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Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk about the top 10 foods that can destroy your health and why would anyone eat something that could destroy their health and this is why you really need to watch this video and pay close attention because maybe you don't care maybe you're saying hey life is too short to not enjoy it to the fullest I'm going to eat what I want no matter what even if my health suffers or it could be that you don't think it matters a whole lot there's a lot of people who don't feel very different based on what they eat maybe they haven't gotten really sick yet maybe they're young and they just haven't noticed a whole lot or it could be that you've been told the wrong thing and this is the biggest reason that you want to watch this video carefully because this is most people out there do not really understand what food is there's a growing number of people who are sick and who are trying to do the right things they're trying to learn they're trying to eat the right things and take care of themselves but they keep being told the wrong things now here's the thing health is not complicated it's really quite simple and so is food but we have to stop nitpicking we need to understand the bigger picture we need to stop just looking at lists of food and hearing tidbits of information and getting more and more confused what we need to do is to understand the mechanisms because the more lists you read about things the more you're going to find lists that conflict with each other and if you don't understand why the foods are on the list you just get more and more confused food number 10 is white bread and you're probably going duh because everyone has been told you have heard that white bread is really bad but i'm also willing to bet that you have been told that wheat bread is really good but here's the problem they're both wheat wheat is just the type of grain and when they call it white that's not really something very different it just means that there's less fiber and less vitamins left because it has been more processed and when they say wheat bread they're not really talking about the type of grain they're usually referring to a whole grain bread that has a little bit more fiber and a little bit more vitamins and now what we're being told is that white bread's bad because it's empty calories it's highly processed etc but that we eat lots of whole wheat whole grain bread because this fiber slows down the absorption and lowers the glycemic index is what we're being told so glycemic index is a measurement of how quickly your blood sugar rises after you eat a certain food so let's take a look at how big a is and for white bread the glycemic index is 75 which is really really fast and for wheat bread it's 74 that's not a big difference when i talk about a low glycemic index food i'm talking about things like meat and avocado and nuts and healthy fats and so forth and those are going to measure in single digits or maybe in the teens and the amount of fiber that you're getting from these grains is not a whole lot the white bread would have a half a gram per slice the wheat would have 2.02 grams per slice that's not a whole lot because you would get that much or more from virtually any serving of vegetables and what we're really looking for is the soluble fiber so fiber is just anything that we can't digest they call it roughage sometimes but the really useful part of fiber is the soluble fiber because that can be used as food by your gut bacteria even though you can't break down fiber they can break down the soluble portion so in white bread the soluble portion is only 0.15 grams and in whole wheat it's 0.6 so the whole grain wheat will give you a little bit more but neither of them will give you a substantial amount there's nothing to write home about and you're much better off eating other vegetables and getting several servings because what white bread and what any kind of bread does mostly is just to jack up your blood sugar and cause insulin spikes and blood sugar roller coasters but how is it that something that's called a complex slow carb gets absorbed so quickly and why is it that so few people know about this you may have seen me draw this out before but I'm going to do it one more time because this is still a mystery to most people this is called a glucose molecule this is a six carbon ring that when we eat foods containing glucose this gets into the bloodstream and becomes blood sugar blood glucose now we understand what a sugar is it tastes sweet but if we have this in the form of chains if we take these same glucose molecules and we link them up in long chains and this could be chains of hundreds or thousands or even tens of thousands of molecules now it's called a starch but it's the exact same molecule it's just hooked together by a little linkage and this is called a sugar this is called a starch but as soon as you put this in your mouth as soon as you take a bite of bread there's an enzyme called amylase that starts breaking down these little linkages and you already are going to break off some of these individual glucose molecules already in the mouth before you even have finished chewing or swallowing some of these are going to be separated and they're ready to be absorbed as soon as you swallow and this is why starches contribute so much to increased blood sugar and the fact that there's a little bit left of fiber a little more fiber in the wheat in the whole grain bread these still break off so quickly that there's virtually no difference between them so next time you're told to avoid white bread you need to put the white in parentheses and you need to underline bread and understand that the same properties hold true for both of them and here's a little tidbit for a comparison when insulin dependent diabetics take too much insulin