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  • I came here to show you the Fotokite.

    我今天要向大家展示 Fotokite

  • It's a tethered, flying camera.


  • But before I do that, I want to tell you a bit about where it came from, what motivated it.

    但在我展示它之前, 我想先跟你們說說它是從哪兒來 它是如何被發明出來的

  • So I was born in Russia, and three years ago, in 2011, there were the Russian federal elections.

    我在俄羅斯出生 3年前 也就是 2011 年 俄羅斯舉行了聯邦政府選舉

  • There were massive irregularities reported, and people came out to protest, which was very unlikely for Russia.

    當時有大量違規事件被報導 人們出來抗議遊行 這在俄羅斯是很少見的

  • And no one really knew how significant these protests were, because, for whatever reason, the world media largely ignored it.

    當時並沒人知道這些抗議有多重要 基於某些原因 世界上大多數媒體並沒有報導這些抗議事件

  • Now, there was a group of photographers who kind of flew flying cameras as a hobbyusually photographing things like the Sphinx, the Pyramids

    有一群攝影師 他們喜歡讓自己的相機在空中飛 他們經常拍一些東西, 比如獅身人面像、金字塔

  • who were happened to be right around the corner, and they flew a camera and they took some snapshots,

    他們正好在抗議附近 於是他們把相機放到空中 拍一些快照

  • some panoramas of this demonstration.


  • Just completely independent entity, completely random occurrence, and the image, when I saw it, it really struck me.

    它們都是些完全不相關的照片 完全隨機的取景 當我看到那些照片的時候 我震驚了

  • Here's one of the panoramas.


  • So in a single image, you can really see the scale of this eventjust the number of people, the colors, the banners.

    在一張單獨的照片裡 你能真正感受到遊行規模之大 人數之多 色彩及布條

  • You just can't consider this insignificant.

    這些視覺的衝擊 讓人無法把它們視為無關緊要

  • All in a single image, which was really cool to me.

    而這些景象濃縮在一張照片裡 我覺得很酷

  • And I think, in the future, journalism and many other professions, there are flying cameras already quite commonly out there,

    我覺得 在未來 新聞業及其他職業 空中攝影機都會普及

  • but I think, you wait a few months, a few years, and for many professions, it's really going to be a requirement.

    但我也認為 在幾個月或數年後 它將會成為許多領域的必需品

  • And it make sense. It's such a unique perspective.

    這說得通 因為它提供特別的觀點

  • Nothing really communicates this scale, for example, in context, in a way that this does.

    沒有東西能這麼好地紀錄下這樣的場面 呈現出事情的全部風貌

  • But there are a few hurdles, and they are quite basic and quite fundamental.

    但仍存在著一些問題 雖十分基本 卻也十分重要

  • One is piloting. So for this image, they flew a camera, a five kilogram device with an SLR under it.

    其中一個是飛行問題 這張照片是他們用空中攝影機拍的 那是一個 5 公斤的機器 下面有一個單鏡頭反射器

  • It's quite heavy, lots of spinning, sharp things.

    它很重 很鋒利 也轉得很快

  • It's a bit uncomfortable to fly, probably also for the operator.

    所以飛的時候有點兒不自在 對操控的人大概也一樣

  • In fact, you can see that on the back of the pilot's shirt,


  • it says, "No questions until landing" in Russian and in English,

    用俄語和和英語寫成的:「降落前都別問問題。」 。

  • because people are curious, and they'll go tap you, and then you lose your focus and things happen.

    因為人們會好奇 於是他們會走過來拍你 然後你就不能專注 事故就因此發生

  • And these guys are great. They're professionals; they're really careful in what they do.

    這些人很棒 他們十分專業 且對於自己所做的事十分謹慎

  • So in the protests, maybe you noticed, they flew over the river so it was quite safe.

    在遊行中 你也許注意到 他們讓相機飛過河 所以蠻安全的

  • But this doesn't necessarily apply to all people and all conditions, so we really have to make piloting easier.

    但這並不總是適用於所有情況的相機操作者 因此 我們必須讓飛行操控地更加便捷

  • The other problem is regulations, or rather, the lack of good regulation.

    另一個問題是管理問題 或者說是缺少規範

  • For many good reasons, it's just difficult to come up with common sense laws to regulate flying cameras.

    這其中有許多很好的理由 但要制定空中攝影規範的法律仍十分困難

  • So we already have cameras. Everyone here, I'm sure, has a smartphone with a camera, right?

    我們也已經有了攝影機 我確定 在座的每一位 都有具攝影功能的手機 對吧?

  • There are more and more of them. You hear about people with Google Glass being attacked.

