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  • Auntie Maxime, I wanted to thank you for your welcome, and I pay my respects to you and to elders past and present.


  • So I'm going to start with 1967, the year I was born in the state of Montana, USA.

    所以我要從 1967 年說起,那一年我出生在美國蒙大拿州。

  • This is four and a half years after the Cuban Missile Crisis brought us as close to nuclear war as we probably ever have known.


  • The Cold War was full throttle, which I never forgot because Minuteman missile silos were in my backyard and all around.


  • The next year, 1968, well this was a year of great change.

    第二年,1968 年,這一年發生了巨大的變化。

  • Around the world, mass protests broke out, largely by young people in the U.S. where I lived, but here in Australia, Western Europe, as well as Northern Ireland, Mexico, Brazil, and even within the Soviet bloc, Prague, but also Warsaw and Yugoslavia.


  • The protests were a symptom, a symptom that young people were not happy with the status quo.


  • These protests caused death, destruction, and misery, but they also provided the impetus for collective decision making that set the stage for the world to go through a period of growth and our collective prosperity unparalleled in human history.


  • This included, in 1968, the drafting of the Non-Proliferation Nuclear Weapons Treaty, which stands to this day.

    其中包括在 1968 年起草了至今仍然有效的《不擴散核武器條約》。

  • It included the expansion of the civil rights of minority groups and women, not just in the U.S., but also in many countries around the world, including a start here in Australia, and it was the beginning of the environmental movement, all within that short period of about 12 months.

    它包括擴大少數群體和婦女的公民權利,不僅在美國如此,在世界許多國家也是如此,包括在澳洲開始,它也是環保運動的開端,所有這一切都發生在這短短的約 12 個月內。

  • Now many of the protests were directed against oppression and war, and here the protests were arguably, at least in the short term, less successful.


  • But they did set the stage for, they did set the stage for what was a very good rise of democracy in the years that came, as shown in this graph.


  • The Vietnam War was delegitimized by these protests within the U.S. and its allies, and while the war took a long time to scale down as killing continued to 1975, it was the last giant war that we have had, and we've had many terrible conflicts since, but the world has largely avoided the massive conflicts that plagued humanity from 1915 to 1975.

    美國及其盟國內部的這些抗議活動使越南戰爭失去了合法性,雖然這場戰爭在持續到 1975 年的殺戮過程中花了很長時間才逐漸平息,但它是我們經歷的最後一場大規模戰爭,此後我們經歷了許多可怕的衝突,但世界在很大程度上避免了從 1915 年到 1975 年困擾人類的大規模衝突。

  • Now when I was born in 1967, there were 3.5 billion people on the earth, and in 1968, the book The Population Bomb laid out a dire future for humanity as we were seemingly going to overwhelm the resources of earth with our sheer numbers, with mass starvation on the horizon.

    1968 年,《人口爆炸》一書為人類描繪了一個可怕的未來,因為我們的數量似乎將使地球資源不堪重負,大規模饑荒即將來臨。

  • My parents had a copy of this book, and I remember reading it when I was 13, and I have to admit I was a bit freaked out by it.

    我父母有一本這本書,我記得我 13 歲的時候讀過這本書,我不得不承認我當時有點被它嚇壞了。

  • But the Green Revolution, powered by decades of agricultural research, well it swept across the planet, and thankfully has enabled humanity thus far to postpone the sustainability crisis for most of the earth's 8.2 billion inhabitants.

    但是,數十年農業研究推動的綠色革命席捲了整個地球,並使人類得以延後地球上 82 億居民中大多數人的可持續發展危機。

  • Over that time, despite more than doubling of the population in my 57 years on earth, poverty has been substantially reduced worldwide.

    在這段時間裡,儘管我在地球上的 57 年裡人口增長了一倍多,但全世界的貧困現象已大幅減少。

  • Now, let's move the clock forward to 2024.

