系統、風扇或加熱器這樣的持續噪音,只要聲音不是太大或就在你身邊,它們就能完全消除這些噪音。

  • However, when it comes to more inconsistent noise like human voices or louder sounds, like if you're on public transport, while these will take the edge off of those noises, they're not going to completely remove it.


  • While testing the AirPods 4 with ANC, there have been times in the office where a loud group of people were walking by.

    在測試 AirPods 4 的 ANC 功能時,有幾次辦公室裡有一群人走過,聲音很大。

  • And in those moments, it really made me miss the AirPods Pro 2.

    那一刻,我真的很懷念 AirPods Pro 2。

  • But I would actually say that for 95% of scenarios, I was completely fine with the AirPods 4 ANC.

    但實際上,在 95% 的情況下,我對 AirPods 4 ANC 完全沒意見。

  • If you're somebody who finds that the AirPods Pro 2s just don't fit your ears or you don't like silicone ear tips, this honestly might be the way to go.

    如果你覺得 AirPods Pro 2 不適合你的耳朵,或者你不喜歡硅膠耳塞,那麼這款耳機可能是你的不二之選。

  • Which leads me into the next section, comfort and fit.


  • Now, if you look online, people will say all sorts of things about which ones fit better and which ones are more comfortable.


  • Some people say that because the AirPods Pro 2s have a silicone ear tip, they actually grip the inside of your ear canals better.

    有人說,由於 AirPods Pro 2 的耳尖是硅膠的,它們實際上能更好地抓住耳道內部。

  • While other people will say that because it is a silicone ear tip, it's actually a silicone ear tip.


  • So, I would say that the AirPods Pro 2s fit better than the AirPods Pro 3s.

    是以,我認為 AirPods Pro 2s 比 AirPods Pro 3s 更合適。

  • At the end of the day, AirPods are what I call one size fits most.

    說到底,AirPods 就是我所說的 "一刀切"。

  • So, you really do just need to go into a store and try them out for yourself.


  • Now, the last three things I'm going to cover are going to be sound quality, mic quality, and battery life.


  • Usually, when it comes to these earbuds, sound quality is a big deciding factor.


  • But I would say for AirPods, because they all sound pretty close in sound quality, I wouldn't say that this is a huge deciding factor.

    但對於 AirPods 而言,由於它們的音質都很接近,我認為這並不是決定性因素。

  • There are some subtle differences.


  • So, the AirPods 4s, I would say, have a little bit more of a V-shaped curve with more emphasis on the highs, whereas the AirPods Pro 2s do sound a little bit more balanced and have a bit more mid presence.

    是以,我認為 AirPods 4s 的曲線更像 V 形,更強調高音,而 AirPods Pro 2s 聽起來更平衡,中音更突出。

  • Also, because the AirPods Pro 2s actually create a tight seal in your ears and are able to cancel out more noise, you could also argue that the AirPods Pro 2s allow you to hear more details in your music, whereas the AirPods 4s have a more open and airy experience.

    此外,由於 AirPods Pro 2s 實際上能在您的耳朵裡形成一個緊密的密封圈,能夠抵消更多的噪音,是以您也可以說 AirPods Pro 2s 能讓您聽到音樂中更多的細節,而 AirPods 4s 則給您帶來更開闊、更通透的體驗。

  • But like I said, there really isn't a huge difference when it comes to sound quality.


  • The second thing is going to be battery life and pretty much the board, except the AirPods Pro 2s have six hours on the buds, whereas the AirPods 4s have five hours on the buds.

    第二件事是電池續航時間,除了 AirPods Pro 2s 的耳塞續航時間為 6 小時,AirPods 4s 的耳塞續航時間為 5 小時之外,其他都差不多。

  • Last but not least, here's a microphone test with each of these earbuds.


  • These are the regular AirPods 4s.

    這些是普通的 AirPods 4。

  • Here's how they sound.


  • These are the AirPods 4 with ANC, and here's how they sound.

    這就是帶有 ANC 功能的 AirPods 4,聽起來怎麼樣?

  • And here are the AirPods Pro 2s, and here's how they sound.

    這是 AirPods Pro 2,聽起來怎麼樣?

  • Okay.


  • So, you've made it to the end of the video, but maybe you're still a little bit confused as to which one you should actually get.


  • Let me break it down for you.


  • Now, first question you got to ask yourself is, do you actually want noise canceling?


  • Do you find yourself in noisy situations, whether you're at the gym or you're working at an office, or you're at home and you have loud neighbors, or maybe your kids are running around or loud housemates?


  • How much do you want to tolerate noise?


  • And do you want to bring the noise down a little bit?


  • So, if the answer is yes, then between the AirPods Pro 2 and the AirPods 4 with ANC, if silicone eartips are not a concern for you and they don't bother you, then AirPods Pro 2, by far one of the best purchase decisions I've ever made.

    是以,如果答案是肯定的,那麼在 AirPods Pro 2 和帶 ANC 功能的 AirPods 4 之間,如果硅膠耳塞對您來說不是問題,也不會對您造成困擾,那麼 AirPods Pro 2 就是我迄今為止做出的最佳購買決定之一。

  • These are truly a game changer.


  • On Amazon, you can find these consistently for under 200, which makes the price difference between these two pretty much negligible.

    在亞馬遜上,這些產品的價格一直保持在 200 美元以下,是以兩者之間的差價幾乎可以忽略不計。

  • Now, if the answer is yes, I want ANC, but I don't like silicone eartips, then these ones are going to be the best bet.

    現在,如果答案是肯定的,我想要 ANC,但我不喜歡硅膠耳塞,那麼這些耳塞將是最好的選擇。

  • If you're somebody who's been holding back from ANC earbuds, just because of the lack of options with silicone eartips, these truly have shocked me in terms of their performance.

    如果您因為沒有硅膠耳塞可供選擇而對 ANC 耳機望而卻步,那麼這款耳塞的性能確實讓我大吃一驚。

  • And then going back to the first question, do you actually want ANC?

    再回到第一個問題,你真的想要 ANC 嗎?

  • If the answer is no, then the regular AirPods 4s are actually a really great deal.

    如果答案是否定的,那麼普通的 AirPods 4s 其實非常划算。

  • These retail for $129 or $119 on Amazon.

    在亞馬遜上的零售價為 129 美元或 119 美元。

  • And for that price, you're arguably getting the same amount of audio quality as the AirPods Pro 2s, just without all of the fancy features like wireless charging, speakers on the case, and all that stuff.

    可以說,以這個價格,你可以獲得與 AirPods Pro 2 相同的音質,只是沒有無線充電、外殼揚聲器等花哨的功能。

  • But yeah, that about does it for this video.


  • I hope that it helped you out.


  • If it did, consider using the affiliate links down below to support the channel for free and to check the latest pricing on these AirPods.

    如果有,請考慮使用下面的聯盟鏈接免費支持本頻道,並查看這些 AirPods 的最新定價。

  • All right, leave a like on your way out, subscribe to the channel if you haven't already, and I hope to see you guys in the next one.


  • Peace.


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