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  • The Filet-O-Fish is one of the most famous items on the McDonald's menu.


  • How many Filet-O-Fishes did you eat?


  • That's over several months, Ryan.

    那是幾個月前的事了 Ryan

  • Before the advent of its fishy shtick, the fast food giant only sold burgers, fries, milkshakes, and various drinks like Coke, root beer, milk, and coffee.

    在 "魚腥味 "出現之前,這家快餐巨頭只出售漢堡、薯條、奶昔和各種飲料,如可樂、根啤、牛奶和咖啡。

  • These classic items served the chain well for over a decade.


  • But as the franchise expanded, so did the needs of the fast food loving public.


  • And the Filet-O-Fish caught our collective attention.

    而 Filet-O-Fish 則引起了我們的集體關注。

  • Hook, line, and sinker.


  • But how much fish is actually in a Filet-O-Fish?


  • And is it even fish?


  • Well, today, we're trawling the depths to figure out what's actually in a Filet-O-Fish.


  • But before we dive into today's video, be sure to subscribe to the Weird History Food channel.

    在我們開始觀看今天的視頻之前,請務必訂閱 "怪誕歷史美食 "頻道。

  • And let us know in the comments which historic fast food menu item you would like to hear about next.


  • OK, time to get to the bottom of this fish tank.


  • Lou Grohn was a World War II veteran and restaurateur who opened the Cincinnati area's first ever McDonald's location on January 13, 1959.

    Lou Grohn 是一名二戰老兵,也是一名餐館老闆,他於 1959 年 1 月 13 日在辛辛那提地區開設了第一家麥當勞分店。

  • By that point, Grohn had already managed a successful cafe and served as the president of the Restaurant Association of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.


  • So he should have had what it took to bring Mickey D's to a whole new market.


  • But much to Grohn's dismay, business was slow to start.


  • With the help of his wife and children, his humble fast food joint treaded water for two years, but just couldn't make enough money to stay afloat.


  • Their worst business day of the week was Friday, and not because the entire town was following some diet trend, although that was technically kind of the case.


  • Grohn's McDonald's only made around $75 every Friday because 87% of the population in his corner of Cincinnati was Catholic.

    格羅恩的麥當勞每週五隻能賺到 75 美元左右,因為他所在的辛辛那提有 87% 的人口信奉天主教。

  • And Catholics abstained from eating red meat on Fridays.


  • Unsurprisingly, this was bad news for a burger restaurant.


  • If Grohn wanted to keep his head above water, he'd have to come up with a way to reel in crowds on their holy days.


  • Luckily for him, he wasn't the only fast food restaurant in town.


  • Another local chain, Frisch's Big Boy, was thriving.

    當地的另一家連鎖店 Frisch's Big Boy 生意興隆。

  • And Grohn determined that the uptick in business had to do with the fish sandwich the place was serving to its Catholic patrons.


  • It became his mission to net himself some of that business.


  • So he went to work cooking up his own recipe for his newly dubbed Filet-O-Fish sandwich.

    於是,他開始為新命名的 "魚片三明治 "配製自己的食譜。

  • In 1961, Grohn took his sandwich all the way to the top, traveling to the McDonald's corporate office in Chicago to meet legendary owner Ray Kroc.

    1961 年,格羅恩帶著他的三明治來到位於芝加哥的麥當勞公司,見到了傳奇老闆雷-克洛克(Ray Kroc)。

  • But Kroc didn't take the bait.


  • In a 2006 interview, Grohn told Business Courier that Kroc was opposed to the idea because he didn't want his McDonald's restaurants stunk up with a smell of fish.

    在 2006 年的一次採訪中,格羅恩告訴《商業信使》,克羅克反對這個想法,因為他不希望自己的麥當勞餐廳被魚腥味弄得臭氣熏天。

  • As it happened, Kroc thought up his own meat-based alternative for practicing Catholics.


  • Enter the Hula Burger.


