Theycantakeover a gardenovernight. Butwhatdoes "growlike a weed" meaninothersituations? HeyDan, doyouwanttoseepicturesfrommytriphome? Ohjeez, I wouldloveto, but... Great!
Thisismewithmylittlecousin, Arlo. Little?
He's tallerthanyou! I know!
Heisgrowinglike a weed.
He's onlyten. Doeshehave a beard? Togrowlike a weedjustmeanstogrowveryquickly.
Wemostlyusethisexpressionwhentalkingabouthowfastchildrengrow. Andthat's Englishin a Minute.
WelcometoEnglishin a Minute.
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