or they don't eat enough for a while then their blood sugar could drop to the point where they become unconscious and if you come across a person like that then you need to give them some sugar you need to give them something that raises blood sugar very very quickly and what you're usually told to give them is a candy bar or more popularly orange juice or a soda something that's very sweet and orange juice is indeed very sweet but it only has a glycemic index of 48 so that's still high on on my scale but it's not as high as starch because these little things get lopped off so quickly that they are becoming glucose within minutes and then to make things worse wheat and the grain wheat is one of the most allergenic foods that we have most people have some degree of sensitivity to wheat whether they it or not and when you have a sensitivity reaction now that creates inflammation and it can also contribute to digestive issues so now that we understand this principle here now we have a few dishonorable mentions on to add to the list and that would be things like rice and quick oats and pretty much grains in general because they're all mostly starch now i don't think everyone needs to avoid the grains completely but if you eat some grains then you need to focus on the ancient grains the ones that humans haven't changed or manipulated grains that are pretty much the way they were tens of thousands of years ago and the earliest grains were called emmer and einkorn and some more of these ancient grains would be spelt which is another wheat and rye and oats and if you eat some of these grains then you need to focus on the whole grain which means you take the whole kernel and grind it down to flour or better yet you eat the whole kernel for example if you have oats and you keep the kernel intact maybe you chop it into a couple of pieces that's called steel cut oats and now you still have the whole kernel and it is vastly different than the quick oats that have been steam rolled and flattened to paper thin because they're going to be absorbed much much quicker it takes the body seconds to minutes to start breaking off these molecules of glucose whereas in the whole kernel the surface area keeps it together the surface area is much smaller and therefore we're going to absorb it much much slower another thing you've probably heard is to go gluten-free and i think that's true for most people i think the vast majority of people would do better to reduce or eliminate gluten from their diet but it's far from the only thing that matters there's other things especially in the modern wheat that's been hybridized so many times and it's grown with glyphosate and so forth even so most people would do better without gluten in my opinion and the only things up here that don't have gluten would be rice and oats and then you want to keep in mind that you need to get if you're very sensitive to gluten you need to get the certified gluten-free oats because they don't have gluten in themselves but they're usually processed on the same type of equipment so if you buy it in the store and it doesn't say gluten-free it will have some gluten in it and then food number nine is fruit juice and number eight is sugary cereal and i'm going to talk about them together because they are so often considered part of a healthy breakfast how many million times have you heard that in a commercial and a typical healthy such breakfast which a lot of people eat if you eat a breakfast buffet in a hotel or in a restaurant you would probably get some orange juice some skim milk with cereal you might get some toast and jam and then of course some coffee with sugar and cream or half and half and a lot of people you'd be surprised how many people would pick this breakfast over something like sausage or bacon or eggs or omelet and the biggest reason they would pick it is that this is a low-fat breakfast but fat is not the thing that matters what matters is what is it that's going to jack up your blood sugar and how processed is it and these are highly highly processed whereas if you got some sausage and eggs they are minimally processed they're very close to how that food occurs naturally and now if we add up the carbohydrates here we're going to get about 25 grams from the orange juice 12 from the milk 34 from the cereal 49 from toast and jam and about 11 from the sugar and the creamer or milk or half and half and if we add this up we're going to get 131 grams of net carbohydrates and it's different for different people but in my opinion that's about twice as much carbohydrate as you should eat on a daily basis this is twice as much as you should have on in a whole day and if you are overweight or if you're trying to reverse a condition of inflammation or diabetes or insulin resistance then it should be even less than half of that if you want to make some good progress but that's not even the worst of it because what really matters is also the type of sugar that we have so glucose is one type of sugar that's a single ring but when we talk about sugar for the most part and when people talk about sugar that you want to avoid it's going to be the added sugar or sugar in orange juice because that sugar has two sugars in it they're linked together so it's a six carbon ring called glucose and then there is a five carbon ring called fructose and this is white table sugar and the reason you're told to avoid the table sugar the added sugar is that this is more than twice as bad with these two molecules the glucose portion will raise blood sugar and that's bad enough but that's not really a disaster by itself the fructose is the disaster because fructose is very much like alcohol in that it can only be processed through the liver and therefore if you eat a little bit no problem if you eat a lot now you will quickly overwhelm that liver and cause a fatty liver and this is the difference between