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  • Canada everything is chill people are chill. That's the stereotype people are nice right nice people in Canada you guys agree with that

  • Yeah, I

  • Met some Canadian assholes, you know

  • You guys are just subtle about it. You know, I mean like you guys are like polite assholes

  • You guys are polite about your asshole

  • Americans we let you know we don't like you, you know, we're just like get out of my face. I don't like you

  • Canadians you guys love to agree to disagree

  • You guys like oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is that right buddy? Yeah

  • Yeah

  • But no, no, you're that's wrong

  • That's wrong

  • I'm gonna do one more for you guys. Um, I got a girlfriend now. She's amazing. You know, I'm very happy about that. You know, yeah

  • We're the same age, which is great with the same age, it's great because when communicate, you know, we talk about the same things

  • We know the same things like I don't have to explain to her the rock used to be a wrestler. That's great

  • You need to date someone the same age range because you just you speak the same language

  • You know, like have you guys tried calling someone that's under the age of 30?

  • They think it's like the creepiest thing on the planet

  • They're like, oh, what's he doing calling me? What is he like my dad? Oh

  • My god, he left a voicemail what a rapist. Oh my god

  • It can't call people anymore man

  • You got to text them cute little emojis, you know, cuz it's low stakes

  • Look, I'm cool with emojis, especially when it first came out because it was just a bunch of cute yellow faces. Okay

  • I like that. I

  • Felt represented

  • You know, I mean that's how I like to see the world

  • But then Apple or some company decided to get all woke and shit and they updated the emoji ecosystem

  • And now it's just like five shades of beige

  • It's just a cultural landmine, I don't know what to do with that like I was trying to text my black friend a thumbs up

  • Was I supposed to text him my thumbs up or his thumbs up

  • I've never texted him back. I just lost a black friend. Thank you guys. You guys are great Montreal 看完这段影片之后我们来看看里面有哪些可以学习的用法

  • You guys are just subtle about it. You know, I mean you guys are just subtle about it. You know, I mean

  • Canadians you guys love to agree to disagree Canadians. You guys love to agree to disagree

  • Look I'm cool with emojis, especially when it first came out. Look, I'm cool with emojis, especially when it first came out

  • Because it was just a bunch of cute yellow faces. Okay, because it was just a bunch of cute yellow faces. Okay

  • And now it's just like five shades of beige and now it's just like five shades of beige

  • It's just a cultural landmine. I don't know what to do with that. It's just a cultural landmine. I don't know what to do with that 影片中的教学都帮你整理进讲一拉想要的话那就到资讯栏找吧我全部都放在那里 以上是今天的看脱口秀学英文想看完整版脱口秀影片可以到下方资讯栏点选链接 然后记得帮我们按赞订阅并开启小铃铛 我们每周二四都会上新的影片想看更多有趣的影片学英文也欢迎下载我们的voice tube app 我们下集见拜

Canada everything is chill people are chill. That's the stereotype people are nice right nice people in Canada you guys agree with that

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