  • Kroc's innovative vegetarian burger was, wait for it, a slice of pineapple and cheese on a hamburger bun.


  • Points for creativity.


  • The renowned businessman was confusingly confident that his sweet and cheesy treat would have a mass appeal.


  • But he didn't want to dismiss Grohn's idea outright.


  • Apparently, in the mood for some friendly competition,


  • Kroc left the ultimate decision up to the public.


  • On Good Friday, 1962, Grohn's Filet-O-Fish sandwich and Kroc's Hula Burger battled it out in a few select McDonald's locations.

    1962 年的耶穌受難日,格羅恩的菲力-奧-魚三明治和克羅克的草裙舞漢堡在麥當勞的一些特定分店展開了激烈的競爭。

  • The terms of the deal were simple.


  • Whichever item sold the most by the end of the day would earn a permanent spot on the menu.


  • Unfortunately for Kroc, it wasn't so much a battle as it was a slaughter.


  • 350 Filet-O-Fish sandwiches were sold on that Good Friday, while the Hula Burger floundered with a measly six.

    在那個耶穌受難日,菲力魚三明治賣出了 350 個,而草裙漢堡只賣出了 6 個。

  • Talk about shooting fish in a barrel.

    說的就是 "槍打出頭鳥"。

  • After swallowing his pride and presumably a fish sandwich,


  • Kroc kept his word.


  • Throughout the next few years, the Filet-O-Fish was rolled out at McDonald's franchise locations across the country.

    在接下來的幾年裡,"菲力-奧-魚 "在全國各地的麥當勞加盟店陸續推出。

  • And in 1965, it officially became the first new item added to McDonald's national menu since Ray Kroc took over the chain.

    1965 年,它正式成為雷-克洛克接管麥當勞連鎖店後,麥當勞全國菜單上增加的第一個新項目。

  • Kroc joked that after all that work, the pope would change the rules.


  • And sure enough, the same year the Filet-O-Fish went national, the Second Vatican Council announced that red meat was no longer off the menu on all Fridays.

    果然,就在 "菲力魚 "風靡全國的同一年,梵蒂岡第二屆大公會議宣佈,所有星期五的菜單上都不再有紅肉。

  • Now, carnivorous Catholics only had to give up their meat during Lent.


  • But that didn't stop the Filet-O-Fish from becoming an exceedingly popular staple at McDonald's locations across the country.

    但這並不妨礙 "菲力魚 "成為麥當勞在全國各地的主打產品。

  • Over the six decades it has enjoyed being on the menu, it disappeared only briefly in 1996 as a part of McDonald's poorly conceived deluxe line.

    六十年來,麥當勞的菜單上一直有它的身影,只是在 1996 年作為麥當勞構思拙劣的豪華系列的一部分而短暫消失。

  • It returned soon after due to public outcry.


  • Also over those six decades, the Filet-O-Fish has been the subject of several marketing campaigns, though you probably don't remember most of them.


  • As it turns out, the big fish sells itself.


  • And the sandwich's original slogan, the fish that catches people, told us as much.

    三明治最初的口號 "釣人的魚 "也告訴了我們這一點。

  • Mickey D's stuck with that catchy slogan until 1976 when they introduced a fresh face to their growing lineup of mascot characters.

    米奇 D's一直堅持著這句朗朗上口的口號,直到 1976 年,他們為自己不斷壯大的吉祥物陣容引入了一張全新的面孔。

  • Mr. Phil A. O'Fish was a smiling fish wearing a fetching hat and a sea captain's jacket.


  • With a McDonald's logo emblazoned on the front, he carried a fishing net and encouraged hungry guests to try the Filet-O-Fish for a surprisingly good taste.


  • Despite Phil's best efforts to sell out his brethren and save his own tail, he was retired just a year later.


  • In place of Phil, McDonald's went through a slew of advertisements for the sandwich, including 1976's Food for Thought campaign, 1978's Deliciously Different slogan, and 2009's iconic Give Me Back That Filet-O-Fish commercials.