cultures that have eaten starch for centuries they've eaten rice they've eaten bread and they haven't developed a whole lot of chronic disease or diabetes but then they become sedentary and they add the added sugar with the fructose portion and now we see diabetes rates increasing exponentially so if we go back and look at this so-called healthy breakfast we see that the orange juice almost all of the carbohydrates are sugar and even though this is not added sugar the naturally occurring sugar in orange juice is exactly the same as the added sugar as white table sugar it is no difference it's glucose and fructose in roughly a 50-50 ratio and then the if we eat more of a kid cereal or an adult cereal is going to vary so 18 grams is more on the sweeter side but it's not extreme and then we have the toast and the jam and most of this is from the jam but believe it or not something like six to eight grams of sugar is going to be in a couple of pieces of toast because they add sugar to the toast as well and then we have a couple of teaspoons of sugar in the coffee and now we have 83 grams of sugar in this breakfast and the only sugar that's not exactly this the 50-50 ratio of glucose and fructose is the skim milk because the sugar in milk is different it's lactose which isn't nearly as bad but if we subtract the lactose and divide by two we're getting that the fructose portion of this that is going to clog up the liver and act like alcohol pretty much is 39 grams of fructose and this is why once we have started eating all this sugar that sugar specifically fructose is the number one cause of fatty liver it used to be that alcoholics only could get fatty liver now most is called non-alcoholic fatty liver and it's the fructose doing it and we start getting adult onset type 2 diabetes in pre-teenagers so I hope you can see that it's not such a healthy breakfast after all and it breaks my heart when I see families in hotels and they feed their kids this stuff and the kids are so addicted to it they won't even have a slice of ham or a little bit of an egg because this is the stuff that's the sweet stuff they're hooked on food number seven that destroys your body is fast food and very often if you read these nutrition sheets in fast food restaurants they're going to talk all about macros and calories and macros is how many calories what percentage of calories come from fat protein and carbohydrates and very often they're not going to look terrible compared to the recommendation so they promote this food as being relatively healthy or no worse than the average fare so let's look at some of the differences between the fast food and the real food for starters real food is going to have much more nutrients it's going to have enzymes processed food fast food is really not going to have any enzymes at all and real food is also going to have a whole lot more fiber so most people don't realize this but real food contains all the nutrients and all the enzymes that we need to process it and break it down the reason food has vitamins is that we need the vitamins to utilize the food we need the vitamins to turn it into energy and into body parts and reconfigure something called metabolism and anabolism to break down and rebuild we need the nutrients the minerals the vitamins and the enzymes and one of the biggest reason we get nutritionally deficient from fast food is that they have killed off they have depleted most of the nutrients and killed off all the enzymes in the food so instead the fast food is going to have sugar and chemicals and hormones sugar makes people eat this bland tasteless food chemicals will add more to create a flavor profile because they've killed off everything that tastes anything and because they use the cheapest possible ingredients it's going to have all of the worst chemicals and some hormones left in there so in other words real food is going to be complete it's going to have everything in it that you need whereas fast food will be incomplete or depleted real food which has more protein more healthy fats and more fiber is going to be absorbed slowly your blood sugar is barely going to budge at all so if you start off at 85 which is a good fasting blood sugar you could eat a big meal of whole food and it probably won't go over 110 whereas with fast food it is harshly processed it is depleted has tons of sugar tons of starch which is processed so that the starch has released very very quickly so now you're going to get these blood sugar spikes and with whole food real food you will stay full much much longer whereas with fast food you get hungry again after a couple of hours and also real food is going to have real fats they're going to have healthy fats that heal the body that's going to be the polyunsaturated fats in fish it's going to be the saturated and monounsaturated fats in meat and olive oil and nuts whereas the fast food is going to have all of it is going to be processed plant oils there's going to be a little bit of fat from the meat but the vast majority of fat in the fast food meal is going to be plant-based harshly processed oils and food number six that can kill you is alcohol now the thing we need to understand is alcohol is natural it's a natural substance it has often been associated with longevity with living longer having a good life and there's a lot of cultures that drink wine as a food beverage it's part of their culture to drink on a regular basis and I don't think that there's really anything healthy about alcohol but what it does do is it helps with stress reduction it helps people feel good and feeling good is one of the most important things if you want to get healthy because when you're happy the body heals when you're stressed and feel miserable you're interfering with that healing mechanism now here's the problem though the wines the alcohol's ability to make you feel better is what we