I did." "Ohgoody, moreofthem." "Whothehellareyou?" "Vegeta, look!
Thesmallone, thetwotallones, and...
Uh, uh...
Vegeta, look!
A Pokemon!" "I'm not a Pokemon!
I'm Chiaotzu!" "Chiaotzu!
Youhearthat, Vegeta?
It's a Chiaotzu!
I'm gonnacatchit!" "I toldyou I'm not a Pokemon!" "Aw, itdidn't work, Vegeta." "That's becauseyouhavetodamageitfirst." "Alright, let's seeif I canget a critical." "Heyguys, I'm herenow.
It's Yamcha!" "That's right.
Don't worry, guys.
So I knowthataslongaswesticktogether, we'lltakeontheseSaiyans.
Andwewillwin!" "Yeah!
Woo!" "Andthatone's Snuggles!
Andthatone's Fufu!
Andthatone's Cabbagehead!
Andthatone's otherCabbagehead!
Andthatone's VegetaJr.!
Thefollowingis a fan-basedparodyofDragonBall, DragonBall Z, andDragonBallGT, allownedbyVenomation, ToyAnimation, FujiTV, andAkiraToriyama.
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