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  • Just how deep does the ocean go?


  • If you took the highest point on land and submerged it, you would still have more than a mile between you and the deepest point in the oceans.


  • The oceans harbor 99% of all living space on Earth and have enough water to fill a bathtub that's 685 miles long on each side.

    海洋孕育了地球上 99% 的生物,其水量足以裝滿一個每邊長 685 英里的浴缸。

  • For scale, here's a human, and here's a blue whale, the largest animal on Earth.


  • Blue whales usually hunt at depths of around 330 feet within the well-lit zone of the ocean.

    藍鯨通常在約 330 英尺深的海洋光照充足區域內捕食。

  • Deeper down, at 700 feet, the USS Triton became the first submarine to circumnavigate the Earth in 1960.

    在更深的 700 英尺處,美國海軍 "海衛一 "號潛艇於 1960 年成為第一艘環繞地球航行的潛艇。

  • At 831 feet, we reached the deepest free dive in recorded history.

    在 831 英尺處,我們達到了有史以來最深的自由潛水深度。

  • Down here, the pressure is 26 times greater than at the surface, which would crush most human lungs.

    這裡的氣壓是地表氣壓的 26 倍,足以壓碎大部分人的肺。

  • But whales manage it, diving to a max depth of 1,640 feet where they hunt giant squid.

    但鯨魚卻能做到這一點,它們最多能潛到 1640 英尺深的水下捕食巨型魷魚。

  • At 2,400 feet, we reached the danger zone for modern nuclear attack submarines.

    在 2400 英尺處,我們到達了現代核攻擊潛艇的危險區。

  • Any deeper, and the submarine's hull would implode. 2,722 feet down is where the tip of the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, would reach.

    再深一些,潛艇的船體就會內爆。世界第一高樓哈利法塔的頂端就在 2722 英尺深處。

  • A little farther, at 3,280 feet, we're deep enough that sunlight can't reach us.

    再往前走一點,在 3280 英尺處,我們已經足夠深了,陽光照射不到我們。

  • We've now entered the midnight zone.


  • Many animals down here can't see, like these eyeless shrimp at 7,500 feet who thrive near scalding hot underwater volcanoes.


  • At this depth, temperatures are just a few degrees above freezing, but the waters around hydrothermal vents can heat up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit. 9,816 feet is the deepest any mammal has been recorded swimming, the Cuvier Beaked Whale.

    在這個深度,溫度僅比冰點高出幾度,但熱液噴口周圍的水域溫度可高達華氏 800 度。9816 英尺是有記錄以來任何哺乳動物遊得最深的地方,這就是庫維爾喙鯨。

  • But not even the Cuvier Beaked Whale could explore the RMS Titanic, which rests at a staggering depth of 12,500 feet.

    但是,即使是庫維爾喙鯨也無法探索泰坦尼克號,因為泰坦尼克號沉沒在令人震驚的 12500 英尺深的海底。

  • The pressure is now 378 times greater than at the surface.

    現在的壓力是地表壓力的 378 倍。

  • Yet you can still find sea life like the fangtooth, hagfish, and dumbo octopus, the deepest living octopus on Earth.


  • At 20,000 feet is the Hadal Zone, an area designated for the ocean's deepest trenches, like the Mariana Trench.

    在 20,000 英尺處是哈達爾區,這是海洋最深海溝的指定區域,如馬裡亞納海溝。

  • If you tipped Mount Everest into the Mariana Trench, its summit would reach down to 29,029 feet.

    如果將珠穆朗瑪峰翻入馬裡亞納海溝,其頂峰將直達 29029 英尺。

  • That still doesn't compare to the two deepest crewed missions in history.


  • In 2012, Director James Cameron descended to 35,756 feet for the Deep Sea Challenger mission.

    2012 年,導演詹姆斯-卡梅隆(James Cameron)下潛到 35 756 英尺深的海底執行 "深海挑戰者 "任務。

  • But Cameron didn't quite break the record, which was set by oceanographer Jacques Piccard and Lieutenant Don Walsh in 1960.

    但卡梅隆並沒有完全打破由海洋學家雅克-皮卡德和唐-沃爾什中尉在 1960 年創造的紀錄。

  • Piccard and Walsh descended to the lowest point on Earth, Challenger Deep, at a record 35,797 feet below the surface.

    皮卡爾和沃爾什下到了地球的最低點--挑戰者深淵,創紀錄地深入地表 35797 英尺。

  • Since then, scientists have sent half a dozen unmanned submersibles to explore Challenger Deep, including Keiko, which collected over 350 species off the seafloor between 1995 and 2003.

    從那時起,科學家們派出了半打無人潛水器去探索挑戰者深淵,其中包括 "慶子 "號,它在 1995 年至 2003 年期間在海底採集了 350 多個物種。

  • But scientists estimate there are potentially thousands of marine species we have yet to discover.


  • Humans have explored an estimated 5 to 10 percent of Earth's oceans.

    據估計,人類已經探索了地球上 5%到 10%的海洋。

  • We've only just begun to understand the deep, dark world that flows beneath us.


Just how deep does the ocean go?


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