    取代菲爾的是麥當勞的一系列三明治廣告,包括 1976 年的 "Food for Thought "廣告、1978 年的 "Deliciously Different "口號以及 2009 年的標誌性 "Give Me Back That Filet-O-Fish" 廣告。

  • As for Grown, he opened a total of 42 McDonald's locations over the years and raked in millions of dollars until he sold the lot back to the company in 1986.

    至於 Grown,他多年來總共開設了 42 家麥當勞分店,賺取了數百萬美元,直到 1986 年才將這塊地賣回公司。

  • The titan of industry passed away in 2011, but his legacy lives on in his family, with many of his relatives owning their own McDonald's franchises, which all proudly serve his fishy creation.

    這位行業巨頭於 2011 年逝世,但他的遺產在他的家族中得以延續,他的許多親戚都擁有自己的麥當勞特許經營店,這些店都自豪地供應他創造的腥味食品。

  • OK, so we know the history of the sandwich.


  • Now it's time to find out what's actually in it, because there are a few phrases that send more terror through a foodie's spine than fast food seafood.


  • Along with its ever-changing marketing campaigns, the Filet-O-Fish has seen a fair few changes to its recipe over the years.


  • Originally, Grown's sandwich was a simple piece of battered halibut, tartar sauce, and a slice of cheese between two hamburger buns.

    最初,Grown 的三明治只是在兩個漢堡包之間夾上一塊簡單的烤比目魚、塔塔醬和一片奶酪。

  • Between its invention and its official launch in 1965,

    從發明到 1965 年正式推出、

  • Croc and Grown made a few tweaks.

    Croc 和 Grown 做了一些調整。

  • The first was trimming down that slice of cheese.


  • You may have noticed that the modern Filet-O-Fish, as we know it today, only comes with a half slice of cheese rather than a whole square.

    您可能已經注意到,如今我們所熟知的 "菲力魚"(Filet-O-Fish)只配有半片奶酪,而不是一整塊。

  • According to McDonald's Big Cheeses, this was because an entire slice would overpower the taste of fish.


  • But some suspect it was merely a cost-cutting measure.


  • The next change McDonald's made to the original recipe was the bun.


  • Rather than a traditional toasted hamburger bun, the Filet-O-Fish is served on a fluffier steamed bun, which helps keep the taste and texture of the fish from being overpowered.

    Filet-O-Fish 採用的不是傳統的烤漢堡包,而是更鬆軟的饅頭,這有助於保持魚肉的口感和質地,避免味道過重。

  • The third and final change to Grown's recipe was the fish itself.

    對 Grown 菜單的第三個也是最後一個改動是魚本身。

  • Halibut turned out to be too expensive to use on a nationwide scale.


  • Originally, the Filet-O-Fish was to be sold for $0.25, but the use of halibut made it cost $0.30.

    Filet-O-Fish 最初的售價是 0.25 美元,但由於使用了大比目魚,售價變成了 0.30 美元。

  • Cod became the fish of choice for the new sandwich.


  • But in order to avoid association with cod liver oil, they called the main ingredient by its fancier name,


  • North Atlantic Whitefish instead.


  • The deceptively marketed cod was the de facto Filet-O-Fish ingredient for 50 years at the fast food chain, but that changed in 2013.

    在這家快餐連鎖店的 50 年裡,被欺騙性銷售的鱈魚一直是 Filet-O-Fish 事實上的配料,但這種情況在 2013 年發生了變化。

  • After North Atlantic Whitefish were placed on the critically endangered species list,


  • McDonald's switched to the cheap and sustainable Alaska Pollock, which it still uses today.


  • But no matter what kind of fish you're slicing, none of them are square.


  • So why do the Filet-O-Fish patties boast such a specific square shape?


  • Well, according to Mickey D's corporate office, their Alaska Pollock is layered in whole filets and then cut into convenient blocks of fish flesh, which can then be easily processed and stored.

    據 Mickey D's 公司辦公室介紹,他們的阿拉斯加鱈魚是整片分層的,然後切成方便食用的魚肉塊,這樣就可以很容易地加工和儲存。

  • And we all know squares are the most delicious shape.


  • The breading of the patty also contains bleached white flour made with chemicals like benzoyl peroxide, potassium bromate, or chlorine.


  • Fish and chlorine usually don't mix, except at McDonald's.


  • Chlorine and peroxide aren't the only chemicals you may worry about when you pull up to your local McDonald's drive-thru for the catch of the day.


  • There is also a not-so-healthy dose of hydrogenated soybean oil in there for good measure.


  • Hydrogenated soybean oil is used in all sorts of fast food items because it helps keep them shelf-stable for longer periods of time.


  • But it has also been linked to diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.


  • And finally, the Filet-O-Fish is also hiding polysorbate 80, which is made from dehydrated sugar, alcohol, and fatty acids.

    最後,Filet-O-Fish 還隱藏了聚山梨醇酯 80,它是由脫水糖、酒精和脂肪酸製成的。

  • It helps to reduce fat separation in food.


  • But it's also used in household cleaners and cosmetics.


  • Hey, that Filet-O-Fish wants to look good.


  • If you're still hungry after all that toxic talk, we don't blame you.


  • There's a reason the Filet-O-Fish is as popular as it is.


  • And that reason is it's delicious.


  • It's so delicious that over the years, other famous fast food chains have tried to muscle in on McDonald's turf with the seafood surf wars.


  • Arby's, Bojangles, Burger King, Dairy Queen, Popeyes, Wendy's, and White Castle have all gone fishing for their own slice of the fish.

    Arby's、Bojangles、Burger King、Dairy Queen、Popeyes、Wendy's、White Castle 等餐廳也都開始 "撈魚"。

  • And if you're still hungry, you know


  • And while each restaurant puts its own spin on the classic sandwich, the public remains divided on which one is truly the most delicious.


  • But surprisingly, there's no debate on which is best for you.


  • According to a 2023 Men's Health article, even with all those worrying additives, the McDonald's Filet-O-Fish takes home the title of healthiest fish sandwich.

    根據 2023 年《男性健康》雜誌的一篇文章,即使有那麼多令人擔憂的添加劑,麥當勞的 Filet-O-Fish 還是獲得了最健康魚肉三明治的稱號。

  • Maybe that's why it still reigns supreme, selling around 300 million sandwiches annually.

    也許正因為如此,它至今仍佔據著至高無上的地位,每年售出約 3 億個三明治。

  • Even after all this time, the initial spark for the Filet-O-Fish's invention proves to be relevant, with around 25% of those sales occurring during Lent, bringing it all the way back to Lou Groan's original idea of making a sandwich to serve to his Catholic customers.

    即使過了這麼久,"菲力-奧-魚 "發明的最初火花仍被證明是有意義的,其中約 25% 的銷售額髮生在四旬齋期間,這又回到了盧-格魯安最初的想法,即製作一種三明治來招待他的天主教顧客。

  • Just don't let them go to Captain D's.

    只要別讓他們去 "D船長 "就好。

  • So what do you think?


  • Does the Filet-O-Fish's list of ingredients make you think twice about ordering one?

    Filet-O-Fish 的配料表是否會讓您在點餐時再三考慮?

  • Or is it so delicious you don't care?


  • Let us know in the comments below.


  • And if you enjoyed this video, please like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

    如果您喜歡這段視頻,請點贊、分享並訂閱我們的 YouTube 頻道。

  • And as always, we'll see you in the next video.


  • Bye.


  • Bye.


  • Bye.


  • Bye.


  • Bye.


  • Bye.


The Filet-O-Fish is one of the most famous items on the McDonald's menu.


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