    現在,讓我們把時間撥到 2024 年。

  • I fear we have begun to lose our way once again in our global decision-making.


  • The rise of democracy has ended, and it's beginning to fall away.


  • If we go through and look at armed conflicts, deaths in armed conflicts have in the last 10 years taken a terrible upturn, with the current wars in the Middle East and Ukraine making news on a daily basis, and the civil wars of South Sudan and Myanmar still happening, although more invisible, with tens of thousands of civilians cruelly dying, with no end in sight and seemingly no will to stop.

    如果我們回顧一下武裝衝突,武裝衝突中的死亡人數在過去 10 年裡急劇上升,目前中東和烏克蘭的戰爭每天都是新聞,南蘇丹和緬甸的內戰仍在發生,儘管更加隱蔽,數以萬計的平民殘酷地死去,看不到盡頭,似乎也沒有停止的意願。

  • Nuclear non-proliferation.


  • Well, the world can be proud that it set in reverse nuclear proliferation starting in 1968.

    從 1968 年開始,核擴散的趨勢開始逆轉,這一點值得全世界驕傲。

  • But we have had recent nuclear states emerge, North Korea, but also Pakistan and India, all expanding their arsenals, and now an old state, China, looking to increase its stockpiles to more closely match that of the United States.


  • Non-proliferation is seemingly off the agenda of the world's governments, but it is not off the agenda of the world's people, and I was very gratified to see the Nobel Peace Prize given this year to Nihon Hidakyo, because, indeed, nuclear weapons must never be used again.


  • Global nutritional sustainability is once again under threat.


  • Our agricultural productivity is not increasing fast enough to meet the needs of the additional 1.5 billion people set to join the planet by 2050.

    我們的農業生產力增長不夠快,無法滿足到 2050 年地球上將新增的 15 億人口的需求。

  • And this is even more true when we look at the headwinds caused by climate change, as Humanity, despite an almost 50-year warning, has not managed to limit the increase in greenhouse gases.

    而當我們看到氣候變化所帶來的不利因素時,情況就更加如此了,因為儘管人類已經發出了近 50 年的警告,但仍未能限制溫室氣體的增加。

  • Indeed, in the last decade, the CO2 content in the atmosphere has increased at the highest rate in measurement history.


  • Our global mean temperature surpassed 1.5 C degrees total warming just this year, many, many years earlier than anticipated, and while I hope that this is just a blip, I fear it might not be.

    就在今年,我們的全球平均氣溫總升溫超過了 1.5 攝氏度,這比預期的時間早了很多很多年,雖然我希望這只是一個小插曲,但我擔心它可能不是。

  • Humanity, through arguably one of our most prosperous times in our history, has started once again accumulating risks that we should all find scary.


  • But it's not hopeless.


  • But neither is it, as we say here, a should-be-right moment.


  • We must act definitively, like in the late 60s, 70s, and 80s, and collectively.

    我們必須採取明確的行動,就像上世紀 60 年代末、70 年代和 80 年代那樣,採取集體行動。

  • Because we never want to see one of these again.


  • We need to make it a priority amongst the nations of the world to decrease arsenals, put in place measures that help make sure that nuclear weapons are not used by intention or by accident, and that stop new nation-states from wanting to gain nuclear weapons, and help convince existing nations to decrease or eliminate their existing stockpiles.


  • We made progress in the height of the Cold War on this, and we can make progress again if it is a priority.


  • In my opinion, nuclear war ultimately remains at the top of humanity's existential risk list.


  • Food security.


  • The food security of the world is once again on the horizon.


  • We need a Green Revolution 2.0, or in 2050, the alarm sounded in the population bomb may well come back to bite us.

    我們需要一場 "綠色革命 2.0",否則到 2050 年,"人口炸彈 "敲響的警鐘很可能會反噬我們。

  • Our agricultural productivity is not keeping pace with what we need to feed the extra 80 million people inhabiting the planet each year, let alone dealing with the headwinds of climate change.

    我們的農業生產力跟不上每年為地球上新增的 8000 萬人口提供食物的需要,更不用說應對氣候變化帶來的不利影響了。

  • Now, agricultural research may not be the sexiest topic, but it is important.


  • And the research is not just STEM, because we need to ensure that the food that is grown is actually able to be used by those in need.


  • This is an eminently doable project, but it's one that is 25 years long and will need to involve players across the entire world.

    這是一個非常可行的項目,但它長達 25 年,需要全世界的參與者參與其中。

  • So the question is not how to do it.


  • It's the question, will we do it?


  • It will not just emerge, it requires effective global action.


  • Climate change is a big wicked problem.


  • It could well precipitate conflicts including nuclear war or mass starvation.


  • Lowering our emissions is no longer sufficient.


  • Yes, we still need to do it as fast as we can, but we need to not just quit emitting CO2.


  • We actually are going to have to start removing it from the atmosphere.


  • And the climate has already changed and will change more.


  • So we must work on adaptation, figuring out how to cope with a world whose climate is just different than what we're used to from the past.


  • Now, if there is one problem that should unify everyone on the planet, it is living sustainably on Earth.


  • But how do we get the institutions of the world to work together to deal with issues that our collective efforts can almost certainly largely mitigate?


  • Well, the Internet and the World Wide Web has in theory made collective decision making so much easier.


  • Every person has a voice, has access to almost the entirety of humanity's knowledge, and has the ability to communicate with literally any other person on the planet.


  • We can share, know, and act together in a way that simply has not been before possible.


  • But in practice, the Internet has allowed disinformation to take hold, for expertise to be disintermediated, and for everyone to pick and choose their own version of truth.


  • And no, this is not telling you to go out and get a vaccine.


  • This has effectively allowed everyone to go and pick their own version of truth based on their own priors, leading to a polarized world that is fragmented around different worldviews, rather than bringing it together as I had hoped.


  • The Internet has made each of us an information superpower, but we do not yet collectively have the skills and critical thinking to effectively use this superpower.


  • The Internet has turned from opportunity to a curse.


  • I believe a solution is working to enable every person to be able to effectively interact with humanity's collective wisdom.


  • This means educating young, and it is the young in practice who will educate the old, to be able to critically interact with information, and therefore be more immune to manipulation.


  • With the rise of generative AI, able to personalize disinformation en masse, regulation is certainly going to be required.


  • Disinformation is a cancer.


  • It's the enemy of humanity.


  • And in the same way that free speech does not allow you to yell fire in a theater, it deserves no protection.

    就像言論自由不允許你在劇院裡大喊 "著火了 "一樣,言論自由也不應該受到保護。

  • If we can control disinformation enabled by the Internet and AI, then these tools open the possibility of educating and assisting billions of people to make sensible decisions together.


  • Utopia?


  • Yeah, perhaps, yes.


  • But I have been impressed by the way that citizen juries are able to make robust and sensible decisions when average people are simply able to interact with accurate information.


  • Imagine such a process integrated into local, national, and international governance at a scale only a computer could possibly manage.


  • I believe this is not utopia.


  • It is possible.


  • And the curse of the Internet and AI can be reversed.


  • So let's come back to 1968.

    讓我們回到 1968 年。

  • A positive lesson of 1968 is that the will of the people can be very strong and influential.

    1968 年的一個積極教訓是,人民的意志可以非常強大並具有影響力。

  • But I live in hope that we can make our voices heard today in a way more peaceful than that time.


  • And not just for a year or two, but for every generation that follows.


  • This is ultimately our planet.


  • We have no plan B planet.

    我們沒有 B 計劃。

  • We all have to all learn to live on it, together, sustainably.


  • Thank you.


Auntie Maxime, I wanted to thank you for your welcome, and I pay my respects to you and to elders past and present.


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