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  • In this video, we'll look at what the overall process of supervised learning is like.


  • Specifically, you see the first model of this course, a linear regression model.


  • That just means fitting a straight line to your data.


  • It's probably the most widely used learning algorithm in the world today.


  • As you get familiar with linear regression, many of the concepts you see here will also apply to other machine learning models, models that you'll see later in this specialization.


  • Let's start with a problem that you can address using linear regression.


  • Say you want to predict the price of a house based on the size of a house.


  • This is the example we've seen earlier this week.


  • We're going to use a dataset on house sizes and prices from Portland, a city in the United States.


  • Here we have a graph where the horizontal axis is the size of a house in square feet and the vertical axis is the price of house in thousands of dollars.


  • Let's go ahead and plot the data points for various houses in the dataset.


  • Here at each data point, each of these little crosses is a house with a size and a price that it most recently was sold for.


  • Now, let's say you're a real estate agent in Portland, and you're helping a client sell her house.


  • She's asking you, how much do you think you're going to get for this house?


  • This dataset might help you estimate the price she could get for it.


  • You start by measuring the size of the house, and it turns out that her house is 1,250 square feet.

    你先測量房子的面積,結果發現她的房子有 1250 平方英尺。

  • How much do you think this house could sell for?


  • One thing you could do is you can build a linear regression model from this dataset.


  • Your model will fit a straight line to the data which might look like this.


  • Based on this straight line fit to the data, you can see that if a house is 1,250 square feet, it will intersect the best fit line over here.

    根據這條直線擬合的數據,你可以看到,如果房屋面積為 1,250 平方英尺,它將與這裡的最佳擬合線相交。

  • If you trace that to the vertical axis on the left, you can see the price is maybe around here, say about $220,000.

    如果將其追蹤到左側的縱軸上,可以看到價格可能就在這附近,比如大約 22 萬美元。

  • This is an example of what's called a supervised learning model.


  • We call this supervised learning because you are first training your model by giving a data that has the right answers.


  • Because you give the model examples of houses with both the size of the house, as well as the price that the model should predict for each house.


  • Well, here are the prices that is the right answers are given for every house in the dataset.


  • This linear regression model is a particular type of supervised learning model.


  • It's called a regression model because it predicts numbers as the output like prices and dollars.


  • Any supervised learning model that predicts a number such as 220,000 or 1.5 or negative 33.2, is addressing what's called a regression problem.

    任何有監督的學習模型,如果能預測出一個數字,如 22 萬、1.5 或負 33.2,就能解決所謂的迴歸問題。

  • Linear regression is one example of a regression model, but there are other models for addressing regression problems too.


  • We'll see some of those later in course 2 of this specialization.

    稍後,我們將在本專業的第 2 課中介紹其中的一些內容。

  • Just to remind you, in contrast with the regression model, the other most common type of supervised learning model is called a classification model.


  • A classification model predicts categories or discrete categories, such as predicting if a picture is of a cat, meow, or a dog, woof.

    分類模型預測類別或離散類別,例如預測一張圖片是貓 "喵 "還是狗 "汪"。

  • Or if given a medical record, it has to predict if a patient has a particular disease.


  • You'll see more about classification models later in this course as well.


  • As a reminder about the difference between classification and regression, in classification, there are only a small number of possible outputs.


  • If your model is recognizing cats versus dogs, that's two possible outputs.


  • Or maybe you're trying to recognize any of 10 possible medical conditions in a patient.

    或者,您正在嘗試識別病人可能出現的 10 種病症中的任何一種。

  • There's a discrete finite set of possible outputs.


  • We call it a classification problem.


  • Whereas in regression, there are infinitely many possible numbers that the model could output.


  • In addition to visualizing this data as a plot here on the left, there's one other way of looking at the data that would be useful, and that's a data table here on the right.


  • The data comprises a set of inputs.


  • This would be the size of the house, which is this column here.


  • It also has outputs.


  • You're trying to predict the price, which is this column here.


  • Notice that the horizontal and vertical axes correspond to these two columns, the size and the price.


  • If you have, say, 47 rows in this data table, then there are 47 of these lower crosses on the plot of the left, each cross corresponding to one row of the table.

    如果這個數據表中有 47 行,那麼左側的曲線圖上就有 47 個這樣的下叉,每個叉對應數據表中的一行。

  • For example, the first row of the table is a house with size 2,104 square feet.