    有越來越多攝影相關技術 你應該聽說過有人因為帶著谷歌眼鏡而被攻擊

  • You hear about, actually, a drone pilot, a hobbyist, was attacked two weeks ago because he was flying near a beach.

    你應該也聽過 遙控飛機的操控者 一個業餘好手 兩週前被攻擊了 因為飛得離海灘太近

  • Here's some personal input I didn't expect.


  • Just yesterday, I was attacked by a guy who claimed that I was filming him.

    就在昨天 我被一個傢伙襲擊 他聲稱我在拍攝他

  • I was checking my email right hereeasy way to get input for your talk.

    但其實我只是在檢查我的信箱 正好可以當演講的好例子

  • But I think there are better solutions.

    但我想 應該有個更好的解決辦法

  • I think we have to defuse the situation.


  • We have to come up with responsible solutions that address the privacy issues and the safety, accountability issues but still give us that perspective.

    我們應想些負責任的解決辦法來解決個人隱私與安全問題 但仍能帶給我們很棒的視覺觀點

  • And this is one potential solution. So this is the Fotokite.

    這是一個潛在的解決辦法 ─ Fotokite

  • Well, let me see, it's a quadrocopter, but what's kind of special about it is there's a leash.

    讓我們來看看 這是一台四軸飛行器 特殊的地方在於有條牽帶

  • It's literally a dog leash. It's very convenient.

    字面說來是個牽狗帶 他非常方便

  • And the neat thing about it is, to fly it, there's no joysticks, nothing like this.

    飛行的時候這很簡潔 沒有像駕駛桿的東西

  • You just turn it on and you point in the direction that you want to fly.

    你只有打開它 並指向想要飛的方向

  • You give it a little twist. That's kind of the way you communicate. And there it goes.

    讓它轉一下 這就是你們交流的方法 這樣就行啦

  • So the interaction is super simple.


  • It's like a personal flying pet.


  • It just always maintains a certain angle to you, and if I move around with it, it'll actually follow me naturally.

    它會一直和你保持固定的角度 如果我移動腳步 它會自然地跟著我

  • And of course, we can build on top of this. So this leash has some additional electronics.

    當然 我們可以在上面建些東西 這條牽狗帶 就有附上一些電子儀器

  • You can turn it on. And now, it's like telling your dog to fly lower, if you have such a dog.

    你可以打開它 這就好像在告訴你的狗要飛低一些 如果你真有這樣一隻狗

  • So, I can press a button and manipulate it rather easily. So I just shifted its position.

    因此 我能按下一個按鈕 容易地操控它 我來改變一下它的位置

  • And it's really safe. I don't know about you guys in the front row

    它真的很安全 我不清楚你們坐在前排的

  • but at least in principle, you have to agree that you feel safer because there is a physical connection.

    但至少原則上 你們可以同意它是更安全的 因為有個身體的連結

  • Live demos are hard, right? Things go wrong all the time.

    現場示範很難,是吧? 事情時不時會出錯

  • But no matter what, this thing will actually prevent this thing from going into you.

    但不管怎樣, 這條牽帶能防止這台機器對你造成傷害

  • What's more, it tells you immediately that I am the one responsible for this device.

    而且 它能立即告訴你 我是負責操控這台設備的人

  • You don't have to look for someone controlling it.


  • Now, I can tell you that it's easy a lot, but I think a really good way to prove that is to grab a second one and launch it.

    現在 我能告訴你們這容易多了 我覺得最能證明的方法為 拿第二台飛機放到空中測試

  • And if I can do this on stage live, then I can show each and every one of you in five minutes how to operate one of these devices.

    如果我能在台上做這樣的展現 那麼我就能給你們每個人示範 如何在 5 分鐘內操作這樣的機器

  • So now we have two eyes in the sky.And now the trick is getting them back.

    現在我們空中有兩隻眼睛 現在我們要把它們變回來

  • So my question now to you is, well, it's a nice solution, it's very accessible, it's safe.

    所以我要問的是 嗯 這是個很好的解決辦法 這很容易操作又安全

  • What would you use it for? What would you use such a camera for in your life?


  • Thank you.


I came here to show you the Fotokite.

我今天要向大家展示 Fotokite

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A2 US TED 操控 抗議 照片 攝影機 相機

【TED】謝爾蓋-盧帕申:一架飛翔的照相機......拴在皮帶上(謝爾蓋-盧帕申:一架飛翔的照相機......拴在皮帶上)。 (【TED】Sergei Lupashin: A flying camera ... on a leash (Sergei Lupashin: A flying camera ... on a leash))

  • 1441 62
    朱朱 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary