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So first off, a little detail about arrays.
Arrays have what's called a random access property.
So in reality, arrays are just a proxy for your computer's RAM.
In case you don't know, RAM stands for Random Access Memory, and the R, the random, is really, really important.
如果你不知道,RAM 是 Random Access Memory(隨機存取存儲器)的縮寫,其中的 R(隨機)非常非常重要。
Basically what it means is that you can access any location, any index in the array, in uniform time.
So this is one of our constant time operations.
Independent of which particular index we're accessing in an array, we assume that it will take a uniform amount of time.
Accessing the first box takes just as long as accessing the middle box, or the end box.
Okay, so I use a metaphor for this.
I kind of think of it as a well-staffed library.
So imagine that you've got a library, and it's got one librarian dedicated to each book.
They're standing there holding their particular book.
Not only is there one librarian per book, but there are pitchers.
So if you want a particular book, you just call out the call number or the name of the book.
The librarian who has that particular book hears you, and they pitch the book to you.
It takes a uniform amount of time to access any book, because it doesn't really matter where it's located.
So we've got a whole collection of librarians, a whole collection of books, and we've got uniform access independent of location.
You ask for the first book, it's pitched at you, gets to you at the exact same time as the last book.
Okay, so let's go back to our discussion on arrays.
So arrays have some limitations.
So arrays have a fixed size when they're created, and that's basically due to how memory is managed.
So in order to overcome this, we have to manage our arrays.
So a common approach is to create a class.
So in Java, there's already an existing ArrayList class that you can leverage, and the class will have methods to manage the array.
是以,在 Java 中,已經存在一個 ArrayList 類,您可以利用它,該類將具有管理數組的方法。
The methods will do the kind of common operations that you would normally do on an array.
So for example, there will be some sort of a get method, and that's equivalent to accessing something in an array and assigning it to a variable.
例如,會有某種 get 方法,這相當於訪問數組中的內容並將其賦值給變量。
There's a set, which is just the opposite.
It's equivalent to assigning a value to a particular location in an array.
There's an append, which is equivalent to adding something onto the end of it.
And this is where we have to start worrying about the size of our array.
Also, often there's a size method that's equivalent to the .length property on Java arrays.
此外,通常還有一個 size 方法,相當於 Java 數組中的 .length 屬性。
Okay, so when we're managing an array, we can separate the notion of the size of the array into two different ideas, into the capacity, which is really like the length of the array.
It's how much the array can actually hold.
And also maybe some other variable, perhaps n, indicating the actual amount of data in the array at any particular time.
也許還有其他變量,也許是 n,表示在任何特定時間數組中的實際數據量。
Okay, so now we can pick different resizing strategies based on the separated notion of capacity and actual count of contents, capacity versus n.
好了,現在我們可以根據容量和實際內容數(容量與 n)的不同概念來選擇不同的調整策略了。
So one of our strategies would be the perfect size strategy.
We'll add exactly one space any time our array is out of space.
So the capacity would be equal to n at all times.
是以,容量在任何時候都等於 n。
The other approach that we can take is the doubling approach.
So when we're out of space, we could double the capacity of our array.
Okay, there are all kinds of varieties in between these two.
Instead of doubling, we could triple.
Instead of adding one, we could add four.
But essentially they break down into two broad categories.
Either we're adding a fixed constant amount of space every time we're out, for example, just one extra box every time we're out of space, or we're doing some sort of multiple, like doubling the capacity of our array.
Okay, so let's walk through kind of a concrete example of several array operations with each of these two approaches.
So let's go over an example of the first strategy, increasing the array size by one.
So this square represents my array, and I've just put one value in it.
Now on the graph below, the horizontal axis represents the operation I'm doing, the item that's being added, and the vertical axis represents the work.
So I've now completed one unit of work.
To add a second item, I'm going to have to create a new array, copy all my data over, and add my second item.
So if we think of the array creation as requiring two units of work to create the two boxes, and maybe we fill them in simultaneously, we're now up to two units of work, and so on.
To add my third item, I create a new array, copy things over, add my third item, and I'm up to three units of work.
And then my fourth item requires creating a new array, copying all of my data over, discarding my original array, and now I'm up to another four units of work.
And so on with the fifth item, the sixth item, the seventh item, the eighth item.
Okay, at this point you probably noticed that this is a lot of work.
So now let's try another approach to manage the size of the array.
When we run out of space, let's double it.
Just like before, we'll start by adding one item, and we'll count that as one unit of work.
Now we'll go to add a second item.
We're out of space, so we'll double the array.
It'll have a capacity of two.
We'll add our second item, discard our first array, and we've added two more units of work.
Finally, things will be different when we go to add our third item.
We're out of space, so we'll double the size of our array to contain a capacity of four.
We'll discard our old array, and we've done four units of work this time.
We're including creating the array in our count of work.
So at this point we've done more work than at the equivalent time in the other approach.
But when we add in our fourth item, there's already a space for it, so it only requires one additional unit of work.
When we go to add our fifth item, we're again out of space, so we'll double the size of our array to have a capacity of eight.
We copy over our original four pieces of data, and add in our new piece of data, and we're going to count that as eight units of work for the eight spaces in our array.
Now adding the sixth item, the seventh item, and the eighth item are trivial.
Each one just requires updating one position of the array.
One unit of work each.
Once again, our array is full, so to add in the ninth item, we're going to have to double the size of our array to have a total capacity of sixteen.
再一次,我們的數組已經滿了,所以要添加第九個項目,我們必須將數組的大小增加一倍,使總容量達到 16。
We'll again copy over the eight pieces of data that we've already got.
We'll add in our ninth piece of data.
We'll discard our old array.
And now we've done sixteen more units of work to create this array with sixteen positions.
現在我們又做了 16 個組織、部門的工作,創建了這個有 16 個位置的數組。
Now to add in our tenth item, and our eleventh item, and our twelfth item, and our thirteenth item, for each one unit of work, all the way up until we add in our sixteenth item.
One of the things that's interesting here is we're essentially building these towers, but the distance between each tower keeps getting twice as far apart.
If you wanted to think about the average amount of work we were doing, you could rearrange these, knock the towers over and flatten them out, and try and get an estimate of the average amount of work being done over those sixteen operations.
如果你想知道我們的平均工作量,你可以重新排列這些塔,把它們推倒壓平,然後試著估算出這 16 次操作的平均工作量。
So here you can kind of see a visual depiction of the amount of work that's being done on average.
Over our sixteen operations, on average, we're doing about three units of work each.
在我們的 16 項行動中,平均每項行動要完成約三個組織、部門的工作。
And that's the real advantage of the array doubling strategy.
Sometimes you do a little bit of work that might be strictly necessary, and you might use more space than you absolutely need.
But overall, on average, it's much, much faster to add items to the array and grow the array.