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  • Let's make a Python chatbot using open AI and chat GPT in just five minutes.

  • Step one, install the open AI package.

  • So we're going to go to a terminal and type PIP install open AI.

  • If you're on Mac or Linux, you can try PIP three install open AI.

  • I already have that installed.

  • Once it's installed, we'll import open AI and we will set the open AI API key.

  • So say open AI dot API underscore key is equal to a string.

  • And is that ever a mouthful?

  • Now we need to get our API key.

  • To do that, we need to go to the open AI website.

  • So this will be linked in the description platform dot open AI dot com slash account slash API keys.

  • If you don't already have an account, you will need to make one.

  • If you do, you should be able to make a new API key here by clicking on create new secret, giving it a name and then pressing on create secret key.

  • Once the key is generated, copy that key, paste that into Python and we'll move on to the next step.

  • So I have my API key here.

  • I will delete this after the video.

  • And what we'll do now is create a function that we will call every time we want a new completion.

  • So we'll say chat with GPT.

  • We will take in some kind of prompt, which will be the message from our user.

  • And we will generate a response using a GPT model.

  • So we'll say open AI dot chat completion like so dot create inside of here.

  • We're going to specify our model.

  • The model that's available today as of filming this video is GPT three point five dash turbo.

  • This will be the best one to use if you spell it correctly.

  • Next, we need to pass messages is equal to an array inside of the array.

  • We'll pass an object.

  • We'll say the role is a user and we will say that the content is the prompt.

  • All you need to do is have this.

  • And now this will generate a completion for you.

  • Now that we have the completion, we need to return that to the user.

  • So we'll say return response dot choices at index zero dot message dot content dot strip.

  • This will just remove any leading or trailing white space from the message.

  • Now we'll say if underscore underscore name is equal to underscore underscore main.

  • This means that we're running this Python file directly.

  • We'll write a simple while loop that will prompt the user to keep asking the chatbot questions.

  • So we'll say while true inside of here, we'll say the user input is equal to input.

  • And then we can do something like you colon.

  • We'll say if the user underscore input dot lower is in the following.

  • So quit, exit or buy.

  • Then what we'll do is simply break out of the while loop.

  • Otherwise, we'll generate a response.

  • So we'll say response is equal to chat with GPT.

  • We'll pass that user input and then we will print chatbot colon comma and then the response like that.

  • OK, let's go ahead and test this out.

  • That's actually our completed chatbot to run the chatbot.

  • We'll go to our terminal here and we will run the name of our Python file.

  • In this case, it's Python

  • I'm going to type in.

  • Hello, how are you?

  • And we will see here that we'll get a response.

  • Hello, I'm an A.I., so I don't have feelings, but I'm here to assist you.

  • Well, can you lie to me at least?

  • Well, let's see.

  • As an A.I. language model, I'm programmed to provide accurate information.

  • OK, bye.

  • And then we can leave by typing bye.

  • So there you go.

  • That was a Python chatbot in under five minutes.

  • Very simple to interact with open A.I.

  • And this is obviously quite powerful.

  • You can do a lot more than what I did here.

  • I'd love to hear what you do with this code in the comments down below.

  • Let me know.

  • And I look forward to seeing you in another video.

Let's make a Python chatbot using open AI and chat GPT in just five minutes.

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