    例如,表格的第一行是面積為 2,104 平方英尺的房屋。

  • That's around here.


  • This house sold for $400,000, which is around here.

    這棟房子賣了 40 萬美元,就在附近。

  • This first row of the table is plotted as this data point over here.


  • Now, let's look at some notation for describing the data.


  • This is notation that you find useful throughout your journey in machine learning.


  • As you increasingly get familiar with machine learning terminology, this would be terminology they can use to talk about machine learning concepts with others as well, since a lot of this is quite standard across AI.


  • You'll be seeing this notation multiple times in this specialization, so it's okay if you don't remember everything the first time through.


  • It will naturally become more familiar over time.


  • The dataset that you just saw and that is used to train the model is called a training set.


  • Note that your client's house is not in this dataset because it's not yet sold, so no one knows what its price is.


  • To predict the price of your client's house, you first train your model to learn from the training set, and that model can then predict your client's house's price.


  • In machine learning, the standard notation to denote the input here is lowercase x, and we call this the input variable.

    在機器學習中,表示輸入的標準符號是小寫 x,我們稱之為輸入變量。

  • It's also called a feature or an input feature.


  • For example, for the first house in your training set, x is the size of the house, so x equals 2,104.

    例如,對於訓練集中的第一棟房屋,x 是房屋的大小,是以 x 等於 2 104。

  • The standard notation to denote the output variable, which you're trying to predict, which is also sometimes called the target variable, is lowercase y.

    您要預測的輸出變量(有時也稱為目標變量)的標準符號是小寫 y。

  • So here, y is the price of the house, and for the first training example, this is equal to 400, so y equals 400.

    在這裡,y 是房子的價格,在第一個訓練示例中,這個價格等於 400,所以 y 等於 400。

  • So the dataset has one row for each house, and in this particular training set, there are 47 rows with each row representing a different training example.

    是以,數據集中的每棟房屋都有一行,在這個特定的訓練集中,共有 47 行,每一行代表一個不同的訓練實例。

  • We're going to use lowercase m to refer to the total number of training examples, and so here, m is equal to 47.

    我們將使用小寫 m 來表示訓練示例的總數,是以這裡的 m 等於 47。

  • To indicate a single training example, we're going to use the notation parentheses x,y.

    我們將使用括號 x,y 來表示單個訓練示例。

  • So for the first training example, x,y, this pair of numbers is 2,104,400.

    是以,對於第一個訓練示例 x,y,這對數字是 2,104,400 。

  • Now, we have a lot of different training examples.


  • We have 47 of them, in fact.

    事實上,我們有 47 個。

  • So to refer to a specific training example, this will correspond to a specific row in this table on the left.


  • I'm going to use the notation x superscript in parentheses, i,y superscript in parentheses, i.

    我將使用括號內的符號 x 上標 i,括號內的符號 y 上標 i。

  • The superscript tells us that this is the i-th training example, such as the first, second, or third up to the 47th training example.

    上標表示這是第 i 個訓練實例,如第 1、第 2 或第 3 個,直到第 47 個訓練實例。

  • I here refers to a specific row in the table.

    這裡的 I 是指表格中的某一行。

  • So for instance, here is the first example when i equals 1 in the training set.

    例如,這裡是訓練集中 i 等於 1 時的第一個例子。

  • So x superscript 1 is equal to 2,104, and y superscript 1 is equal to 400.

    是以,x 上標 1 等於 2 104,y 上標 1 等於 400。

  • Let's add the superscript 1 here as well.

    讓我們在這裡也加上上標 1。

  • Just a note, this superscript i in parentheses is not exponentiation.

    請注意,括號中的上標 i 並不是指數。

  • So when I write this, this is not x squared, this is not x to the power of 2.

    是以,當我寫這個時,這不是 x 的平方,也不是 x 的 2 次方。

  • It just refers to the second training example.


  • So this i is just an index in the training set, and refers to row i in the table.

    是以,這個 i 只是訓練集中的一個索引,指的是表格中的第 i 行。

  • In this video, you saw what a training set is like, as well as the standard notation for describing this training set.


  • In the next video, let's look at what it'll take to take this training set that you just saw and feed it to a learning algorithm so that the algorithm can learn from this data.


  • Let's see that in the next video.


In this video, we'll look at what the overall process of supervised learning is like.


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