sometimes call psychotrophic it can change how the mind works it can change how you feel and now it also becomes very very addictive so while some people can have a glass of wine and relax other people will just want more and more and more and it's this excess that is very very dangerous very destructive because now not only do you get addicted to alcohol but you don't really care about eating either so you get most of your calories from alcohol you get a fatty liver you get severely nutrient deficient and this excess alcohol will destroy both the brain and the liver and the fifth thing you want to stay away from is artificial sweeteners and I can't tell you enough how much I dislike these the main ones are going to be aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame potassium or acesulfame k and an older one was saccharin this was the first one on the scene and it's not used so much anymore because these others are preferred flavor wise so these four sweeteners are non-caloric meaning your body cannot derive any calories or any energy from them and that's why they're so popular because we think calories are the enemy and if we just eat things without calories we'll be fine and you've probably heard people use these words interchangeably they say non-caloric or artificial sweetener as if they were the same thing no but there are also some things that are non-caloric but not artificial and here I'm talking about stevia and monk fruit which are plant extracts so artificial sweeteners they are artificial chemicals that are similar to pesticides and sucralose for example belongs in a family of chemicals known as chlorocarbons and the type of bond between chlorine and carbon that occurs in sucralose does not occur in nature no matter what you've been told instead it's similar to a lot of pesticides that have been banned such as DDT for example and there's dozens of other chlorocarbons that have been banned and cancerous and recently they found that sucralose will actually break down DNA so these are things that you absolutely want to stay away from on the other hand the stevia and the monk fruit are plant extracts and you can use them safely but in moderation because large amounts of anything can start upsetting especially because these things are extracted if you ate the whole stevia plant then you'll probably be fine and eat as much as you like and the only drawback that I've heard about stevia and monk fruit and this is kind of new and not very well known exactly how it works is that some of these sweet tasting things may still affect your gut flora negatively so I would say for the time being use them sparingly use it for a treat but don't just bury everything you eat in stevia and monk fruit the fourth thing you want to avoid is deep fried foods for the most part because it's not the deep frying in itself that's a problem even though that's what you've been told that fried food has too many calories that's not what the problem is the problem is the type of oil so they start off with a plant oil from either a soybean or a canola or a corn oil typically and these are fairly high in polyunsaturated fatty acids and we've been told that those are generally good that those are the fats you want that's not true we need a tiny tiny little bit of polyunsaturated fats called EPA and DHA but they should come from fish oil the other polyunsaturated fatty acids are very very sensitive they break down they're not supposed to be consumed for energy for us to use as fuel and when we process these plant oils we take these polyunsaturated fatty acids we expose them to high heat and pressure and they are super sensitive they'll go rancid in a matter of hours or days in room temperature and now we expose them to this high heat and pressure so we destroy them very quickly and to make matters even worse they even use chemicals and solvents like acetone to get the last bit of oil out of the raw materials so the first problem with deep frying is that almost all of it is using this type of oil the second problem is that because it's very expensive they can't throw the oil away after each batch so they keep reusing it over and over and over and now that oil for every time the longer it sits there it gets more oxidized and more rancid and more toxic and food number three is margarine this used to be something that we were told was so healthy would revolutionize our health we should eat all margarine and no butter and this was introduced in the 1950s and 60s and it really took off and the oil that they use for margarine is exactly the type of oil that we just talked about how they destroy the oil how it's so unnatural and unhealthy to start with but then they do one more thing to make margarine because oil is liquid and margarine is solid how do they do that well they use a process called hydrogenation so now they take this oil and they bombard it with hydrogen under heat and pressure and now you get something called partially hydrogenated oils and these are also known as trans fats and these are universally recognized as so bad that they haven't been banned but almost you have to label all food packages whether they have trans fats or not but it's not quite that simple either because there are ways to get around it and a lot of packages that you find are going to say trans fat free and some of them are going to say trans fat free per serving so what does that mean well it means that they shrink down the serving so that as long as there is less than half a gram of trans fats they can round it to zero so if you have 0.99999 grams of trans fats you can round it to zero and call it trans fat free even though it might have five or even ten percent trans fats depending on the serving size they choose so you want to make sure that you read the label and you look for like hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated so that is the absolute worst but you really don't want to eat margarine anyway because of the oils that they start off with number two is energy drinks and these are hugely popular you see everyone drinking them because people are so stressed and they're under so much pressure and they are so sleep deprived that they think that they need something like this to make it through the day and be productive and that's how these things are sold and these drinks are usually loaded up with caffeine which is a stimulant and if you wanted to get caffeine you could of course have a cup of coffee or two but keep it in moderation because otherwise you're buying into a lot of this as well now caffeine is a stimulant sometimes they use other stimulants as well and then of course they pump it full of sugar or these artificial sweeteners that we just talked about before but the question is do these drinks actually give you energy well there's sugar in here so sugar could turn into calories and technically give us some energy but that's not what these drinks do these drinks are stimulants they don't give you energy they borrow energy as I like to call it it's not that these cause your body to make more energy they just drive your body harder and I like to compare energy drinks to credit cards and very often they're marketed the same way they give you all these promises of quality of life it's if you just get one more credit card then your economy will be than it's ever been and it seems on the surface like both energy drinks and credit cards can help you get things done like if you have a crisis if you're in a bind they could get you through that moment the short-term moment but the problem with both energy drinks and credit card is that afterwards you have to pay it back so when you borrow you're kind of depleting resources you're actually getting less of the things that you want and then later on you have to pay it back and with the energy drinks what you're doing is you're borrowing from your health and you have to pay it back and in terms of side effects and what energy drinks actually do is they increase blood pressure they've been associated with heart palpitations with heart arrhythmias with anxiety with insomnia with digestive disturbances and with adrenal fatigue so you tell me do they add to your health do they give you energy or is it not such a good idea and the number one food that destroys your health is sugary drinks like soda and like we talked about they're full of sugar that has glucose and fructose they are very often don't use regular sugar but high fructose corn syrup which is a little bit worse because instead of being bound to each other like in a disaccharide where they're but you get all the bad effects from the fructose so you're getting on a blood sugar roller coaster you are getting empty calories and this is why you can have a soda and 10 minutes later you have another one and another one and another one because there's nothing satisfying about it and in terms of negative health effects and chronic disease we have the fatty liver that we talked about we have insulin resistance type 2 diabetes inflammation and dysbiosis and the reason soda is the worst is that it's everywhere and it is so easy to continue to consume it most of the stuff that you eat whether it's a cookie or an ice cream you're going to get some fullness some satisfaction from it and you're going to get tired of it but soda you just keep going keep going it's so easy to have this giant tumbler and sip it throughout the day and soda contributes the most the largest amount of sugar and fructose to our diet and it's since the high fructose corn syrup and the soda really exploded that we saw this epidemic of type 2 diabetes.
健康冠軍們好,今天我們要講的是能毀掉你健康的十大食物 為什麼有人會吃會毀掉他們健康的東西 這就是為什麼你真的需要看這個視頻並密切關注 因為也許你不在乎 也許你會說,嘿,人生苦短,不能不盡情享受也有可能你認為這並不重要 很多人並沒有因為吃了什麼而感覺有什麼不同 也許他們還沒有真正生病 也許他們還年輕,他們只是沒有注意到很多事情因為大多數人並不真正瞭解食物是什麼 越來越多的人生病了,他們想做正確的事,想學習,想吃正確的東西,想照顧好自己,但他們總是被告知錯誤的事情。我們不能再吹毛求疵,我們要了解大局,我們不能
So have you heard about naturalism?
This is pretty much a lost cause.
It used to be a principle that humans recognize but we've pretty much gone completely away from it and included in this principle is that if God or nature made it then it's probably okay.
We get a check mark.
It's kind of hard to mess up if you just eat natural things.
Now if humans have altered it, if we have changed it, broken it down, added things, pulverized it, reconstituted it, now we get a question mark.
It's not necessarily bad but usually and it pretty much depends on how much did we alter it.
Is it still closer to the original form or is it completely different?
So for example if we had a steak that would be in the first category.
That's the way it was made.
It's very natural.
Now if we grind it up into ground beef and make patties it's still very very close.
It's minimally processed but if we take that same meat and we dry it and we soak it in chemicals and MSG and flavoring compounds and we add 30% sugar, now we have altered it quite a bit.
它的加工程度很低,但如果我們把同樣的肉晒乾,浸泡在化學品、味精和調味化合物中,再加入 30% 的糖,現在我們已經對它進行了相當大的改動。
Now it's not so great anymore.
And then we have completely synthetic.
These are molecules and chemicals that don't occur naturally in nature and definitely are not supposed to be in our bodies and those would be things like artificial sweeteners but also things like synthetic drugs, things like medication and I'm not telling you to get off any medication because there's a reason someone prescribed it for you but we need to understand that a synthetic medication can't add anything to the body that your body is looking for.
It can never increase your function or your health.
Sometimes it's necessary but if there is a way to support the body with natural things then over time you want to try to build the body up so that your body doesn't need that synthetic thing anymore.
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